The 51 Best Spider-Man Quotes (Spiderman)

Alexander Pearson
The 51 Best Spider-Man Quotes (Spiderman)

I leave you the best Spider-Man or Spider-Man phrases, Marvel Comics superhero, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. It first appeared in August 1962, in Amazing Fantasy # 15..

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-Even though I can't remember ... Even though I don't really know you ... Every piece of instinct inside me wants to tear you apart, wants to hit you, wants to destroy you! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 56.

-Anyone can win a battle, when things are easy. When things are tough, when it really seems like there's no chance, that's when it counts. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 33.

-Regardless of whether a law is good or bad, moral or immoral, it is an idea, a philosophy, people ... but it seems that the fights for ideas jump the barrier of the real world and turn into battles of this world. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 538.

-What can I tell you? Go to hell! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 400.

-OMG! It is actually him. The green goblin comes again. -The Amazing Spider-Man # 136

-Take a good look at me Parker, look long and hard. This is the last face Spider-Man will see, the true face of the Green Goblin. Norman Osborn's face! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 39.

-If this is the triumph ... I would hate to be defeated. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 82.

-Empire State University. Where Spider-Man was born. And now where could he die. Oh what irony! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 526.

-You have shown that you are willing to sacrifice anyone, anything, to save yourself. And I no longer owe you anything. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man Annual # (1) 17.

-And I thought long hair problems for boys went away with the sixties! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 382.

-Life sucks sometimes ... but it's always worth living. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man Family # (1) 1.

-Stay away and, above all, ignore my anguished cry as a child, because this is going to hurt. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 579.

-Quiet doctor! How about you pick on someone your size? -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 3.

-I will find them. And when I do, I'm going to kill them. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 539.

-What do I do now? How did I lose like this? How worse can my life get? -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 624.

-I think I should face this… being Spider-Man lies precisely in the formation of a habit! It's like dating girls!… I can't stop doing it! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 26.

-I'm tired of it. I'm tired of accepting things as they are. I swear to you that from now on, when I'm around, no one is going to die! -The Amazing Spider-Man # 655.

-There's no need to fight for me, guys. There is plenty for everyone here. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 102.

-The Union of Superheroes only requires me to answer only one last minute call per customer! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 437.

-They should be ashamed of you! Not only did they try to hijack one of the most classic places in the city, they also did not call to make a reservation. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 51.

-Didn't I tell you not to share our plans? But that's the problem with women… they just can't keep their mouths shut! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 62.

-In the name of truth and justice and stuff, I have to go make the world a safe place. I hope I have not infringed any copyright with that line. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man, # 440.

-I hate when they say "Plan B". It is the supervillain code to say "blow everything up." -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 693.

-Well, I never thought to say this but ... Spider-Man is going to save me. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 567.

-Ah, what a delicious aroma! Chanel number 5 and oregano! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 381.

-My fault, this is all my fault! If only he had stopped him when he could! But I didn't, and now, Uncle Ben is dead. -Peter Parker, Amazing Fantasy # 15.

-I've done worse than kill you, Fisk. I have beaten you. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 542.

-Right now, I'd trade all of this from being Spider-Man to a rocking chair and a subscription to Reader's Digest. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 126.

-And with all my gear here in the security vault, for once in my Peter Parker life, I'm 100% spider-free. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 651.

-I see, but there's no way we can make it stop in time. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 353.

-They can't arrest me. I am the good one here. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 564.

-Goblin, listen to me! We need to talk. You are sick And I want to help you. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 97.

-Why is it that every time I want to put my life in order it almost always ends with me being late for school? -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 515.

-Mary Jane ... I'm never going to leave you alone again. Never. Never. Never. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 527.

-Face it tiger, you just won the lottery! -Mary Jane, The Amazing Spider-Man # 42.

-I'm sick of being Spider-Man, Doc! I want you to use your machine to take away my powers! Completely! Forever! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man, # 340.

-Fear not! The spider is here! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 37.

-People always keep warning me! It's good to know that they care about me! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 85.

-Oh, come on! Why did everything have to happen on this day? -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 13.

-Don't get the feeling that I'm mad at you… I just hate anyone who walks around town in a more garish outfit than mine! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man, # 46.

-What we have here is a communication failure! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 74.

-Did I just get rescued by two girls? Marvelous! -Peter, Parker Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #fifteen

-I am the spider. I am the duel of the night. I'm your worst nightmare brought to life, you vandal. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 589

-Being true to who I am is the most important thing. I realize now. And if I ignore it, everything else in my life, including my relationship with Mary Jane, will be nothing but ashes. M.J. was wrong! This is worth it! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 380.

-I need a place to change! A phone booth? Nah! Even I'm not that cheesy! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 221.

-You say you don't want the responsibility? Guess what? People like us… we don't have a choice -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man Annual # (1) 35.

-Loki created that monster! And if what Loki wanted was destruction, destruction is what we are going to give! . -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 351.

-One day you are going to make a mistake. And I'm going to be waiting for you! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 227.

-With great power comes great responsibility. -Uncle Ben, Amazing Fantasy # 15.

-God! No wonder you covered your head like you did! I don't know who you are, but something is true, just like to win a beauty pageant, you are not! -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man, # 43.

-Sometimes fighting fire with fire is not the answer. -Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man # 700.

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