The 71 Best Phrases of Pedagogy

Sherman Hoover

I leave you the best pedagogy phrases of pedagogues and great thinkers such as Paulo Freire, Marva Collins, Ivan Illich, Noam Chomsky, Helen Keller, Malala Yousafzai or Aristotle.

You may also be interested in these education phrases or these by Paulo Freire.

-If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.

-You know how to suggest is the art of pedagogy.-Henri-Frédéric Amiel.

-The good educator is the one who becomes progressively unnecessary.-Thomas Carruthers.

-A child, a teacher, a book, a pencil can change the world.-Malala Yousafzai. 

-The goal of teaching a child is to enable him to get ahead without a teacher.-Elbert Hubbard.

-Good manners are more about giving correct questions than giving correct answers.-Josef Albers.

-You can pay for people to teach, but you can't pay for them to worry.-Marva Collins.

-The person who makes things difficult, simple, is the educator.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-An educator who tries to teach without inspiring his pupil with a desire to learn, is hammering in cold iron.-Horace Mann.

-The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.-Mark van Doren.

-Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.-William Butler Yeats.

-Those who know, do. Those who understand, teach.-Aristotle.

-The greatest sign of success for a teacher is being able to say "children function as if I did not exist." - Maria Montessori.

-The mediocre teacher counts. The good teacher explains. The remarkable teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.-William Arthur Ward.

-Teachers teach more for what they are than for what they say.-Author unknown.

-Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, involve me and I will understand.-Chinese proverb.

-Good educators are expensive, but bad educators cost even more.-Bob Talbert.

-Educators should guide without dictating and participate without dominating.-C.B. Neblette.

-A man should first go where he should go. Only then should I instruct others.-Budha.

-The best way to learn is to do, the worst way to teach is to speak.-Paul Halmos.

-When you love people and have the desire to make a positive and profound impact on the world, you will have achieved the meaning of life.-Sasha Azevedo.

-The purpose of the good pedagogue is not to create students in their own image, but to develop students who can create their own image..

-If you are teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, that field is dead or are you.-Noam Chomsky. 

-Washing your hands of the conflict between the powerful and the weak means putting yourself on the side of the powerful, not being neutral.-Paulo Freire.

-If children come to us from strong, well-functioning families, our work is easier. If they don't come from strong, healthy, and well-functioning families, it makes our work more important.-Barbara Colorose.

-The school has become the world religion of a modernized ploretariat and makes futile promises of salvation to the poor of the technological age.-Ivan Illich.

-Learning and not realizing is intelligence. Teaching and not getting tired is never love.-Unknown author.

-The best educators teach from the heart, not from books.

-If the structure does not allow dialogue, the structure must be changed.-Paulo Freire.

-It can be taught from experience, but it cannot be taught from experience.-Sasha Azevedo.

-Teaching affects eternity; You never know where his influence ends.-Henry Brooks Adams.

-Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize people, they manipulate them.-Paulo Freire.

-You are rewarding a teacher poorly if you always remain his pupil.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-Treat people as if they were what they should be and help them to become what they are capable of being.-Goethe.

-Children are like wet concrete, whatever falls on them leaves an impression.-Haim Ginott.

-Teaching is just showing what is possible. Learning is making it possible for you.-Paulo Coelho.

-Teaching is the greatest act of optimism.-Colleen Wilcox.

-Teachers are expected to achieve unattainable goals with inadequate tools. The miracle is that sometimes they accomplish that impossible task.-Haim Ginott.

-Educators open the door, but the student must enter alone.-Chinese proverb.

-Experience fails to teach where there is no desire to learn.-George Bernard Shaw.

-A mark of a great educator is the ability to guide his students to new places where even the educator has never been..

-Look for opportunities to show that you care. The smallest gestures often make the big differences.-John Wooden.

-The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.-Malcolm Forbes.

-A teacher who loves to teach earns the right and ability to help others learn.-Ruth Beechick.

-The average educator explains complexity; The good educator reveals simplicity.-Robert Brault.

-An educator should have maximum authority and minimum power.-Thomas Szasz.

-A good teacher is like a candle. Consumes himself to give birth to others.

-Only those who look with the eyes of children can be lost in the object of their admiration.-Eberhard Arnold.

-Teaching counting is fine, but teaching counting is even better.-Bob Talber.

-Teaching should be in such a way that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift rather than a duty.-Albert Einstein.

-The educator's job is to teach students to live vitality in themselves.-Joseph Campbell.

-He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.-John Cotton Dana.

-You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.-Galileo Galilei.

-What you do teaches faster and has a more lasting impression, far beyond what you say.-T.F. Hodge.

-There are no difficult students, only students who do not want to do it your way.-Jane Revell.

-When you study the great masters you will learn much more about their interest and hard work than about their style.-William Glasser.

-Give me a fish and eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I will eat for a lifetime.-Chinese proverb.

-Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; Nothing can be done without hope and trust.-Helen Keller. 

-A good educator gives you something to take home to think about besides work.-Lily Tomlin.

-The most important part of teaching is teaching what it is to know.-Simone Weil.

-Good educators touch the future.

-Children do not remember what you are trying to teach them. They remember what you are.-Jim Henson.

-Teaching creates the other professions.-Unknown author.

-In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn.-Phil Collins.

-The true master defends his pupils against his own influence.-Amos Bronson Alcott.

-I never teach my pupils, I only try to provide the conditions in which they can learn.-Albert Einstein.

-It is not what is poured into the student that counts, but what is planted.-Linda Conway.

-Real learning comes when the competitive spirit has ceased.-Jiddu Krishnamurti.

-If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.-Albert Einstein.

-The best teacher is the one who gives you something to take home to think about.-Lily Tomlin.

-To define is to destroy, to suggest is to create.-Stephane Mallarme.

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