I leave you the best phrases about Earth from great authors such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Rabindranath Tagore, Aristotle, William Shakespeare, Victor Hugo and many more.
You may also be interested in these phrases about the environment or are you about recycling.
-Trees are the efforts of the earth to speak with the listening sky.-Rabindranath Tagore.
-The Earth has music for all who listen.-George Santayana.
-On Earth there is no heaven, but there are parts of it.-Jules Renard.
-We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.-Native American Proverb.
-Earth is the mother and the grave of nature; His sepulchral den is his creative bosom.-William Shakespeare.
-There are no passengers on spaceship Earth: we are all crew members.-Herbert Marshall Mcluhan.
-Only by being aware of our planet Earth can we have a future for future generations.
-The Earth offers enough to satisfy the needs of every man, but not the greed of every man.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Earth is what we all have in common.-Wendell Berry.
-I am not an environmentalist. I am a warrior of the Earth.-Darryl Cherney.
-We have met the enemy and it is us.-Walt Kelly.
-The poetry of the Earth never this death.-John Keats.
-The Earth is insulted and offers the flowers in response.-Rabindranath Tagore.
-Nature does great works without expecting any reward.-Alexandr I. Herzen.
-If I knew the world would end tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today.-Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Turn a tree into firewood and it may burn for you; but it will no longer produce flowers or fruit.-Rabindranath Tagore.
-If we ever stop climate change, conserve Earth, water and other resources, not to mention reducing animal suffering, we must celebrate Earth Day at every meal.-Ingrid Newkirk.
-The good man is the friend of all living things.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-It produces an immense sadness to think that nature speaks while the human race does not listen to it.-Victor Hugo.
-Every day is Earth Day.-Unknown.
-The Earth never says one thing and wisdom another.-Juvenal.
-The beauty of nature lies in the details.-Natalie Angier.
-First it was necessary to civilize man in his relationship with man. Now it is necessary to civilize man in his relationship with nature and animals.-Victor Hugo.
-In all things in nature there is something wonderful.-Aristotle.
-Earth is the best art.-Andy Warhol.
-I conceive the Earth as belonging to a great family, of which many are dead, few are alive and an uncountable number remains to be born.-Unknown.
-Earth is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest, it is the only thing we share.-Lady Bird Johnson.
-Thank God that man cannot fly and poison the sky like the Earth.-Henry David Thoreau.
-Happiness nests more in the nobility of a forest than in luxury without green.-Carlos Thays.
-The proper use of science is not to conquer nature, but to live in it.-Barry Commoner.
-Probably more damage has been done to the Earth in the 20th century than in the entire previous history of mankind.-Jacques Yves Cousteau.
-Until now man has been against nature; from now on he will be against his own nature.-Dennis Gabor.
-Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught, will we realize that we cannot eat the money.-Indian proverb.
-He who plants trees loves others.-Thomas Fuller.
-Look deeply into nature and you will understand everything better.-Albert Einstein.
-The Earth loves our footsteps, and fears our hands.-Joaquín Araújo.
-Man is master of his destiny and his destiny is the Earth and he himself is destroying it until he has no destiny.-Frida Kahlo.
-The use of solar energy has not expanded because the oil industry does not own the sun.-Ralph Nader.
-The world is a dangerous place. Not because of those who do evil, but because of those who do nothing to prevent it.-Albert Einstein.
-After a visit to the beach, it is hard to believe that we live in a material world.-Pam Shaw.
-Two things that catch my attention: the intelligence of beasts and the bestiality of men.-Flora Tristán.
-There is nothing, for love, like Earth; I do not know if there is a better place.-Robert Frost.
-The Earth contains in itself evil and its remedy.-John Milton.
-We are terrible animals. I think the Earth's immune system is trying to get rid of us, as it should be.-Kurt Vonnegut.
-Don't take anything except photos, don't leave anything except footprints, don't kill anything except time.-Unknown.
-A true conservationist is someone who knows that the world has not been inherited from their parents, but borrowed from their children.-John James Audubon.
-The Earth is more weighed down by the weight of sin than by that of population.-Lane Kirkland.
-The Earth has a skin and that skin has diseases; one of them is man.-Unknown.
-The West's curious paradox, which cannot know without possessing and cannot possess without destroying.-Hernán Vidal.
-When a man kills a tiger they call it sport, when a tiger kills a man they call it ferocity.-George Bernard Shaw.
-Never doubt that a small group of committed and thoughtful citizens can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that has ever done it.-Margaret Mead.
-For 200 years we have been conquering nature. Now we are leading her to death.-Tom McMillan.
-In each nature walk one receives much more than what he is looking for.-John Muir.
-The Earth was small, blue, and so touchingly lonely. Our home must be defended as a holy relic. The Earth was absolutely round. I didn't know what the word round means until I saw the Earth from space.-Aleksei Leonov.
-To see the Earth as it really is, small, blue and beautiful in that eternal silence in which it floats, is to see ourselves together as brothers in that brilliant beauty.-Archibald MacLeish.
-To walk, we must first take care of the ground on which we are going to tread.-Unknown.
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