Napoleon Hill's 80 Best Phrases [with Pictures]

Basil Manning
Napoleon Hill's 80 Best Phrases [with Pictures]

I leave you the best Napoleon Hill quotes (1883-1970), considered one of the great authors of self-help and self-improvement, author of books such as Think and Get Rich, The Laws of Success or Positive mental attitude.

Napoleon Hill is one of the best-known authors in the history of the self-help field. After meeting millionaire and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, he began gathering information and establishing a process for success..

To do this, he interviewed millionaires of the time, including Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Charles M Schwab, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and Alexander Graham Bell..

His philosophy was based on the fact that if someone has an obsessive desire to achieve something, they will be so determined and convinced that they will have it that they will eventually achieve it. In turn, he considered that action was necessary and that this belief was based on democracy, capitalism and freedom, without which success could not be achieved..

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Your best quotes

-Think twice before speaking, because your words and influence will plant the seed of success or failure in the mind of the other..

-Our only limitations are the ones we create in our mind.

-Wise men, when they hesitate to speak or remain silent, give themselves the benefit of the doubt and remain silent..

-When you are able to maintain your own standards of integrity, no matter what others do, you are destined for greatness..

-If you are not learning while you are winning, then you are missing the best part of your compensation..

-Most successful people have found their greatest successes one step beyond their greatest failure..

-If you think you are unlucky because you loved and lost, dismiss that thought. Who really loves never loses.

-There is one quality that one must possess to win and that is purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it..

-Any idea, plan or purpose can be placed in the mind through its repetition in thought..

-A goal is a dream with a deadline.

-First comes the thought, then the organization of it into ideas and plans, then the transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will see, is in your imagination.

-If you can't do great things, do small things in a big way.

-Ideas are the starting point of all fortunes.

-The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its work.

-Happiness is found in doing, not simply owning.

-The man who does more than he is paid will soon be paid more than he does.

-The starting point of any achievement is desire.

-Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.

-Your big break may be right where you are right now.

-Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unsurpassed combination for success..

-Every adversity, every failure, every broken heart carries with it the seed of equal or greater benefit.

-Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what you should have done before yesterday.

-Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

-Dont wait. The time will never be right.

-Opportunity often comes disguised as temporary misfortune or defeat..

-Success in its highest and noblest form calls for inner peace, joy and happiness, which comes only to the man who has found the job he likes the most..

-Until you have formed the habit of looking for the good instead of the evil that is in others, you will not be successful or happy either..

-Create a definitive plan to carry out your wish and start immediately, whether you are ready or not..

-A wish is the starting point of any achievement, not a hope, not a dream, but an acute desire that transcends everything.

-When defeat comes, accept it as a sign that your plans are not solid, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more towards your desired goal..

-Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting..

-Just write your plan. By the time you finish it, you will have definitely given a concrete shape to an intangible wish..

-Money without a brain is always dangerous.

-Most men meet failure due to their lack of persistence in creating new plans to replace those that failed..

-A great achievement is usually born from a great sacrifice, and it is never the result of selfishness..

-Appreciate your visions and dreams as if they were the children of your soul, the sketches of your final achievements.

-Most people have achieved their greatest success just one step after their greatest work..

-Persistence is to the character of man as coal is to steel.

-I have always believed that a man should give his best, regardless of how much he receives for his services, the number of people he can serve, or the kind of people he serves..

-The world has a habit of making room for the man whose actions show he knows where he is going..

-Everyone enjoys doing the type of work for which they are best suited..

-Failure is nature's plan to prepare you for great responsibilities.

-No thinking being will judge another person by what his enemies say about him.

-Education comes from the inside; you get it through struggle, effort and thought.

-No man can succeed in a line of endeavor he does not like.

-A weak desire brings a weak result, just as a small fire produces only little heat..

-You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want.

-Before a person succeeds, they may very well have to face temporary defeats and perhaps some failures..

-When defeat beats a man, the most logical thing to do is quit. This is what most men do.

-Start where you are and work with the tools you have at your disposal, along the way you will find better tools.

-Focus on one goal and see how quickly the world pulls away to let you pass.

-When the desire is strong, it will appear that you have superhuman powers.

-The path to success is the path in search of knowledge.

-You can hurt yourself if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love too little..

-A person who quits never wins and a winner never quits.

-Action is the real measure of intelligence.

-An educated man is not necessarily one who has an abundance of general or specialized knowledge. An educated man is one who develops the powers of his mind without violating the rights of others..

-More gold has been mined from the minds of men than from the earth itself.

-We refuse to believe what we don't understand.

-If you have to speak ill of someone, better not speak. Write it in the sand near the water.

-I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness and cynicism through the development of love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude towards others will never bring me success..

-Reviews are one of the cheapest goods on Earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions that they want to be accepted by others..

-If you allow yourself to be influenced by opinions, when you come to make decisions you will not be successful.

-Whoever has truly loved never completely loses. Love is moody and capricious. Its nature is ephemeral and transitory. He comes when he wants and leaves without warning. Accept it and enjoy it while it lasts and don't worry about its end.

-Perhaps we will learn as the years go by that the "other being" is more powerful than the physical being we see in the mirror..

-There is a difference between wanting something and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for anything unless they think they can afford it. The mind must be prepared to believe, not just hope and wish. An open mind is essential for this.

-Helen Keller became deaf, dumb, and blind shortly after she was born. Despite his misfortunes, his name is engraved on hundreds of pages of history of the great.

-Helen Keller's life has served as evidence that no one is ever defeated until they accept defeat as part of their reality..

-Leaving aside the need to expand horizons has made many people stay doing the same thing throughout their lives.

-Tell the world what you plan to do, but show it to them first. This is the equivalent of saying "actions and not words are what really count".

-You must be sure of yourself before you can win the prize.

-If you do not conquer being, you will be conquered by being.

-A genius is someone who has taken possession of his mind and directs it towards the objectives of his interest, without letting external influences take away the desire to move forward or lead him astray..

-The strongest oak in the forest is not the one that is protected from storms and hidden from the Sun. It is the one that stands in the open space and is forced to fight for its existence against the winds, the rain and the Sun. scorching.

-The one who wins is not the lawyer who knows the most about the law, but the one who has best prepared the case.

-If I had the courage to see myself for who I really am, I could find what is wrong with me and correct it. Then perhaps I will have the opportunity to take advantage of my mistakes and learn from the experiences of others..

-Adversity will do something for you or for you.

-Desire, backed by faith, knows no impossibilities.

-Remember that dominant thoughts attract your opposing thought, thanks to a definite law of nature. Be careful what your thoughts attract.

-Fears are but a state of mind.

-Love only attracts one thing and that thing is love.

-If you are prepared for the secret, you own half of it. Therefore, you are ready to recognize the other half the moment it comes to mind..

-Know that two entities occupy your body. One is motivated by fear and responds to its impulse. The other is motivated by faith and responds to its impulse. Will you be guided by faith or will you let fear overcome you?

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