The 51 Best Phrases of Federico Moccia

David Holt

I leave you the best Federico Moccia quotes, the famous Italian author of several novels such as Sorry if I call you love, tonight tell me you love me, three meters above the sky or I desire you.

You may also be interested in these phrases by Walter Riso or these from famous books.

-Sympathy is essential. Born of imperfection.

-It feels good to think about the past when the future is scary.

-Prince Charming does not exist. Loving is something else: it is accepting a person with their flaws and mistakes.

-Things end when there is a reason for them to end, a valid reason.

-An accident can be positive or negative. It depends on how you look. How your life changes from that moment on.

-You only notice the wonder of a love when you've already lost it.

-There is only one thing that has the power to change a person's life: love.

-In life, we always look for explanations. We waste time looking for a reason. But sometimes it doesn't exist. And sad as it may seem, that is precisely the explanation.

-You can't have everything in life; however, it is necessary to aspire to it, because happiness is not a goal but a lifestyle.

-It may be necessary to travel before knowing what is the right goal for us.

-When the heart makes up its mind, when it has the courage to change its path, one should not wait.

-Some movies make life seem a lot easier than it is. That's why disappointments come later.

-The most beautiful love is a wrong calculation, an exception that proves the rule, that for which you have always used the word "never".

-Life ends only when you stop living.

-Sorry if I call you "love.

-It is you that you should not trust. Excessive safety makes you slip more easily.

-If you are all the time pending the opinion of others, what they will say, you are not free to tell your story. However, the best thing is the freedom to do it, you don't have to let yourself be conditioned.

-The secret behind a victory is not to play again. You have to know how to get up from the table at the right time.

-When you chase a dream, you find on the road many signs that indicate the direction, but if you are afraid you do not see them.

-Sometimes what might seem a rarity, something impure, is nothing but a different beauty, which we do not know how to accept. At least not yet.

-Suddenly it happens, something is triggered and at that moment you know that things are going to change and that is when you realize that things only happen once.

-Sometimes fear is an ugly thing. It does not let you live the most beautiful moments. It's kind of a curse if you don't know how to beat it.

-We were together, I forgot about the rest of the world.

-There are so many things that I miss. But today I want to not think.

-It could be said that in love, the pain is proportional to the beauty of the story that you have lived. A good maxim.

-Those who really die are those who do not live. Those who hold back because they are scared by what they will say. Those who make discounts to happiness.

-You are there, high, unreachable. There where only lovers arrive: You and I ... Three meters above the sky.

-Any decision inevitably entails a moment of pain and happiness.

-And I have decided to live my life as a fairy tale. Only it's not written yet. It is I who choose, step by step, moment by moment; I am the one who write my story

-I cry for the beauty of the love I felt. And that I no longer feel!

-Love is a wrong calculation, a bet to play that does not respond to our logic.

-I love you above all that we cannot see, above what we cannot know.

-When a love ends you can find everything, except why.

-And in an instant I remember everything that I could not tell you, everything I would have wanted you to know, the beauty of my love. That's what I would have wanted to show you.

-Remember, dream and follow my advice: lightness. A smile and everything will seem easier.

 -Life is a series of dreams that end badly, it is like a shooting star that fulfills someone else's wishes.

-There is no going back, you feel it, and just then you try to remember when it all started and you discover that it all started earlier than you thought.

-Love is like ghosts, everyone talks about it but few have seen it for real.

-I would look at you millions of times without ever learning you by heart.

-Love is like lightning, you don't know where it falls until it has fallen.

-Sometimes words can be dangerous, they get ahead of us and say more than we originally intended to express.

-Love is a flower that no one has ever given you and that you will always remember.

-And when you least expect it, when you think that everything is going in the wrong direction, that your life, programmed in every detail, is sinking ... suddenly, it happens.

-The strangest thing is that sometimes we do not realize how much the people around us love us.

-And it is there, right at that moment, when you realize that things only happen once, and no matter how hard you try, you will never feel the same again, you will never have the sensation of being three meters above the sky..

-Tuning is something that has to do with music. Or worse, with circuits. Love, on the other hand, is when you do not breathe, when it is absurd, when you miss it, when it is beautiful even though it is out of tune, when it is madness..

-Sooner or later the things you have left behind catch up with you. And the most stupid things, when you are in love, you remember them as the most beautiful, because their simplicity is unmatched.

-You find the best solutions on the fly. They are there, in the air, ready for us. Just catch them. It always depends on when we meet, of course, but thinking too much about one thing can spoil it..

-When you waste time on the phone, when the minutes pass without you noticing, when the words do not make sense, when you think that if someone will listen to you they would think you are crazy, when neither of you feel like hanging up, when after she has hung up you check that she really did it, then you are lost. Or rather, you are in love.

-Three meters above the sky is a sensation that runs through your body at 100,000 bytes per second, causing a blood supply that nourishes the heart until it makes it pump a thousand per hour. 

-There are moments when everything seems possible and everything can change. In that everything is at hand. Easy and pretty. But suddenly the doubt arrives, the fear of being wrong and of not having understood well what the heart really feels.

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