The 53 Best Phrases of John Green

Egbert Haynes

I leave you the best John Green quotes, American writer of famous youth novels such as Under the Same Star, A Thousand Times Forever, Looking for Alaska or Paper Towns.

You may also be interested in these phrases by Nicholas Sparks.

John Green. Credits: By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America (John GreenUploaded by MaybeMaybeMaybe) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
-If you don't imagine it, nothing will ever happen at all. -Quentin, Paper Towns.

-You don't choose if they will hurt you in this world ... but you can choose who hurts you. I like my decisions. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

-Some tourists think that Amsterdam is the city of sin, but in reality it is the city of freedom. And in freedom, most people sin. -Ms. Lancaster, Fault In Our Stars.

-Oh, I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege if my heart was broken for you. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

-Some people have lives; other people have to music. -Will Grayson, Will Grayson.

-We are even more than the sum of our parts. -Miles Halter, Looking for Alaska.

-I am too vain to risk having such a fate. -Margo, Paper Towns.

-I felt how unfair that was, the indisputable injustice of loving someone who could have loved you back, but cannot because he is now dead. -Miles Halter, Looking for Alaska.

-At some point, you just tear off the band-aid, and it hurts, but it ends and you feel relieved. -Miles Halter, Looking for Alaska.

-You gave me forever with my days numbered, and I'm grateful. -Hazel, Under the Same Stars.

-I'm on an upward-only roller coaster, my friend. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

-The world is not a manufacturing factory of wishes. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

-Sometimes you lose a battle. But malice always wins the war. -Alaska Young, Looking for Alaska.

-There are always the answers. We just have to be smart enough. -Chip Martin, Looking for Alaska.

-That did not happen, of course. Things never happened the way I imagined them. -Miles Halter, Looking for Alaska.

-There is no shortage of guilt to be found among our stars. -Peter Van Houten, Fault In Our Stars.

-I'm a grenade, and at a certain point I'm going to explode, and I'd like to minimize the casualties, okay? -Hazel, Under the Same Stars.

-It's hard to leave, until you leave. Then it becomes the most damned easy thing in the world. -Quentin, Paper Towns.

-Nothing is as boring as other people's dreams. -Quentin, Paper Towns.

-No matter how much life sucks, it always beats the alternative. -Miles Halter, Looking for Alaska.

-At some point you must stop looking up at the sky, or one of these days you will look back down and realize that you have floated away too. -Detective Warren, Paper Towns.

-Maybe there is something you are afraid to say, or someone you are afraid to love, or some place you are afraid to go. It's going to hurt. It's going to hurt because you care. -Will Grayson, Will Grayson.

-Is it not also that on a certain fundamental level, it is difficult for us to understand that others are human beings just like us? We either idealize them as gods or ignore them as animals. -Quentin's mom.

-Realize that your attempts to keep your distance from me will not diminish my affection for you. All your efforts to save me from you will fail. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

-You are so busy being you that you have no idea how absolutely unprecedented you are. -Hazel, Under the Same Star.

-Being afraid is not a good excuse. Being afraid is the excuse that everyone has used. -Alaska Young, Looking for Alaska.

-Entropy increases, things fall apart. -Dr. Hyde, Looking for Alaska.

-As I read, I fell in love with the way you fell asleep: slowly, and suddenly suddenly. -Hazel, Under the Same Star.

-Memories also crumble. And you are left with nothing, without even a ghost, but with its shadow. -Miles Halter, Looking for Alaska.

-You are terribly philosophical for a girl who just got arrested. -Miles Halter, Looking for Alaska.

-If only we could see the wave of endless consequences that result from our smallest actions. But we cannot know what is better until knowledge becomes useless. -Miles Halter, Looking for Alaska.

-I realized something. The future is unpredictable. -Colin, The Katherine Theorem.

-At one point we all look and realize that we are lost in a maze. -Dr. Hyde, Looking for Alaska.

-Peeing is like a good book, in a way that is hard to stop once you start. -Quentin, Paper Towns.

-True love will triumph in the end, which may or may not be a lie, but if it is a lie, it is the most beautiful lie we have. -Looking for Alaska.

-What a misleading thing to believe that a person is more than that, a person. -Quentin, Paper Towns.

-What's the point of living if you don't at least try to do something extraordinary? -Narrador, The Katherine Theorem.

-"Without suffering, how would you know happiness?" This is an old argument about suffering, and its stupidity and lack of sophistication could date back several centuries. (…) Yes, a beautiful thought. -Hazel, Under the Same Star.

-Some infinities are larger than other infinities. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

-Pain doesn't change you, Hazel. It reveals you. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

-Nothing ever happens the way you imagine it will. -Margo, Paper Towns.

-The fundamental mistake that I always made, and that she, in a fair way, always let me make was this: Margo was not a miracle. She was not an adventure. She was not a fine and precious thing. She was a girl. -Quentin.

-You don't remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened. -Colin, The Katherine Theorem.

-We are as likely to hurt the universe as we are to help it, and we are not likely to do either. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

-The city was made of paper, but its memories were not. All the things that I had done here, all the love, pity, compassion, violence and resentment still lived within me. -Quentin, Paper Towns.

-Books are so special, rare, and so unique, that showing your affection for them feels like betrayal. -Hazel, Under the Same Stars.

-You can love someone very much. But you can never love people as much as you can miss them. -Colin, The Katherine Theorem.

-I'd rather be left in doubt than get answers I couldn't live with. -Miles Halter. -Looking for Alaska.

-I'll die young, but at least I'll die smart. -Alaska Young, Looking for Alaska.

-Because you are beautiful, and I decided long ago that I will not deny myself the simplest pleasures in existence. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

-Do you know what your problem is, Quentin? You keep hoping that people are not themselves. -Radar, Paper Cities.

-My thoughts are stars that I cannot conceive in constellations, Augustus, Under the same star.

-The marks that humans leave are commonly scars. -Augustus, Under the Same Star.

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