Extreme hard is a Spanish group whose members are Roberto Iniesta, Iñaki Antón, Miguel Colino and José Ignacio Cantera. Founded in 1987, it is considered one of the most influential Spanish rock bands.
Influenced by Spanish literature, his lyrics make frequent allusions to drugs, sex, and self-destruction. Some of his best-known songs are “So clown”, “Golfa”, “Salir”, “Extremaydura”, “Puta” and “Jesús García”. Probably the high point of the band was reached with the publication of the album Agila.
Robe published his first solo album and in 2020 they announced that they were disbanding, and that they would do a farewell tour, which was finally postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
In these Extremoduro phrases You will be able to remember their lyrics, their daring style, the themes they dealt with and their songs, among them Uproot, Another useless song for peace, Exit, Suicidal Tango, Enemy, Site vas and many others..
-I plucked a bouquet of flowers, gave it to my lover. He said he didn't want them, that he was better before. -Extreme Hard, Uproot.
- He dreams that the star dreams, always in a state of waiting; he picks up the bottle again, and spends his nights awake ... always in a state of waiting. -Extremoduro, Stand by.
-And what do I love the four seasons for? If everything I dream of, is between interiors. -Extremoduro, Between interiors.
-I give my word of honor that I no longer care to live. Come on tell me, beetle: how do you play bass? Come on tell me, nonsense, and pa 'play' the drums? Come on tell me, smart uncle, and why don't you sing like crickets? Come on tell me, duck eye, how do I play the device? -Extreme Hard, Enlightened.
-Who is going to put my freedom of expression up their ass, when they say that I shit on the constitution? No one can escape if everything is a prison. Why the hell are there so many logs around me? -Extreme Hard, Light up the dark.
-Go shut up, go ahead, and make a wish. I want a drug to fall from the sky, pure poison, to make the world a more pleasant place. -Extremoduro, Another useless song for peace.
-There is no longer a stone standing, because the wind knocked it down, there is nothing left of yesterday, because the wind carried it away. -Extreme Hard, Sweet introduction to chaos.
-Going out, drinking, the usual stuff, getting a thousand stripes, talking to people, getting to bed and… damn, what a mess! without you. I'm not even touching the ground and I scare the clouds, I don't know if it's your kisses or this trippy that goes up. -Extreme Hard, Exit.
-The darkness shines, candlelight. The darkness shines, mermaid light. ? -Extreme Hard, Light up the dark.
-Without being, I become hard as a rock, if I cannot approach or hear the verses that that mouth dictates to me. And now that there is nothing, not even giving, the part of giving that is my turn, that's why I haven't stopped walking. -Extremoduro, Fourth movement: reality.
-I'm a clown, and my feet are shaking. Beside him, he tells me that I am faded. I start to kiss, to see what he says to me later. -Extremoduro, you're a clown.
-I happen to get tired of being a man. It happens that I get tired of my skin and my face. And it happens that my day has brightened up, damn it! When I see the sun drying your panties on your window. -Extreme Hard, It Happens.
-Looking for my destiny, living deferred, without being, or hearing, or giving. And collectively, I would like to talk to you, and thus tune in. -Extremoduro, First movement: the dream.
-I drink from the source, to see what happens, if she transfers her power to me. You know that when you leave, I stay here without knowing. You see. -Extreme Hard, Mom.
-And put aside the path of the back door, where I saw you go, like a watering can that the grass makes it sprout again, and now it is all field. -Extremoduro, the sidewalk of the back door.
-He says that if he doesn't take drugs, he says he doesn't feel anything. If it's sunny, you throw yourself out of bed, and by the elevator, the clouds lift. And here I go, to break cobwebs from your heart, you will see how it clears, you bitch! -Extreme Hard, Golfa.
-Let me tell you, baby, that ours is not fair, every night that I am with you, you are the one who eats, I am eaten. -Extremoduro, suicidal tango.
-I am, finally I have realized, an enemy of humanity, people who do not understand anything ... I let my heart rule. Every minute I mark a point that I must reach, and I notice that I am rebelling again. -Extreme Hard, Enemy.
-That nothing interests me around, and I climb to the top of madness, I find my princess talking to the moon, racing to see who is more of a whore. -Extemoduro, whore.
-Stay very close to me, so both of you, sweet morning. Look at me and smile again, otherwise, I don't understand anything. -Extremoduro, If you go.
-But where are the kisses that I owe you? In a little box, that I never carry my heart with me in case it is taken from me. But where are the kisses that you owe me? In any corner, tired of living in your little mouth, always adrift -Extermoduro, A fuego.
-Come back, that I have, life, the lights on, in order to understand, to see. Come back, I have found a buried treasure, which I carry to the surface, tell me ... -Extremoduro, Calle Esperanza s / n.
-Hellfire is just smoke, and now fire is just smoke. After burning the fire is already only smoke, hell is already only smoke. -Extremoduro, Coda flamenca (another reality).
-We stay close to the ground, at the height of your waist, or we stay close to the ground, where the moon is reflected. -Extreme Hard, Close to the ground.
-If I don't see you again, I don't want to wake up, reality won't leave me. I am looking for a better world, and I dig into a drawer, in case it appears among my things. -Extreme Hard, First movement: the dream.
-A dove has shitted me in the street, which they call, of peace, the messenger. The heat of the people warms me, and it is cold that strikes the sidewalk. -Extremoduro, Another useless song for peace.
-I gave away my undying soul. What for ?, so that it never hurts again. Now what? Now I place the sidewalks. There at the end of the street, boss, there is a place. -Extreme Hard, My imperishable spirit.
- Lives looking at a star always in a wait state. Drink gin at night, to meet her. -Extremoduro, Stand by.
-Time passes slowly, when I don't have you by my side. I need a little tree in this field to sit down. -Extreme Hard, Uproot.
-If luck abandons me, and he says he does not want to see me, I will call him a scammer, he has robbed me while he sleeps. -Extremoduro, Vulture does not eat birdseed.
-I fell prisoner inside me, inside, deep inside me. If I escape, go find me any day, where there is a flower left, where there are no police. -Extremoduro, Self-portrait.
-And I queue non-stop, at the door of a bar, I consume the hours all drunk, while I find a moon that is alone. -Extremoduro, Looking for a moon.
-It passes by my side, and I no longer know what is coming. Now I'm just your slave. Tell me what to do. -Extreme Hard, Mom.
-The light does not dare if you are not there, to pass through here if it hears my voice. Since you are not in this corner, he does not dare to pass the sunlight. If he hears my voice, he stays outside. -Extremoduro, Third movement: the inside.
-Open the door, I am the devil and I come with bitches, open your legs, girl, I come to nail you seeds. As every day in hell I was bored and I went from bar to bar, I saw the Virgin Mary, tired of being a virgin, stuck in a portal. -Extremoduro, The Day of the Beast.
-In the hollow of the echo of his voice, lives the axis that disappeared. Holding on to the air we will live, I don't care where we go. Squeeze my hand well, a star is escaping through my fingers. -Extremoduro, Coda flamenca (another reality).
-He left me in the furthest part of an uninhabited planet. The wind scolds me in my ear: "Come on, up and up and up." The sun asks me, if it looks at me, why am I so unknown. -Extremoduro, Small endemic rock and roll.
-And the moon is disarmed just by touching it, and the light inside the pond is turned on. Like two drops of water from a different cloud, going down and going up. -Extreme Hard, Close to the ground.
-Once upon a time, inside a gray world, struggling to get out, a little colored girl. Once upon a time the owner of a flower, rooting in her garden, we made a furrow between the two. -Extremoduro, Once upon a time.
-There was a street, and an old woman passed with a purse, and speaking of heaven ... God fell from heaven. Runs! -Extremoduro, The old woman (sordid song).
-Master of contradiction, and expert in breaking the forbidden. That is why children are already approaching me, because I try to be happy. Since then they have not let me out of this jail, I have nowhere to run. I'm going to do a ... stick my head out. -Extremoduro, Second movement: the outside.
-Ask him about the weather, and see if he remembers me. Ask her if it is true, that no one sees her smile. -Extreme Hard, My imperishable spirit.
-War plains and ascetic moors, the biblical garden was not in these fields. They are lands for the eagle, a piece of the planet, where the shadow of Cain wanders. -Extremoduro, Looking for a moon.
-His eyes are a window wide, his ass is not ... his ass is honey. His eyes are what he tells me to straighten, his ass is not ... his ass is honey. For another time remind me to speak again, if you see that I have passed three towns or more. -Extreme Hard, Her ass is honey.
-I want to tell you in silence, that there are too many words, that there are moments missing, that I feel nothing, that I come to look for you, that I never find you. -Extremoduro, Between interiors.
-Today I put it in a thousand ways! And he is already walking with his tongue out. Today I put it up to your ears! I just move my eyebrows! - Extremoduro, Today I put it to you.
-I plan the armed robbery of his heart, every word I have calculated, now the courage is missing. I plan to tell him that life was his mouth and not. His scent passes me, and I hold my breath. -Extremoduro, Today I put it on you.
-I burn. I see you go by and, there, I get hot and on fire, and I go in to do, on your hips, prospecting. If I get lost, tell me where it comes from, what reasons are the main ones, that only the wind serves as a guide, along the paths of utopias. -Extremoduro, The path of utopias.
-I drink from a hot, hot spring, and I see again the fairy who never leaves me. When I'm not with you I tame the hours, and I make them jump and make them run. -Extemoduro, whore.
-Meanwhile the hours pass, I dream that I wake up next to her, I wonder if she is alone, and I burn inside a bonfire. -Extreme Hard, Sweet introduction to chaos.
-I hope I find it already among so many flowers. I hope her name is poppy, that she takes my hand and tells me that alone… She doesn't understand life, no. And ask me for more more more more, give me more. And ask me. -Extremoduro, If you go.
-We're going to steal cherries, from the ones in the valley across the street, I'm capable of anything to see you again. I have lost my mind, I have lost it for losing you, I am capable of anything to see you again. -Extremoduro, what edge was my valley.
-With nothing better, than to walk inside searching, with nothing better to do, toasting in the sun, delving into the memory and I don't understand it better than yesterday. -Extremoduro, suicidal tango.
-I suffer temporary insanity. I come down to Earth and cross the dividing line that separates in this story, madness and reason. -Extreme Hard, Transitory Insanity.
-He gave me a wound, closes at night, opens by day. "Don't suffer Prometheus," she tells me whenever I see her. I roll on the ground and my dick bursts at the thought of you: I bleed to death and water your garden. -Extremoduro, Prometheus.
-And I search my memory for the corner, where I lost my mind, and I find it where it was lost, when you said no. -Extremoduro, Fourth movement: reality.
-I am doing my belly, inside my heart. And I don't care that kings no longer come for me, with camels coming I'm, bastards, happier. -Extremoduro, Christmas Carol of King Extremadura.
-I take the account from memory, I do not miss a star. Look at that euphoria in silence. Grass comes out and my hair grows. -Extreme Hard, Transitory Insanity.
-Time, give me back the moment. I want to spend the hours, swimming out to sea, and roll on the ground, to start everything from scratch. -Extremoduro, Third movement: the inside.
-I fall in love with the air and I always do what I want: let's go back to the Moor, and they call us the assholes, which we bring inside our ass, a little piece of heaven. -Extremoduro, Menamoro.
-Get down on the ground; go placing. I want to drink broth from your crotch, and like garbage rats: disorder and loneliness, they left watching you arrive. -Extremoduro, Vulture does not eat birdseed.
Rock song phrases
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