The 67 Best Wreck-It Ralph Quotes

Anthony Golden

I leave you the best quotes of Ralph the devastating, also known as Wreck-It Ralph in English-speaking countries and Break up ralph! in Spain. This animated genre film was released in 2012 and was produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios.

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Movie poster used for demonstration purposes. This image is copyrighted by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Retrieved from:

-I don't want to be the bad boy anymore. -Ralph the devastating.

-It's hard to do your job when no one likes you for doing it. -Ralph the devastating.

-I see you are a fan of pink. -Ralph the devastating.

-That "useless medal" was going to change everything. I was going to come home with that beauty around my neck and I could have had a penthouse, cakes, ice sculptures, fireworks. Big things. You would not understand. -Ralph the devastating.

-I'm already happy. I have the coolest job in the world! It may not be as elegant as being a president, but I have a responsibility, a great responsibility. -Ralph the devastating.

-Hey, excuse me. Is Ralph in there? I'd like to talk to him please. -Vanellope.

-As your great princess, I declare that whoever has been cruel to me will be… executed! -Vanellope.

-Look, you want that medal right? And I want to drive. So I was thinking… you help me get a new car, a real one, and I'll win the race and get your medal back. -Vanellope.

-High! You wouldn't hit someone with glasses right? ... [Ralph grabs the glasses and hits him with them]. Oh, you hit someone WITH THE glasses. That is sneaky. -King Candy.

-Our duty is to bring the main contender to the top to win a medal, that's all. Keep up the soldier program! -Sergeant Calhoun.

-What is happening in the heart of darkness covered with candy? -Ralph the devastating.

-I wonder how many licks it takes to get to your center? -Ralph the devastating.

-Welcome to the boss level. -King Candy.

-I am a runner! I can feel it in my code! -Vanellope.

-All right Gene, you know what? I will win a medal! The brightest medal this place has ever seen. The medal will be so good that I will make all of Felix's medals wet his pants. -Ralph the devastating.

-Since when did video games get so violent and terrifying? -Ralph the devastating.

-Okay, this may not be a big deal to you, but in my game, I'm the bad boy and I live in trash! -Ralph the devastating.

-I am Turbo, the best racer ever! And I didn't reprogram this world to let you and the halitosis-ridden boar you call a friend take it from me! -King Candy.

-Look at the high definition of your face! Is awesome! -Repara-Felix Jr.

-Let's just eat the cake! -Repara-Felix Jr.

-This place is starting to get interesting. -Sergeant Calhoun.

-This game is getting old. Like my grandmother. -Mr. Litwak.

-You will never be a runner because you are a failure! And that's all you'll ever be! -Taffyta.

-If you quit your game, make sure you keep an extra life with you at all times. Because if you die outside of your own game, you don't regenerate, it's never game over. -Sonic The Hedgehog.

-I can be a good boy if I wanted to. -Ralph the devastating.

-I'm not from the candy tree department. -Ralph the devastating.
-With that lying to a child, what a shame Ralph! -Vanellope.

-I'm not a Taffyta bug, I just have pixslexia. -Vanellope.

-I'll beat the stuffing out of you! -Ralph the devastating.

-We are the last hope of humanity. Our mission: destroy all Cy-Bugs. Are you ready beginner? Let's get started. -Sergeant Calhoun.

-What is the first rule in Hero's Duty? -Sergeant Calhoun.
-Did the one who went to his villa lose his chair? -Ralph the devastating.

-Oh, just like magic I'll win the race… just because I really want to. -Ralph the devastating.

-Explain something to me. If Vanellope was never a runner, why is her photograph on the side of the game console. -Ralph the devastating.

-As those Cy-Bugs consume Sugar Rush, they will invade the other games until this gallery is just a smoking shell of forgotten dreams. -Sergeant Calhoun.

-You're not from around here are you? -Vanellope.

-You really are a bad boy! -Vanellope.

-Welcome to my house! I sleep in these candy wrappers and tuck myself in, like a little old lady. -Vanellope.

-You really don't know anything, do you? Failures can't leave their games… One of the wonders of being me. -Vanellope.

-Why do I fix everything I touch? -Repara-Felix Jr.

-Pac-Man? They invited Pac-Man! -Ralph the devastating.

-Hope you're happy, trash pile! This game is going overboard and it's all your fault! -Sergeant Calhoun.

-I am bad and that is good, and I will never be good and that is not bad, but there is no one who wants to be more than me. -Ralph the devastating.

-Did you like throwing that tantrum, baby tutti frutti? -Vanellope.

-You could live in the castle, you would have a house where you would be respected. You could be happy. -Vanellope.

-Fear is for the cowardly ladies. If it's babies who wet their pants, I'm not interested in finding out, but make your mom proud. -Sergeant Calhoun.

-Goodbye Wreck-It Ralph! It was not a pleasure meeting you! -King Candy.

-Do you see Vanellope? You are just an accident waiting to happen! -Taffyta.

-I'm going to demolish it! -Ralph the devastating.

-Turns out, it doesn't take a medal to prove I'm a good boy, and if that little girl likes me, how bad can I be? -Ralph the devastating.

-My arm is getting tired. Do we have a deal or not? -Vanellope.
-I hope you win! -Ralph the devastating.

-I'm not a thief! I just borrowed your silly coin, and I was going to return it as soon as I won the race. -Vanellope.
-It is not a coin, it is a medal. -Ralph the devastating.

-Look, the code may say I'm a princess, but I really know who I am Ralph. I am a runner with the greatest super power of all time. -Vanellope.

-What was that? I can not hear you. Your breath is so foul it made my ears go deaf. -Vanellope.

-Sayonara, losers! -Ralph the devastating.

-Do not worry. I have everything under control. -Vanellope.

-Why are your hands so strangely large? -Vanellope.
-I do not know. Why are you so strangely annoying? -Ralph the devastating.

-Your face is red, maybe you want to hit him with your hammer. -Sergeant Calhoun.

-Thanks to you Ralph, I am the most powerful virus in the entire arcade! I can take over any game I want! I should be thanking you, but it will be more fun to kill you! -King Candy.

-Flattery is not going to charge these batteries. -Sergeant Calhoun.

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