The 70 Best Phrases of Heraclitus

Egbert Haynes
The 70 Best Phrases of Heraclitus

I leave you the best Heraclitus phrases (540 BC-480 BC), pre-Socratic philosopher from Ephesus, a city on the west coast of Asia Minor. Also known as The Dark One of Epheus, his philosophy focused on the constant change and transformation of everything.

You may also be interested in these philosophy phrases.

-There is nothing permanent except change.

-The sun is new every day.

-No man can step on the same river twice, for it is never the same river and it is never the same man..

-Wisdom is speaking the truth and acting on it.

-The character of a man is his destiny.

-We are more ourselves when we assume the seriousness with which the child plays.

-If you don't expect the unexpected you will never find it.

-Men who want to know the world must learn from it in detail.

-Great results require great ambitions.

-Nothing resists except change.

-Much learning does not teach understanding.

-Time is a game played very well by children.

-Eyes and ears are bad witnesses for people if they have uneducated souls.

-How can you hide from what never goes away?

-Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.

-The abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise.

-Thought is a sacred disease and sight is deceptive.

-The people must fight for their law, as well as for their wall.

-Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. It takes patient effort to develop good character.

-Everyone has the possibility of being wise, but their contemporaries live like sleepers.

-God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, satiety and hunger.

-Awakened men have only one world, but sleeping men each have their own world..

-Dogs bark at what they don't understand.

-All human laws feed on divine law.

-It is not good to hide your own ignorance, but to discover it and remedy it.

-Life has the name of life, but in reality it is death.

-Gold seekers dig a lot of soil and find little.

-You have to follow what is common, but while logos are common, most men live as if they had private wisdom..

-Those who sleep are workers and craftsmen of what happens in the kosmos.

-It is necessary to know that war is common and justice is discord, and that everything happens according to discord and necessity.

-Those who love wisdom must investigate many things.

-God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, abundance and hunger.

-Let's not randomly guess about the most important issues.

-It is granted to every man to know himself and meditate wisely.

-Philosophers need to be informed of a great many things.

-Men try to purify themselves by staining themselves with blood. It is as if, after being stained with mud, they wanted to clean themselves with mud.

-The waters that cover those who enter the same river are different.

-You will not find the confines of the soul even by traveling all the roads; such is its depth.

-The opposite agrees, and from the discordant the most beautiful harmony is formed, and everything is engendered by discord.

-Illness makes health good and pleasant, hunger to satiety, work to rest.

-This cosmos, which is the same for all, has not been made by any of the gods or men, but has always been, is and will be an eternal and living fire that lights up and goes out obeying to measure.

-It is wise to listen to the Logos, not me, and recognize that all things are one.

-The wise is the goal of the human soul and, as it advances in its knowledge, it in turn moves away the horizon of the unknown.

-Do not make laugh to the point of giving reason to laughter.

-Because without collision forces there are no movements and there is no reality.

-Doctors cut, burn, torture. And by doing the sick a good, which seems more bad, they demand a reward that they hardly deserve..

-The way of being human does not involve judgment; the divine does behave.

-War is the father and king of all things.

-Even a soul in deep sleep works hard and helps to make something in the world..

-Of every hundred men, ten should not even be there, eight are only cannon fodder, nine are the real fighters and we are fortunate to have them, because they will fight; ah, but one, one is a warrior; and he will bring the others back.

-It is difficult to contain the desire of the heart, since whatever the price, it pays with pieces of the soul.

-Doing the same thing over and over and over again is not just boredom, it is being controlled by what you do instead of controlling what you do..

-How can you hide from what never leaves?

-In change we find the purpose.

-Allow yourself to think only those thoughts that pertain to your principles and bring with them the light of day.

-From the differences the most beautiful harmonies are born.

-All things flow, and that flow is subject to a unifying current or rational principle..

-Logos, the hidden harmony behind all the changes.

-Your character content is your choice.

-Day after day, what you choose, what you think and what you do, is what you become.

-Without injustice, the word justice would mean what?

-What are men? Mortal gods.

-The way up and the way down are the same.

-Having everything you want is not good. Diseases make health taste better.

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