The 80 Best Phrases of Nikola Tesla

Simon Doyle

I leave you the best Nikola Tesla quotes, one of the most important inventors and scientists in history, to whom we owe many creations and advances in the field of electricity, mechanics and electronics.

You may also be interested in these phrases of Albert Einstein or these of great scientists.

-Most people are so engrossed in contemplating the outside world that they completely forget what is going on within them..

-If your hatred could be turned into electricity, it could be used to light up the whole world.

-Our strengths and weaknesses are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, the man ceases to be himself.

-My belief is firm about the law of compensation. The true rewards always come in proportion to the work and sacrifices made.

-Antisocial behavior is an intelligence trait in a world full of conformists.

-I'm not worried that my idea was stolen. I'm worried they don't have ideas of their own.

-The progressive development of mankind critically depends on invention.

-When a natural inclination turns into a passionate desire, you advance toward your goal by leaps and bounds..

-Inventors don't have time for a married life.

-The individual is ephemeral, races and nations come and go, but humanity remains.

-Looking back at the events in my life, I realize how subtle are the influences that shape our destinies..

-Misunderstandings are always caused by the inability to appreciate the other's point of view.

-Great moments are born from great opportunities.

-Smart people tend to have fewer friends than the average person. The smarter you are, the more selective you become.

-Life is, and will always remain, an equation that cannot be solved, but contains some known factors.

-The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will have more progress in a decade than in all previous centuries..

-Peace can only be achieved as a natural consequence of universal consciousness and the union of races, and we are still far from this wonderful fact..

-The inventor's efforts basically save lives. Whether it harnesses forces, improves devices or provides comforts, it contributes to our existence.

-My brain is just a receiver, in the universe there is a nucleus from which we get knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know it exists.

-There is no energy in matter other than that received by the environment.

-If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.

-Stay alone, that is the secret of the invention; stay alone, this is how ideas are born.

-What one man calls God, another man calls laws of physics.

-Love is not made, love is given.

-Poor observation is simply a form of ignorance, and it is responsible for many of the morbid notions and naive ideas that still prevail..

-Of all things, what I liked the most were the books.

-Putting an unpolished idea into practice, as is generally done, I believe, is nothing more than a waste of energy, money, and time..

-So impressive are the facts in this connection, that it seems that the Creator himself had electrically designed this planet..

-We are all one.

-I am equally proud of my Serbian origin and my homeland, Croatia.

-The day will come when I will show the world that power and voice transmission without the aid of cables is possible..

-We are circling through infinite space, with inconceivable speed. Around, everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere there is energy.

-In the twenty-first century, the robot will take the place that slave labor occupied in ancient civilizations..

-Certainly, some planets are not inhabited, but others are, and among these, life must exist under all kinds of conditions and phases of development..

-You could live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.

-Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one of us according to our work and our achievements.

-We long for new sensations, but soon we become indifferent to them. The wonders of yesterday become the common occurrences of today.

-I have been able to harvest the energy from cosmic rays and have used them to operate a device with moving parts.

-I don't think you can mention many great inventions that were created by married men..

-If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

-I am recognized as one of the hardest workers, and perhaps I am, if thinking is the equivalent of work, since I have spent almost all of my waking hours thinking.

-There is something within me that could be an illusion, as is often the case with successful young men, but if I were lucky enough to achieve some of my ideals, I would do so in the name of all humanity..

-One feels a sudden wave of sadness and searches the mind for an explanation, before realizing that it was a cloud that obstructed the rays of the sun..

-The feeling that I may have been the first to witness the greeting from one planet to another is constantly growing within me..

-It should be taken into account that the electrical energy obtained by extracting the energy from a waterfall is probably fifty times more effective than the energy emitted by a fuel.

-I hold the position that the universe cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it has no properties. It could well be said also that God has properties. It does not have them, it only has attributes of our own creation.

-Every living being is a motor connected to the gear of the universe. Although it appears to be affected by its immediate surroundings, the limits of external influence extend infinitely into the distance..

-Invention is the most important product of the creative mind of man. Its ultimate purpose is the complete domination of the mind over the material world, human nature at the service of human needs.

-Merciless are the laws of nature, and we are quickly and irresistibly driven to our doom..

-It is quite evident that this waste cannot continue indefinitely, since geological investigations have proven that our fuel reserves are limited. Such has been its use, that the threshold of exhaustion hovers dangerously close.

-Everything that has been great in the past has been ridiculed, condemned, fought against, repressed, only to emerge more powerfully and triumph at the end of that battle..

-In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and although we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is still alive..

-My project was delayed by the laws of nature. The world was not prepared. He was too ahead of his time. But the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a triumphant success.

-The gift of mind power comes from God, a divine being, and if we focus our minds on that truth, we can get in tune with that great power. My mother taught me to look for all truth in the Bible.

-Einstein's work on relativity is a magnificent mathematical artifact that fascinates, dazzles, and blinds people to their mistakes. The theory is like a beggar dressed as a king, and people believe it. And its exponents are brilliant, but they are more metaphysical than scientific.

-We can produce at will, from a broadcasting station, an electrical effect in any particular region of the planet; we can determine the relative position or direction of a moving object, such as a ship at sea, its distance traveled or its speed.

-Today's scientists have substituted experiments for mathematics, and they wander between equation and equation, eventually building a structure that has no relation to reality..

-It is paradoxical but real to say that the more we know, the more ignorant we become, in the absolute sense, since through understanding we become aware of our limitations..

-I am not willing to give small-minded and jealous individuals the satisfaction of having frustrated my efforts. These men are nothing more than the microbes that cause a brutal disease.

-All people anywhere in the world should have free energy sources. Electric power is present everywhere in unlimited quantities, and they can power the world's machinery without the need for coal, oil or gas..

-Of all frictional resistances, the one that most delays human development is ignorance, what Buddha called "the greatest evil in this world", and can only be fought with the knowledge and unification of the heterogeneous elements of humanity..

-Marconi is a good guy. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents.

-Money does not have the value that man has given it. All my money has been invested in experiments with which I have made new discoveries that allow humanity to live an easier life.

-The mind is sharper and more diligent in isolation and uninterrupted solitude. You don't need a big laboratory to think. Originality flourishes free of influences that can undermine the creative mind.

-Electrical energy can be transmitted without cables. I have shown that it is practical to distribute energy in unlimited quantities from a central plant, with losses of less than one percent, even up to twelve thousand miles, that is, to the other side of the world..

-The scientist does not aspire to have immediate results, he does not expect his advanced ideas to be accepted immediately. It is their duty to lay the groundwork for those who will come later and shed light on the direction to take later..

-If Edison were to find a needle in a haystack, he would proceed, with the diligence of a bee, tirelessly searching for it until he found it. He would feel sorry for the fact that knowing a little theory and calculations would have saved him ninety percent of the work.

-I do not believe that there is any emotion that can cross the human heart and compare with what an inventor feels when he sees one of his creations perform successfully. Those emotions make man forget to eat, sleep, as well as friends and love, everything.

-I have admired the artists' work, but to my mind, it was only about shadows and sketches. The inventor, I think, gives the world creations that are tangible, which live and function.

-Today's scientists think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and not be sane at all..

-The idea of ​​atomic energy is illusory, but it has taken hold so strongly in minds that although I have advocated against it for twenty-five years, there are some who still think it is possible..

-To say that space curves in the presence of large bodies is equivalent to asserting that something can act on nothing. From my point of view, I refuse to adopt such a belief.

-Creating and destroying matter, making it add in forms according to will, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of the mind of man, its greatest triumph over the physical world that could, together with its creator, comply with his supreme destiny.

-Instinct is something that transcends knowledge. Undoubtedly we have a certain fine capacity of discernment that allows us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other voluntary effort of our brain, is useless.

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