The 57 Best Phrases of the Villagers

Anthony Golden

The quotes of The Villagers they are an intrinsic part of Cuban rap and hip-hop in America. Although in the beginning there were no more than five attendees at his concerts, they soon appreciated its quality, being considered one of the representatives of the avant-garde of rap in Cuba by the New York Times.. 

The Villagers is a Cuban duo of the social rap and underground hip hop genre, formed in 2003 by Aldo Roberto Rodríguez Baquero (Alias ​​“Al2 El Aldeano”) and Bian Oscar Rodríguez Galá (Alias ​​“El B”). They have become famous for their powerful and revolutionary phrases against status. 

You may also be interested in these song phrases.

1- Sometimes I dream that my dreams have come true, even awake I look for a way to dream, because only in dreams can I see this world right.

2- I dream that instead of Jesus, George Bush and his allies must be crucified for the children they have killed.

3- Sometimes I dream that prostitutes are honest women who are not only wanted to sweat in beds. I dream that they are respected and loved by men, I dream that in each one there is a saved mother.

4- And how clean is the one who wins a lot, if to win it he has to play dirty.

5- If you fight you can lose, if you don't fight you are lost.

6- Revolution is the union of thought and verb.

7- Revolution is to change what must be changed.

8- Socialism or death is not a motto, it is the options that you are given.

9- The greatest predator of humanity is ignorance.

10- Eve thinks with the piggy bank, Adam with the testicles.

11- The bad plays I return and God forgive me. I don't pay with the same currency, I pay with two.

12- That love is a disease without a cure, not garbage, that only lasts during sex and then becomes madness.

13- That one nail takes out another, that depends on the wood.

14- The reason of a man has value, not price.

15- My greatest virtue is to feel proud of my defects.

16- Pessimism is cruel, but it helps nothing to surprise you.

17- Do not deny so much water that the past is thirsty, today you are riding in a car who knows tomorrow on foot.

18- I want to remain in your memory as the man who wants to remember his actions before his name.

19- Perhaps madness is similar to sincerity, or perhaps sanity is synonymous with fear.

20- Affection softens even the stones.

21- Before the bad I will sing. No one has died of love and they will not start for me.

22- We are victims of a poorly designed system that destroys in seconds what you have achieved in years.

23- We all hurt one day. To err is human and to judge another is even more so.

24- What is least sought is the first thing that is found.

25- We do not hate anything. We just love other things.

26- Hate is rotten love.

27- Hatred and resentment only hurt those who feel it.

28- I want to know what solidarity means. I believe that it is to give to those who need it.

29- Despite the gray of the sky my hope remains green.

30- One hand washes the other if someone buys the soap.

31- You win a lot when you are a good loser.

32- Loneliness for a just cause is always welcome. Is that the mind does not allow what the heart does not understand.

33- There is no worse lie than shutting up a truth.

34- I want to reach the moon and place it between your hands. Heaven will understand that it is because I love you.

35- And when I open my eyes, I see you by my side and I say: I woke up next to a miracle.

36- Despite the blows and tears, I found myself, got up and turned the page.

37- This reality is just a joke in bad taste ... and the size of infinity you liked me.

38- Although the abuse with the police continues, we will continue to raise our fist for poetry.

39- Do not fix yourself or look in the mirror, woman. Give yourself a chance, don't let yourself be beaten. You must begin to believe that friends do exist and that not everyone who comes close wants to sleep with you.

40- The first thing is to be sincere with my mother and remember that women are not given. That it never hurts a kiss, a hug, the one who held you in her arms for so long.

41- Maybe I was selfish, a macho, a bore, trying to be a lover I forgot how to be a friend.

42- When you do not have what others have, do not get depressed, have strength. Between the material and the spiritual there is a great difference.

43- You undertake fictitious courses, which always go to error, the solution to the conflict will continue to be love.

44- If you stumble a hundred times, raise your forehead a hundred times. There is no perfection in man, we are always wrong, and although it seems incredible, mistakes are learned.

45- The value does not depend on the drink, champion. Use a condom because there is a lot of AIDS on the street.

46- There are children there who have seen more corpses than a forensic doctor.

47- Do not be afraid to face life. Lean on your self-esteem and divine teaching. Always protect yours, peace and wisdom, and react like a beast like dad if someone humiliates you.

48- Life is cruel sometimes and leaves us no options. When the world falls on us with more thorns than flowers, anyone from the outside provides solutions, but not everyone knows how to make decisions.

49- Your greatest fear is no longer dying and it is normal. More than death you fear that life will remain the same.

50- You are not a coward when you advance cautiously. A man without fear is a man without hope. The human without fear does not exist, partner. The brave face other people's fears to hide their own.

51- You will have my hand, my support, my faithful consent, but not my heart because you stayed with him.

52- Know well that the worst thing is not always what it seems. Appearances are deceiving and change for interests.

53- I am your reflection but in a broken mirror.

54- Betrayal is the prison of false people and from there they do not even leave on bail.

55- To tear the freedom of the innocent is a crime, no one has the right to play with the destiny of others, I do not know if I explain myself.

56- Telling truths for me is not wasted time. If it is necessary to be dizzy in order not to be frustrated, I would rather be sentenced than not be listened to.

57- You live or understand life, not both at the same time.

58- That's life, crazy ... but I discovered in the end that when sows get screwed, many change their corral.

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