The 75 Best Phrases of José Martí

Egbert Haynes
The 75 Best Phrases of José Martí

I leave you the best phrases of José Martí (1853-1895), politician, philosopher, writer, thinker and prominent journalist of the 19th century, of Cuban and Spanish nationality. He was part of the creation of the revolutionary party of Cuba, in its fight for the independence of the same country.

You may also be interested in these quotes from famous writers.

-A man full of selfishness is a delinquent man.

-You have to turn on the oven so that everyone can bake bread.

-Although it may not seem like it, by drinking we also find happiness.

-An ambitious appetite for glory leads only to sacrifice and death, but innate instinct leads to self-preservation and life..

-It is the duty of man to lift man.

-It is all a sin, not to do what one is really capable of doing.

-He who could have been a whole torch, and is inclined to be only a chain, is a deserter.

-The force of passion must be balanced with the force of interest.

-Men who go into action, especially those whose actions are based on love, come to live forever.

-Talent is a gift that brings with it the obligation to serve other people, and not ourselves.

-He who uses the power he owes to the voters through injustice and against them is a complete thief.

-Man loves freedom, even if he does not know his love for it. His life is driven by it and he moves away from where freedom does not exist.

-The single principle from the depths of a cave, surely becomes more powerful than an entire army.

-Happiness does exist on earth and is obtained by the sensible exercise of reason and serenity, the knowledge of the full harmony of the universe, and the frequent practice of generosity..

-He who receives money in order to administer it for the benefit of its owner, and uses it for his own interest or against the wishes of its rightful owner, is a thief..

-Voting is the most delicate benefit than any other, since not only the interests of the voter are at stake, but their life, honor and future are also involved..

-Only those people who spread betrayal, hatred and death, out of spite for the prosperity and peace of others, do not deserve compassion.

-Charm is nothing more than a product of all the unexpected.

-Using only for our sole and exclusive benefit what does not belong to us is totally theft.

-That man who lives in disgrace and without freedom, feels as if his clothing is full of mud from the streets.

-Men are like stars, some generate their own light, while others only reflect the brightness they receive. A complete constellation.

-Some very famous men, those with a lot of conversation and few facts, soon disappear. Action is the dignity of greatness.

-Freedom is the right that every man has to be honest, to think and speak without fear of being judged and without hypocrisy.

-Many sleep with their lovers, I remember my brilliant ideas.

-Who does not see things as they are in their totality, should not be called radical.

-The highest hills culminate in their peaks, the nations culminate in their men.

-It is necessary to start making virtue a fashion.

-Just a few lines of poetry are enough to soften a whole century.

-Both day and night I usually dream with my eyes open.

-Everything is beautiful and constant, that's how life should always be.

-Books comfort us, appease us, prepare us, enrich our lives.

-A sensible love is not love.

-Education is freedom.

-I lived inside the monster and I know it even beyond its entrails.

-The truth only wakes up once, and never dies.

-I come from many parts, and I know that to all parts of the world I go.

-A good soul on Earth suffers a lot.

-The peoples of the world have the rulers they deserve.

-The deeper my wound, the more beautiful my singing will sound.

-Life on Earth is a deadly hand-to-hand combat, between the law of love and the law of hate.

-The duty of all men is to be where they are most useful.

-Only tyranny fears the complete establishment of freedom.

-People can only become free if they are truly educated.

-Educating is giving man the keys to the world and this means more than achieving independence and love.

-A child who is unable to think about what is going on around him and is content to live without wondering lives like a man who lives off the work of a scoundrel and who is on the way close to being a scoundrel.

-Love is like the sun because it burns and melts everything.

-Someday there will be an uprising of peaceful individuals and they will become warriors for once so that neither they nor anyone else will ever have to be soldiers again..

-A godly spirit is capable of collapsing with a single push only when there is the presence of greed.

-In this world there should be the same amount of honor as there is with rays of light. When there are many men without honor, there will always be others who carry with themselves the honor of many men..

-Every human being has within himself an ideal man, just as each piece of marble contains in the rough a statue as beautiful as the one that Praxiteles the Greek made of the God Apollo..

-Man can never be more perfect than the sun. The sun is capable of burning us with the same light that warms us.

-Culture belongs to humanity and to our country. It remains for us to value it as a birthright.

-God always prevails in the idea of ​​good that watches over the birth of every being.

-I always pray that the limitations of love do not cast any kind of spell on the ambitions of my mind.

-Those who do not conquer their homeland constantly live under exile and the whip of guilt, like small wild animals thrown from one country to another.

-The ideology that is socialist has two great dangers: one comes from confusing and incomplete readings of foreign texts and the other comes from the arrogance and hidden rage of those who, in order to get into the world, pretend to be pathetic defenders of the defenseless in order to have shoulders to lean on.

-Anyone who receives money in trust to manage it for the benefit of its owner and uses it for their own benefit or against the wishes of its rightful owner, is ultimately a thief.

-Everything that separates men, everything that divides or gathers men into categories, is a sin against humanity.

-In the same way that some stones roll down the hills, just ideas achieve their goals despite all the obstacles and barriers that arise..

-Culture allows talent to shine and it is not necessarily completely ours, nor can we make it available solely to us.

-At this point, a revolution in society is still necessary: ​​one that will not end the government of its leader.

-We are free not to be unjust, not to be indifferent to human suffering, not to be able to take advantage of the people, of the work created and sustained through the spirit of political association.  

-Thinking for themselves is part of a man's duty.

-To take care of something that is useless when one can do something useful, to pay attention to what is simple when one has the disposition to try to do what is difficult, is to rid the talent of its own dignity in an absurd way..

-For reasons of fortune, there is a sensible and honest balance in the character of nations as well as that of men..

-Whoever uses the office against the voters quickly becomes a thief.  

-May those who long for a secure homeland with all their might, conquer it swiftly.

-Rights must be taken without hesitation. They should never be requested, or seized, or for any kind of question they should be pleaded.

-When women are moved and help, they cheer and applaud. However, when virtuous and knowledgeable women honor effort with their sweet love, they are invincible..

-I come from different places and from all those places I go, I am art among the arts and a mountain among mountains.

-I know strange names of flowers, herbs and incredible fatal disappointments.

-In the dead of night, I have seen pure flames and flashes of divine beauty rain on my head.

-Racist is a very confusing word in the alphabet and therefore needs to be clarified. Men do not have special rights simply because they belong to one race or another. When you say the word "men", you have already considered everyone with their rights.

-Only those who spread betrayal, fire and death out of hatred for the prosperity of others, are those who are not deserving in the end of the pity.

-Strength comes from efforts to wait for long periods of time.

-Man needs to suffer because when he does not have real pain, he is capable of creating it on his own..

-This is the time when hills and heights can look down on mountains.

-I must admit that, in truth, men talk too often about danger.

-Mountains culminate in peaks and nations culminate in men.

-Like bones for the human body, the axis for completing a circuit, the wing for the bird, and air for the wing, freedom is the essence of life. Whatever you do without that element, it ends up being considerably imperfect in the end..

-My poems are capable of pleasing the brave: honestly my short and sincere poems have the strength of the steel that forges swords.

-In short, there seems to be a considerable difference between idiots and madmen here. Crazy people put together wrong ideas and so they make wrong propositions, but they also argue and reason directly from them. However, idiots make little or no proposition and are absolutely lacking in reason..

-On many occasions, peoples have the governments they deserve.

-Life is a must because nature is wonderfully beautiful.

-The deeper a wound, the more precious song it can generate.

-A dignified, free and intelligent soul, gives the body more elegance and more power to women than any fashion that exists in any store.

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