The 60 Best Phrases of John Locke

Abraham McLaughlin

I leave you the best John Locke quotes (1632-1704), English philosopher, father of empiricism and modern liberalism. He was an inspirer of both the European Enlightenment and the United States Constitution.

You may also be interested in these philosophical thoughts.

-Man is born free but everywhere he is chained.

-We are like chameleons, we take our tone and color of our moral character from those around us..

-No man's knowledge can go beyond his experience.

-A healthy mind in a healthy body is a short but complete description of a happy state in this world..

-Man's occupation is to be happy.

-I have always thought that men's actions are the best interpreters of their thoughts..

-The discipline of desire is the background of character.

-What worries you controls you.

-Men always forget that human happiness is a disposition of the mind and not a condition of circumstances.

-It is one thing to show a man that he is wrong, it is another to place him in possession of the truth..

-Every man has a property over his own person. No one has a claim on her except himself.

-Strength is the protection and support of the other virtues.

-Laws were made for men and not men for laws.

-You have to lose half the time to be able to use the other half.

-The only defense against the world is through your knowledge.

-Parents wonder why streams are bitter, when they themselves poison the source.

-The government has no other purpose than the preservation of property.

-Education begins with the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must end it.

-Where there is no property there is no justice.

-It is easier for a tutor to command than to teach.

-There can be no greater rudeness than to interrupt another in the flow of his speech..

-There is often more to learn from children's unexpected questions than from men's speeches.

-New opinions are always suspicious, and are usually rejected, for no other reason than the fact that they are not common..

-Revolt is the right of the people.

-The reason men enter society is to preserve their property.

-All wealth is the product of labor.

-Each one is orthodox with respect to himself.

-By "republic" I have constantly understood not a democracy or any other form of government, but any independent community.

-Our occupation is not to know all things, but those that affect our behavior.

-The hope of an eternal and incomprehensible happiness in another world, is something that also carries with it constant pleasure.

-By being all equal and independent, no one should harm another in his life, health, freedom or possessions.

-We would have fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, signs of our ideas only, and not for themselves.

-That which is static and repetitive is boring. That which is dynamic and random is confusing. In the middle lies art

-An unequivocal sign of the love of the truth is not to hold any proposition with greater security than the evidence warrants..

-Loving the truth for the sake of truth is the main part of human perfection in this world, and the main seed of all other virtues..

-Our income is like our shoes; if they are too small, they agitate and pinch us; But if they're too big they make us stumble and stumble.

-An excellent man, like the precious metal, is invariable in every way; a villain, like the beams of a balance, is always shifting, up and down.

-It is easier for a tutor to lead than to teach.

-The purpose of the law is not to abolish or restrict, but to preserve and expand freedom.

-The legislature cannot transfer the power to make laws to other hands.

-By nature, all men are equal.

-What constantly worries you is capable of dominating you.

-Reading provides the mind with important material of knowledge. And it allows you to think about how to make what we read become our own. 

-The Bible without hesitation is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men. The Bible has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture for its matter. Everything that is present in this holy scripture is pure.

-New opinions are always suspected and are usually opposed against others, for no other reason and only because they are not common..

-The only defense against the world is a deep knowledge of it.

-On many occasions, parents wonder why there are currents that are so bitter, but many times they themselves do not realize that it is they who are in charge of poisoning the beginnings of the source..  

-Where there is no law, there is no freedom.

-How long have you carried those words in your mind, hoping you can use them?

-Religion should distinguish us from the beasts and should elevate us as rational creatures above them.

-Prejudging other people's ideas before having analyzed them ends up not demonstrating the darkness of them, but demonstrating the darkness that exists in our eyes..

-Success in a fight means not approaching your opponent the way he wants to fight you..

-There are a thousand ways to wealth, but there is only one way to get to heaven.

-It is one thing to show a man that he is wrong and quite another to put him in possession of the truth..

-The distance and the reserve that parents keep, often deprives their children of that refuge that would be more advantageous than a hundred complaints or scolding.

-Hitting is one of the worst things, and therefore the last means to use to correct children. After all, gentle ways have been tested and proven helpful, so if you look closely, there should rarely be a need to use force..

-Good, evil, reward and punishment are the only motives for achieving the balance of a rational person. Ultimately, these are the stimuli and the reins by which all of humanity goes to work and is guided.

-The one who undertakes seriously in the search for the truth should, in the first place, prepare his mind with love for it. For those who do not love the truth, they will have many problems to achieve those goals..

-The weakness and defects in the understandings of men, as well as in other faculties, originate from the lack of a correct use of their own minds.

-One complains about the lack of parts when the fault lies in the lack of an adequate improvement of them.

-The state of nature has a law that obliges all of us as humanity to learn and teach others.

-Try to make your commute regular so that men can know in advance what they can expect from you.

-It is difficult to know in what other ways men can come to the truth and cling to it if they do not dig deep into it to find treasure..

-A large part of humanity dedicates itself to work and enslaves itself to the necessity of its condition without making any kind of effort to modify said situation..

-Mind and body are connected. Practice becomes the gifts of the body as a result of exercise and repetitions of behavior.  

-For me, the State is a society of men established with the sole objective of preserving and promoting their civil interests.

-Societies are the supreme judge of how governments fulfill their mission because they are the people who gave them power and who care about the ability to revoke.

-Memory becomes the flagship store for our own ideas.

-A great dream is fulfilled when ideas float in our mind without reflection or consideration of the understanding..

-Fashion for the most part is nothing more than the ostentation of riches.

-The things of this world are in such a constant flux that nothing remains in the same state for long..

-The need to believe without any knowledge is often a state of blindness that should make us more busy and careful to inform others.

-He who is in charge of removing reason to give way to revelation, turns off the brightness of both, like someone who looks out only to see.

-On many occasions I close my eyes, breathe deeply and let many things pass along with the essence of my soul.

-The input of knowledge is perception.

-Many of the ideas that are formed in the minds of children when they begin to have some type of sensation, if they are not repeated throughout their lives, they are capable of being completely lost, without leaving even a trace of them..

-In order to properly differentiate our ideas, they have to be clear and concrete because when they are in this way, no confusion or error will be generated about them..

-Being aware only unites actions within the same person.

-Absolute forgetfulness separates what has been forgotten from the person, but never completely separates man.

-Civil law is the mean of crimes and innocence.

-There are not as many mistakes men make as is generally thought.

-Crawling minds are like mud walls, they resist the strongest batteries and although the force of an argument can sometimes make an impression, they remain firm and block the way to the enemy..

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