The 52 Best Phrases of Ezequiel Zamora

Basil Manning

I bring you the best Ezequiel Zamora quotes, military and politician who played an important role during the Federal War in 19th century Venezuela.

Ezequiel Zamora was a defender of the ideas of mutualism and promoted a reform of the agrarian system in favor of the peasants, who until then were subjected by a few caudillos who owned the land. Therefore, the revolutionary spirit is reflected in his words.

52 phrases pronounced by Ezequiel Zamora

1- Free lands and men.

2- Always talk with the people, always listen to the people.

3- Oligarchs tremble, Long live Freedom!

4- Be afraid of human passions, but this fear does not lead us to want to stifle them or not to direct them to the good of the country or to use them for the benefit of the nation.

5- Compatriots, let us avoid the effusion of blood as much as possible; But let it spill and hecatombs form if the victimizers want it, the sworn enemies of freedom.

6- He who knows how to read and write, kill him.

7- If we undertake the retreat over that mountain, we will all perish miserably. If we fight a battle here, we may die, but with glory.

8- A glorious country, a great State based on the distribution of land, the suppression of contributions, total democracy, providing a happy situation for the poor and general education.

9- I believed that a government that violates the laws authorizes citizens to rise up against it en masse: I believed that the Venezuelan government had violated them: I finally believed that it was a reality what the papers that today have caused my doom said.

10- Is it possible to end the oppression of the oligarchy and the power of the rich? Can the people defeat their tyrants? And why are the lands only owned by the powerful? The earth belongs to everyone like water, the sun, and nature.

11- Yes, the revolution will triumph, we will win.

12- The reactionary oligarchy, the armed movement of 1846 - 1847 was nothing but a sedition of the anarchic and bestial mob against order and constitutional legality.

13- Popular Election, horror of the oligarchy!

14- The Overcast Sky announces a storm. Oligarchs tremble Long live Freedom!

15- We are the egalitarian and leveling conscience of the Venezuelan people raised against the last oligarchic privileges and willing to radically comply with those social slogans that were pretended and delayed since independence.

16- Now we can speak with a thick voice again, let the oligarchs tremble.

17- Study and work, work and study.

18- I've always hated revenge.

19- The Federation contains within its power the remedy for all the ills of the country. Not; It is not that it remedies them; is that it will make them impossible.

20- There is something rotten in the pot.

21- Earth and free men is a phrase of mine.

22- We are like a dry body: if they step on us on one side, we get up on the other.

23- In this land that gave birth to the independence of America.

24- Because if I did not impose discipline, anarchy would have devoured us, as Bolívar said with his wise word.

25- It was difficult to convince those people but I needed to have obedient battalions to be able to win and, above all, apply my tactics in the trenches of Santa Inés that I had already studied on the site.

26- Hard was the decision against a man of my town, fired with revenge for his own circumstances, and from that moment, I began to study how to get rid of him.

27- They deliberated that night and in the morning they read him the death sentence that the man listened quietly ... I had to do it because, if I did not do it, all the morale essential to succeed with any army would be lost.

28- ... catire, the hive must be castrated with a candle and with a single blow because if the wasps get upset they sting us.

29- Unfortunately, Espinoza was worse than the Indian Rangel, because he never accepted my orders, not even my advice. Although he proclaimed himself my subordinate, he always acted as he pleased after pledging his obedience..

30- The awareness of our rights and our value will make the movement of the peoples of Venezuela simultaneous, decisive and omnipotent for the last and most glorious of its conquests: the federal system.

31- We fight to provide a happy situation for the poor ... The poor have nothing to fear, they have nothing to lose, let the oligarchs tremble, there will be neither rich nor poor, the land is free, it belongs to everyone.

32- Why, if we are all your children, why do I have to be my neighbor's servant? Why, if I have a soul, can't I enter your church? Why can't I also decide who my leaders will be? Why did my father die then? Were we just born to have only one pants?

33- There will be no difference between the people and the soldiers; just as each citizen will be a soldier to defend their rights, each soldier will be a citizen in the exercise of sovereignty.

34- No, no, it is not that they beat us ... it is that we are taking them, taking them as in Santa Inés.

35- The land for whom he works.

36- I come to exercise my right to vote, my name is Ezequiel Zamora Correa.

37- Get up, get up the fuck! There are no slaves here.

38- Let the army be the people and I don't vote for it.

39- Let's each transform ourselves into a school.

40- For the people always!

41- This non-victory is not a moral victory, no, we owed it to the liberator, for the liberator always!

42- Comrades, neither now nor ever, the shame of chains!

43- Now we will fight as one man, to win; to generate the greatest of victories Freedom!

44- We will fight to transform each man into a liberator! For the earth!

45- There is only one way to take them to Santa Inés: fencing them off, locking them up, cornering them with 400 or 500 men.

46- Burn the savannah behind their backs, leave them only one way out: Holy Ines!

47- Let's march federals, in a strong crowd!

48- You don't have to tell me General, you can call me Corporal, but only between us.

49- God and Federation.

50- They call me the peasant leader, the general of the slaves; but I remind you, here in these troops there are no slaves, we are all free men.

51- Our victory and our heroism must be rewarded with the triumph of our principles and the overthrow of tyranny.

52- For us, the most important thing in this war is to lead the enemy army towards Santa Inés.

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