The 51 Best Forrest Gump Phrases

Basil Manning

I leave you the best Forrest Gump quotes, a drama premiered in 1994, starring the American Tom Hanks, directed by Robert Zemechis and awarded six Oscars, among them for best film, best actor, best director, in addition to receiving other awards and nominations such as the Golden Globes and the People's Choice Awards.

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By Forrest Gump [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
-My God, turn me into a bird, so I can fly away. Far away from here -Jenny.

-They were trying to touch you. -Forrest.
-Many people try to touch me. But you can't be doing this all the time. -Jenny.

-Do you think I can fly if I try from this bridge, Forrest? -Jenny.
-What do you mean, Jenny? -Forrest.
-To nothing. -Jenny.

-Do you ever dream, Forrest, of who you want to be? -Jenny.
-Who am I going to be? Ain't I supposed to still be me? -Forrest.

-Forrest, I just wanted to tell you that I love you. -Forrest Gump.
-I love you too, dad. -Forrest Jr.
-I'll be right here when you get back. -Forrest Gump.

-You can't be doing this forever, Forrest. You can't be trying to rescue me all the time. -Jenny.

-My mom always had a way of explaining things so that I could understand them.

-Shhh…! My dad is taking a nap. -Jenny.

-My mom says stupid people will just stay stupid.

-Hello. My name is Forrest, Forrest Gump. Do you like a chocolate?.

-Sorry for ruining your New Years party Lieutenant Dan. She knew how to cigar.

-Bubba was going to become captain, but instead he died right by the river.

-Forrest, I never thanked you for saving my life.-Lieutenant Dan.
-He had never actually mentioned it, but I think he made his peace with God. -Forrest Gump.

-Have you found Jesus yet, Gump? -Lt. Dan.
-I didn't know we were supposed to be looking for him, sir. -Forrest Gump.

-The answer, my friend, is floating in the wind. -Jenny.

-A man named Forrest Gump, a gardener from Alabama who only takes sleep breaks has been running across the United States. -Reporter
-Lightning strike me! Forrest? -Jenny.

-Being in the army was easy enough. You just had to stand up straight, make your bed very well, and always answer all the questions they asked you with "Yes, Sergeant.".

-Listen, promise me something, okay? If you ever get in trouble, don't play the brave. Just run, okay? Just run. -Jenny.

-As I was saying, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue them, boil them, roast them, bake them, sauté them, fry them (…). You can make shrimp salad (…), shrimp burgers, and shrimp sandwiches. And that's pretty much it. -Bubba Blue.

-What is normal, anyway? -Forrest's mom.

-I just felt like I wanted to run.

-His name is Forrest. -Jenny.
-Like me. - Forrest.
-I named him in honor of his father.-Jenny.
Do you have a dad named Forrest too? -Forrest.
-You are his dad, Forrest. -Jenny

-I need to go pee! (speaking to John F. Kennedy)

-My mom always said that dying was part of life. Of course I wished it wasn't.

-Now, you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run as light as the wind. From that day on I decided that if I was going to go somewhere, I would run!

-You died on a Saturday morning. And here I put you under our tree. I caused your dad's house to be torn down to the ground. (…) Little Forrest is fine (…). I do his breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

-It wasn't always fun. Lieutenant Dan always had these curious feelings about Iraq, or the road. So he would yell at us, “Get down! Shut up! ” And then we did.

-Have you ever felt scared in Vietnam? -Jenny.
-Yes. Well, I don't know. Sometimes it stopped raining enough to let out the stars, and then it was beautiful. -Forrest.

-Your son is… different, Mrs. Gump. His IQ is seventy-five. -Director Hancock.
-Well, we're all different, Mr. Hancock. -Forrest's mom.

-All right, Forrest. Now you can open your eyes. Let's take a little hike around here. -Doctor.

-You understand? This is a school bus. -Driver.
-Of course, you are Dorothy Harris and I am Forrest Gump. -Forrest Jr.

-We always took long walks and looked for a man named Charlie. We never found that Charlie man.

-That's pretty much all I had to say about it..

-Will you marry me? Jenny would make a good husband. But why wouldn't you marry me? Why don't you love me Jenny? I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.

-Run Forrest! Runs! -Jenny.

-Then I felt like something had just popped out and bit me. Ah! Something jumped out and bit me!

-My mom told me never to get in a stranger's car. -Young Forrest Gump.

-If I had known that this was going to be the last time I was going to speak to Bubba, I would have thought of something better to say. "Hi Bubba".

-Remember what I told you, Forrest. You are equal to everyone else. Did you hear what I told you, Forrest? You are equal to the others. You are no different from them. -Forrest's mom.

-What happens to your legs? -Jenny.
-Emm, nothing, nothing's wrong with me, thanks. My legs are fine, great.-Forrest Gump.

-My name is Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump.

-Gump! What is your only purpose in this army? -Sergeant.
-Do whatever you tell me, Sergeant. -Forrest.
-You're a fucking genius, Gump! It is the best answer you have ever heard. You must have a C.I. of 160. -Sergento.

-My mom always said that life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gon get.

-My name is Benjamin Buford Blue. People call me Bubba. -Bubba Blue.

-He shouldn't hit you, Jenny.

-When I got tired, I slept. When I was hungry, I ate. When I had to go, you know, to the bathroom, I would.

-Forrest? -Bubba.
-Bubba? -Forrest.
-Why did this happen? -Bubba.
-They shot you. -Forrest.
-I want to go home. -Bubba.

-I don't know if each of us has a destiny, or if we are all accidentally floating in the breeze. I think it's a bit of both. Maybe they both happen at the same time. I miss you Jenny. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away.

-I ran for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours. (…) I think I'm very tired, I'll go home now.

-Although Lieutenant Dan did take care of my Bubba-Gump money. He invested my money in a company named after a fruit. And then I got a call from him saying that I didn't have to worry about money anymore.

-My mom said these were magic shoes. They could take me anywhere.

-The world will never be the same once you see it through Forrest Gump's eyes..

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