The 75 Best Phrases of the Marquis de Sade

Robert Johnston

I leave you the best famous phrases of the Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), 18th century French aristocrat, philosopher and one of the most controversial writers in history.

The Marquis de Sade was especially remembered for his revolutionary ideas in favor of sexual debauchery and other practices considered despicable in the France of his time..

In his works, the Marquis mixes pornography, violence and crime, with a philosophical discourse in favor of freedom and against morality, religion and the law..

His scandalous ideas and his atypical behavior are responsible for the appearance of the terms "sadism" and "sadistic".

In 1801, Napoleon Bonaparte ordered his imprisonment for the works "Justine" and "Juliette", which were attributed to the Marquis despite having been published anonymously..

After a long period incarcerated in an asylum, the Marquis de Sade died in 1814. Throughout his life, the Marquis spent a total of 32 years in prison, where he wrote many of his works..

You may also be interested in these quotes from Napoleon or these from philosophers.

In the following appointments you can see the strong character and determination of such an extravagant French celebrity.

-No act of possession should be exercised on a free soul.

-The body is the temple where nature asks to be venerated.

-Happiness is ideal and utopian, it is the work of our imagination.

-Possession of a woman is as unfair as the possession of slaves.

-Kill me or accept me as I am, because I will never change.

-Truth elicits less imagination than fiction.

-Love is stronger than pride.

-It is not in my power to change how I am. And if I was, I wouldn't.

-Conscience is not the voice of nature, but of prejudice.

-The luckiest person is the one who has more means to satisfy their cravings.

-Social order in exchange for freedom is not a good deal.

-Religions are the cradle of despotism.

-The idea of ​​God is the only evil that I cannot forgive mankind.

-Ignorance and fear are the foundations of all religion.

-Do not lose sight of the fact that man's happiness lies in his imagination, and that he will not be able to achieve it if he does not satisfy his whims..

-Human beings are as guilty of following their impulses as the Nile is of floods or the sea of ​​waves..

-Destruction, and therefore creation, is one of the mandates of nature.

-Is there anything more immoral than war?

-Cruelty, far from being a vice, is the first feeling that nature instills in us.

-Sex is as important as eating or drinking, and we must satisfy this appetite with as few restrictions and false decorum as the others..

-Judging from the knowledge expounded by theologians, we can only conclude that God created most men simply to cram hell..

-Most people militate against their passions without stopping to think that it is their retrograde philosophy that fuels them..

-Universal moral principles are nothing but useless whims.

-The past motivates me, the present excites me and I am not afraid of the future.

-Sex without pain is like food without taste.

-It is not my way of thinking that has brought me my misfortunes, but the way of thinking of others.

-The passions of lust are inexorable. Lust demands, provokes and tyrannizes.

-To know virtue, we must first become familiar with vice.

-Can we become someone other than who we are?

-The only way to win a woman's heart is through torment. I do not know another so sure.

-If God killed his own son like a calf, it makes me shudder to think what he would do to me.

-Only through pain can pleasure be achieved.

-Sexual pleasure is the passion that governs the rest, but in which they all come together.

-Lust is to other passions what the nervous fluid is to life. Ambition, cruelty, greed, revenge ... all are based on lust.

-If the laws remain as they are, let's be discreet; strong opinions force us to be. But in privacy and silence, let us be ourselves to compensate for the cruel chastity that we are forced to manifest in public..

-The natural character of man leads him to imitate his loved ones as well as possible. This has been how I have earned my own misfortunes.

-Any joy diminishes when shared with other people.

-Are not the laws that inhibit the passions dangerous? Compare the centuries of anarchy with those of the most legalism of any country. Thus you will see how the greatest actions appear only when the laws perish.

-Happiness is not achieved with vice or virtue, but with the way in which we understand one and the other, and with the decisions we make in pursuit of the conformation of our own being.

-Imagination is the trigger for all pleasures. It all depends on the imagination. Is it not from the imagination that happiness and the most intense pleasures are born?

-There is no truer sensation than pain. Its effect is accurate and reliable, it never deceives, as does the pleasure that women pretend and rarely feel.

-Are wars more than just the means by which a nation is nurtured, strengthened, and protected??

-Variety and multitude are the most powerful vehicles of lust.

-No man, if he is in good faith and sincere, would deny that he would rather have his lover die than be unfaithful to him.

-The excess of sensuality makes the pain leave the man.

-There is no god, nature is enough without the need for an author.

-The greatest triumph of philosophy would be to be able to clarify the way in which Providence intends to finish the plans it has for man..

-Until someone shows me the infallibility of human trials, I will demand the abolition of the death penalty.

-Nature, which sometimes requires vices and virtues to maintain the laws of its equilibrium, urges us in accordance with its demands.

-Conversations, like certain parts of the anatomy, always flow better when lubricated.

-My way of thinking, they say, is absolutely reprehensible. Do you think i care?

-There is no greater wretch than the one who changes his way of thinking to please the rest.

-Fuck! Is a man also expected to be a gentleman when he is sexually aroused?

-Some people seem cruel to others, but sometimes it's just the only way they know to take care of others and feel more strongly..

-If it is obscene that gives pleasure to lust, then the more obscenity, the more pleasure there must be..

-I don't know what the heart is. I only use that word to refer to the weaknesses of the mind.

-We must apply violence to the object of our desire. So when you give up, the pleasure will be greater.

-True happiness lies in the senses, and virtue does not satisfy any of them..

-I have been to hell. You have only read about him.

-Nature has given each human kind feelings that should not be wasted on others..

-I assumed that everything had to yield to my wishes, that the entire universe had to respond to my whims and that I had the right to satisfy them at my will..

-I hope the rest of my life gets over the extravagances of my youth.

-The impossibility of enraging nature is the greatest anguish that human beings can feel.

-When someone has had enough of something, it is because they have had too much.

-Let us give ourselves indiscriminately to what our passions ask for, and thus we will always be happy.

-My passions, concentrated in a single point, resemble the rays of the sun concentrated thanks to a magnifying glass: the two immediately set fire to any object in their path.

-In an age of utter corruption, the best attitude is to do what others do.

-Beauty is something simple, while ugliness is something exceptional.

-It is proven that cruelty, horror and fear is what provides pleasure when fornicating.

-Sex should be a perfect balance between pain and pleasure. Without that symmetry, sex becomes routine rather than delight..

-Monsters are also necessary in nature.

-Each principle is a judgment, each judgment the result of an experience, and the experience is only achieved through the exercise of the senses..

-It is not the opinions or vices of the individual that damages a State, but the behavior of public figures.

-Crime is the soul of lust. What would pleasure be without crime? It is not the debauchery that excites us, but the evil.

-Beautiful women should only be concerned with pleasure, not procreation.

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