The 80 Best Phrases of Calle 13

Abraham McLaughlin

I leave you the best phrases from Calle 13, the famous music group formed by René Pérez Joglar, alias Resident, and his stepbrother Eduardo Cabra Martínez, alias Visitor.

You may also be interested in these song phrases.

Source: Author: Jorge Mejía peralta

1- Let's go 'a portano' badly. -13TH Street

2- I can blow the gray clouds so you have a good day. -13TH Street

3- I'd rather die as a rebel than live as a slave. -13TH Street

4- The seconds are not counted, stories are told. -13TH Street

5- If you want true change, then walk differently. -13TH Street

6- You opened your eyes and the sun kept his brush because you paint the landscape better than him. -13TH Street

7- Dare-you-jump out of the closet. -13TH Street

8- I fight for my mother's smile that is worth a million. -13TH Street

9- I am a piece of land that is worth it. -13TH Street

10- I do not believe in the church, but I believe in your gaze, you are the sun in my face when I wake up, I am the life that I already have, you are the life that I lack. -13TH Street

11- No one convinced me, I was convinced by your smile. -13TH Street

12- This crazy as you say has good ideas. -13TH Street

13- Every rhyme you do is immortalized. -13TH Street

14- I walk without a watch, I don't have a calendar, I don't believe in manners, nor in dictionaries. -13TH Street

15- Sometimes those in the neighborhood have the wrong idea and do not know that my right goes down just as heavy. -13TH Street

16- I say 50 bad words per second because the reality is that I would like to change this fucking world. -13TH Street

17- Urban music is about respect, it is about who writing is the one who best dominates the alphabet. -13TH Street

18- For you I cross the border without a visa and I get a good smile from the Mona Lisa, for you I breathe out before I die, for you I go to church and listen to the entire mass without falling asleep. -13TH Street

19- They place me within the marginal but at some point we all behave badly. -13TH Street

20- You have me flying through the air, as if I were floating underwater. -13TH Street

21- Don't talk to me about posters, or about the Sopranos, the biggest mafia lives in the Vatican, with the trick of faith they fuck people, they fuck anyone who thinks differently. -13TH Street

22- It is normal that my behavior does not fit them and more when that governor unemployment my mother, I vent when I write, my handwriting is frank, so as to end up exploding in the white house. -13TH Street

23- My rhymes make you tense and give you cramps, I am the one who makes them eat without being hungry. -13TH Street

24- I don't want to be your favorite artist, I'm not interested in representing Puerto Rico either, to represent my country there are athletes, my thing is to let go of my tongue and let it slide down the track. -13TH Street

25- I do not have everything calculated, nor my life resolved, I only have a smile and I hope for one back. -13TH Street

26- Calm people! That here I am, what they do not say I say! What you feel I feel because I am like you and you are like me. -13TH Street

27- We like disorder, we break the rules, we are undisciplined, we all spoil ourselves. -13TH Street

28- Rhyming frankly I am an academic, I am more controversial than Michael Jackson and his doctor. -13TH Street

29- They censored me for obvious reasons, because I was more honest with you than I was with my ex-girlfriend. -13TH Street

30- Here there are no regulations, here there is no oath, there is no government, there are no colonels, there are no sergeants, add pepper to your courage. -13TH Street

31- "We are philanthropists of doctorate cultural poetry only authorized to be understood by educated people." -Educated in what? In what? If you also eat steak and have corn flakes with pancakes for breakfast. -13TH Street

32- Atea, diabolical or Catholic, it doesn't matter! They all scream the same as symphonic. -13TH Street

33- I go with the people, with those who fuck to earn a salary. -13TH Street

34- Within the logic of our humanity, we believe the lie and nobody supports the truth. -13TH Street

35- I've already beaten the past, now it's up to the present, I never look back, I run looking at the front. -13TH Street

36- If the people of the Congo had your opportunities, they would be graduates of the best universities. -13TH Street

37- My mission in this world is to recite poems to yourself and to forget your problems. -13TH Street

38- You say that you are from the town but you no longer live in the hamlet. -13TH Street

39- Don't be foolish because I come with the appetite of a worker to eat anyone who comes to steal what is mine, I am the Napoleon of the Caserío. -13TH Street

40- The madman who escaped from the Pan-American hospital arrived to give you classes on what the word urban means. -13TH Street

41- Here the silly fool is not forgiven, here your last name, your money is worth nothing, the character of the people with whom we walk is respected. -13TH Street

42- For you I do whatever, for you I fight 300 ninjas in Korea, for you I fish 500 dolphins and cross the Andes on skates. -13TH Street

43- If you are good and you pray at night, give me a kiss on the mouth and then you confess. -13TH Street

44- What is not seen we are seeing, we were born without knowing how to speak, but we are going to die saying. -13TH Street

45- Being an idiot is not bad, if you see it with optimism. -13TH Street

46- If the press does not speak, we will give the details. -13TH Street

47- You are a gross bastard! rapping about how to blow brains, in a country where they kill you for stealing a peso. -13TH Street

48- Some are born idiots, others learn to be, others become idiots and try to convince us. -13TH Street

49- The great ideas discovered always renew their dead cells. -13TH Street

50- The only absolute truth is that when you were born fruits were born to the trees. -13TH Street

51- To change that strawberry mind, you have to consume about 100 tablets. -13TH Street

52- I am everything that you hide, I am the one for you, tell me how? When? and where? -13TH Street

53- I do not need blessings because I always have good luck. -13TH Street

54- Between the legs I never hide the tail. -13TH Street

55- The most beautiful faces I have ever met are the photographs of a missing person. -13TH Street

56- I want to do like Pope Francis while I talk about the poor I collect the tithe with my records. -13TH Street

57- No one here is perfect, we all make mistakes, you have to be idiots to learn to be better. -13TH Street-

58- My rhyme is accurate, sincere, really, never fake. -31st Street

59- Before getting married I prefer to fight with 20 demons. -13TH Street

60- I'm seeing everything in slow motion, I am Prince Charming and you are Cinderella, with you I want to grow old… LIE! after tonight I won't see you again. -13TH Street

61- Although I almost killed myself and almost got caught, they never saw me crying or dropping mucus. -13TH Street

62- I have dirty nails because I work. -13TH Street

63- Sorry if my handwriting is dirty but my mind is flexible like Russian gymnastics. -13TH Street

64- Reggaetonero do not take it personally, this is for you to motivate yourself. -13TH Street

65- We have come walking along a finite rope but not even the kryptonite knocks us down. -13TH Street

66- Unanimous decision, you are the favorite. -13TH Street

67- It is not my fault that the public sucks with mine, it is not my fault that mine never expires. -13TH Street

68- The ants deceive you, they attack as a team like piranhas, even though they are small, thanks to the union, they all become a truck. -13TH Street

69- Here came your Robin Hood, to put the balls in the holes like Tiger Woods. -13TH Street

70- Everything has a rhythm, everything shakes, even if you are a paraplegic your heart pumps. -13TH Street

71- Don't give me more books because I don't read them, what I've learned is because I see them. -13TH Street

72- After studying so much I ended up being a rapper. -13TH Street

73- Gross work but with pride, it is shared here, mine is yours, this town does not drown with marullos and if it collapses I will rebuild it. -13TH Street

74- Take off your suit, skirt and T-shirt, take off your clothes, brands, labels, to change the world, bare your courage, honesty has no clothes or makeup. -13TH Street

75- Stop talking does not combine with brave people. -13TH Street

76- You do not need bullets to prove a point, it is logical; you cannot speak to a deceased. -13TH Street

77- A strong message turns any lieutenant into a toothless shark. -13TH Street

78- What is the script? If I fight for the uneducated ... do I have to be illiterate? -13TH Street

79- I want to travel the world, I want to travel it with you, without thinking about the seconds, come here and run with me. -13TH Street

80- I studied in public school and also in private, that's why the plays go well for me on the street. -13TH Street.

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