The 75 Best Phrases of Juan Salvador Gaviota

Abraham McLaughlin

I leave you the best phrases of Juan Salvador Gaviota, written by the American writer Richard Bach, one of the great fables of the twentieth century and that best represents the path to overcoming.

Juan Salvador Gaviota - in English Jonathan Livingston Seagull- is a fable written in the form of a novel about a seagull that learns about life and flight. It was first published in 1970 as "Jonathan Livingston Seagull - a story." By the end of 1972, more than a million copies had been printed, staying at the top of the New York Times Best Seller list for 38 weeks..

In 1972 and 1973 it topped the weekly bestseller list in the United States. In 2014 it was reissued as Jonathan Livingston Seagull: The Complete Edition, which added 17 pages to the story..

The book tells the story of Juan Salvador Gaviota, a seagull who gets bored with the daily fights for food among the other seagulls. Guided by a passion for flight, he learns everything he can about flying, until finally his nonconformity results in his expulsion from the colony..

An outcast, he continues to learn, increasingly pleased with his abilities and leading a peaceful and happy life..

The best quotes from Juan Salvador Gaviota

1-The secret is to stop seeing yourself as a prisoner of a limited body, break the chains of your thought and you will also break those of your body.

2-The simplest things are often the most real.

3-You have the freedom to be yourself and nothing can get in your way.

4-Heaven is not a place and it is not a moment. Heaven is to be perfect.

5-We have to reject everything that limits us.

6-Juan gaviota spent the rest of his days alone, but flew far beyond the distant cliffs.

7-The only law is the one that guides freedom.

8-To fly anywhere as fast as thought, you must start knowing that you have already arrived.

9-I had come to believe that the flight of ideas could be as real as the flight of the wind and feathers.

10-The only regret was not loneliness, but that others refused to believe in the glory that awaited them.

11-Of course, there is a destination, but it does not push you where you do not want to go. Fate is up to you.

12-Do not learn anything, and the next world will be the same as this one, with the same limitations and lead weights to overcome.

13-Stopping in the middle of a flight is shame and dishonor for the seagulls. But Juan Salvador Gaviota, without being ashamed, spread his wings again.

14-It has no bones and feathers, but a perfect idea of ​​freedom and flight, not limited by anything.

15-Juan Salvador seagull discovered that boredom, fear and hatred are the reasons why the life of a seagull is so short, and when they left his thoughts, he lived a long life.

16-Juan sighed. The price of being misunderstood, he thought. They call you devil or they call you god.

17-What before he wanted to achieve for the whole flock, he obtained for himself. He learned to fly as he had never done before and did not regret the price he had to pay for it..

18-For most seagulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this seagull, however, it was not important to eat, but to fly.

19-But speed was power, and speed was joy, and speed was pure beauty.

20-We are free to go where we want and to be what we are.

21-Exceeds space and all we leave is here. Get over time and all we leave is now.

22-Do not believe what your eyes tell you. All they show are limitations. Look with your understanding, find what you already know and you will see the way to fly.

23-More than anything in the world, Juan Salvador Gaviota loved to fly.

24-We choose our next world through what we learn in this one. We learn nothing and the next world is the same as this, the same limitations and lead weights to overcome.

25-You do not love hate and evil, of course. You have to practice and see the real seagull, the good seagull in each one of them, and help them to see them in themselves. That's what I mean by love.

26-I did not feel guilty of breaking the promises that I had made to myself, such only exist for those who accept the ordinary. One who has experienced perfection in his learning does not need such promises..

27-Most seagulls do not learn more than the simple facts of flight - how to go from shore to food and back.

28-But I have no desire to be a leader. I just want to share what I have found.

29-You will begin to touch the sky, Juan, the moment you touch the perfect speed. And it's not flying at a thousand miles per hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection has no limits. The perfect speed, my son, is to be there.

30-We can rise above excellence, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence, intelligence and ability.

31-For a thousand years we have scratched after the heads of fish, but now we have a reason to live, to learn, to be free.

32-One school has finished and the time has come for another to start.

33-Flying is as or more important than a simple flapping from here to there.

34-If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then, when we finally overcome space and time, we will have destroyed our own brotherhood. But overcome space, and we will have only one left here. Exceed time, and we will have only one now. And between the here and now, don't you think we can meet again a couple of times?

35-Do you have any idea how many lives we had to cross before we got the first idea that there is more to life than eating, fighting or reaching power in the flock? A thousand lives, Juan, ten thousand! And then a hundred more lives until we began to learn that there is something called perfection, and another hundred to understand that the goal of life is to find that perfection and reflect it..

36-He felt flying in a strange sky, forgetting, remembering, forgetting; fearful and sorry.

37-Break the chains of your thought and you will also break the chains of your body.

38-One stage has ended, and the time has come for another to begin.

39-Your body, from the tip of one wing to the other, as Juan would say, is nothing more than what you think of yourself, in a way that you can see. Release the chains of thoughts and you will break the chains of your body too.

40-Why is it so difficult for you to be like the rest of the flock, Juan? Why don't you leave those flights to the pelicans and albatrosses? Why don't you eat You're just bones and feathers.

41-I just want to know what things I can do in the air and what things I cannot. Nothing more. I just want to know.

42-If you want to study, learn things about food and how to get it. This flying thing is very fun and beautiful, yes. But you can't eat a stunt, you know that, right? Always remember that the reason we fly is to be able to eat.

43-The short wings of a hawk! That's! What a fool I have been! All I need is to have small wings. It will be enough to fold my wings and fly only with the ends.

44-And so was Juan the first seagull on this planet who performed aerobatics.

45-Now life has meaning! Instead of our slow and annoying come and go hunting for fish, there is a reason to live!!

46-We can be free! We will be able to learn to fly!

47-Juan Salvador Seagull! To the center! ”The words of the Greater Gull were heard in the solemn voice that was typical of the most important ceremonies. Putting yourself in the center could only mean two things: great shame or great honor..

48-Who is more responsible than a seagull that has managed to get and that is following a reason to live?

49-No Juan, there is no such place. Heaven is neither a place nor a time. Heaven is about being perfect.

50-The maximum speed! A seagull flying at 200 miles per hour! It was the discovery and the most peculiar and important moment in the history of the flock..

51-They came at dusk and found Juan gliding in the sky, alone and calm. The two seagulls that appeared next to him were pure as starlight, and had a soft, peaceful glow that contrasted with the night sky..

52- Who are you?

-We are from your flock, Juan. We are your brothers. We have come to take you higher. To take you home.

53-A little more and I will not be able to with this old body.

-Of course you can, Juan, because you have learned. One stage is over and it's time for the other to begin. 

54-He was able to fly much higher and it was time to go home.

55-So this is heaven, thought Juan Salvador Gaviota, and had to laugh.

56-The secret, according to Chiang, was that Juan stopped seeing himself as the prisoner of a body with limitations.

57-The secret was to recognize that his true nature was found anywhere in space and time.

58-But they are right! I am a perfect seagull that has no limitations!

59-In ten thousand years, I have never seen a seagull less afraid of learning than you.

"Juan," he said, and these were the last words Major Chiang spoke, "keep working on love." -When they were able to see again, Chiang had already disappeared.

61-Juan was born to teach. His way of showing love was to share with other seagulls the truth that he had seen.

62-If there is anyone who can show the gulls of the Earth how to see from miles away, that is Juan Salvador Gaviota. Goodbye Juan, my friend.

63-Flying is much more important than flapping from here to there. That makes it up to ... even a mosquito.

64-Are they blind? Can't they see it? Can't you imagine the glory that seagulls would achieve if we learned to fly? I don't care what they think.

65-Pedro Pablo Seagull, do you want to fly?


-Pedro Pablo Gaviota, would you be able to forgive your flock, learn to fly, return to it and help them understand the importance of flight??


-So Pedro, let's start with the horizontal flight.

66-Help me. More than anything in this world, I want to fly.

67-Are you saying that I can fly?

-I am saying that you are free to do whatever you want. Without further ado, Esteban Lorenzo Gaviota, spread his wings and, without the slightest effort on his part, soared into the dark sky.

68-The problem, Pedro, is that we have to overcome our limitations in order and with patience.

69-You can stay here and learn what you can, which is much more than what you are going to learn in the world you left, or you can return and continue working with your flock.

70-Juan, do you remember what you said when we met: love the flock enough to return and teach it to fly?


-I don't understand how you can love a mob of enraged birds that has tried to kill you.

-Come on that's not what we love.

71-Pedro, do not let them spread nonsense rumors about me, or that they transform me into a god. I'm a seagull, okay, Pedro?

72-You don't need me anymore. What you really need is to keep finding yourself. One step at a time. So you can see the true and infinite Pedro Pablo Gaviota. He is your true instructor.

73-You have to practice and learn to see the seagull for real. You must see the good that is in each one of them and work so that they can see it themselves. That's what i mean when i talk about loving.

74 "To begin with," said Pedro, "you have to understand that a seagull is nothing but an unlimited idea of ​​freedom, an image of the Great Seagull." Our whole body, from end to end, is nothing but our own thought.

75-Are there no limits, Juan? Pedro Pablo Gaviota thought and smiled. The path to learning had begun.

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