The 80 Best Pink Floyd Phrases

Robert Johnston

I leave you the best Pink Floyd phrases, famous UK rock band that emerged in the mid-20th century and had a great impact on their musical genre, breaking paradigms and styles, as well as global culture.

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Pink Floyd logo. Source: Wikimedia Commons - Pink FloydSVG by CMetalCoreThis W3C-unspecified vector image was created with Inkscape. [Public domain]

-There is no pain you can make it fade away, a distant ship, smoke on the horizon. You come in waves, your lips move but I can't hear what you say to me. -Comfortably Numb.

-Let's remember a day before today, a day when we were young, free to play alone with time and evening never came. -Remember A Day.

-Was it love or the idea of ​​being in love? -One Slip.

-We and them. After all we are just ordinary men. Me and you. God only knows that is not what we would choose to do. -Us and Them.

-So I thought you might like to go to the show ... to feel the warm confusion, that feeling of being high. -In the Flesh?

-The echo of a distant wave travels through the sand. -Echoes.

-How I wish I wish you were here We are just two lost souls swimming in a fish tank, year after year, running on the same floor. What have we found: the same old fears. -Wish You Were Here.

-"Forward" he yelled from the rear, and the front row died. The general sat down, and the lines on the map moved from side to side. -Us and Them.

-Together we stand, and divided we fall. -Hey You.

-I'm just a new kid, a stranger in this town. Where are the good times? Who will show the place to this stranger? […] Ohhh, I need an easy girl. -Young Lust.

-Dogs of war and men of hate without a cause, we do not discriminate. The discovery is to be unknown. Our currency is flesh and blood. Hell opened and was put up for sale. Come closer and haggle. -The Dogs of War.

-Time is gone and the song is over. -Time.

-Oh and by the way, which one of you is Pink? -Have a Cigar.

-Come on, you stranger to distant laughter. Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine! -Delicate Sound of Thunder.

-You are young and life is long. -Time.

-The people you lie to have to trust you. -Dogs.

-We ran before time stole our dreams. -High Hopes.

-Don't be afraid that you care. -Breathe (In the Air).

-If you want to find out what's behind those cold eyes. You just have to fight your way through this costume. -In the Flesh?

-We don't need education, we don't need thought control. No more sarcasm in the classroom. Teachers, leave the boys alone. -Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2.

- After all, it is just another brick in the wall. -Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2.

-I have always been angry, I know I have been angry, like most of us… it is difficult to explain why we are angry even when we are not angry. -Breathe.

-Do not accept what is happening. It is simply a case of others suffering, or you will find yourself joining them if you turn your back on what is happening. -On the Turning Away.

-When we went to school, there were certain teachers who hurt the children […], venting their derision on everything we did, and exposing every weakness, even carefully concealed ones. -The Happiest Days of Our Lives.

-Hold on tight, and don't let your shield come loose. Get a good grip on your bulletproof mask. And if they try to rip your costume with their questions. You can hide behind eyes full of paranoia. -Paranoid Eyes.

-A restless eye in a tired room. One glassy look and I was on my way to ruin. The music played and played, and we spun endlessly. No clues or words for your honor to defend. -One Slip.

-So you run to catch up with the sun, but it's setting. Hurrying to get out behind you again. The sun is the same, relatively, but you are older, short of breath, and one day closer to death. -Time.

-One of these days, I'm going to cut you into little pieces. -One of These Days.

-What do you gain by pretending that the danger is not real? Docile and obediently you follow the leader […] What a surprise! A look of terminal shock in your eyes. Now things are not as they seem. This is not a dream. -Sheeps.

-There is no dark side of the moon. It's actually all dark. -Eclipse.

-Money is a crime. Share it fairly, but don't take a piece off my cake. Money, they say, is today the source of all evil. But if you ask for a raise, I'm not surprised you're not getting it. -Money.

-Have a good drowning, as long as you dive by yourself. -Dogs.

-You run to an early death. -Breathe (In the Air).

-Have you ever wondered why we had to run for cover, when the promise of a brave new world was unfolding under a clear blue sky? -Goodbye Blue Sky.

-You believed their stories of fame, fortune and glory. And now you are lost in the haze of middle ages. The cake in the sky turned out to be miles too high, and you hide behind gentle brown eyes. -Paranoid Eyes.

-So you think you can tell heaven from hell and blue skies from pain? Can you distinguish a green field from a cold steel rail? Distinguish a smile from a veil? -Wish You Were Here.

-There is someone in my head, but it is not me. -Brain Damage.

-Once again, I have that feeling. I can't explain it to you, you wouldn't understand. This is not me, I have become comfortably numb. -Comfortably Numb.

-The memories of a man in his old age are the exploits of the prime of his life. You drag your feet in the dark of the hospital and talk to yourself until you die. -Free Four.

-Tell me the truth, why was Jesus crucified? Is this why Dad died? Was it for you? It was for me? Did I watch a lot of television? Is there a hint of accusation in your eyes? -The Post War Dream.

-Welcome my son, welcome to the machine. Where have you been? Everything is fine, we know where you've been. You had been stuck in the passing of time. -Welcome to the Machine.

-Since, my friend, you have revealed your greatest fear, I sentence you to be exposed before your fellow men. Tear down the wall! -The Trial.

-But it was just a fantasy. The wall was very high, as you can see. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free, and the worms ate his brain. -Hey You.

-A place to stay, with enough to eat. Somewhere, down the street, the old heroes walk without difficulty. Where you can speak out loud about your doubts and your fears, and no one else ever disappears. -The Gunner's Dreams.

-You know that I care what happens to you and I know that I matter to you, too. So not just the weight of the stone, now that I've found a happy place to bury my bone. -Pigs on the Wing (Pt. Two).

-What should we use to fill in the empty spaces where we used to talk? -Empty Spaces.

-Day after day love turns gray, like the skin of a dying man. Night after night, we pretend that everything is fine, but I've gotten old and you've gotten cold, and nothing is much fun anymore. -One of My Turns.

-Old ties are breaking, they move on and switch sides. Dreaming of a new day, turning the other way aside. Magical visions flood me, they wake me up […] -Burning Bridges.

-You scream and no one seems to listen. -Brain Damage.

-In the distance, a black ribbon stretches to the point of no return. A fancy flight over a windswept field. Being alone my senses were reeling. A fatal attraction quickly holds me back. -Learning To Fly.

-It is very considerate of you to think of me here. And I thank you for making it clear that I am not here. -Jugband Blues.

-Take your big kids somewhere else, and build them a house, a little place for them. The Fletcher Memorial Home, home of incurable kings and tyrants. -The Fletcher Memorial Home.

-Hello? Hello? Hello? Anyone here? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there someone at home? -Comfortably Numb.

-It is not surprising how little we change. It is not sad that we are crazy, playing the game that we know will end in tears, the games that we have been playing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times. -Point Me at the Sky.

-Life is short, a warm moment, and death is a long, icy rest. You get to try in the blink of an eye; eighty years, hopefully, and even less. -Free Four.

-You will live long and you will fly high, and you will give smiles, you will shed tears, and everything you touch and see is all that your life will be. -Breathe.

-Steps you took up ahead, but walked back like a sleepwalker. -High Hopes.

-Come here dear boy, smoke a cigar. You will fly far, you will fly high and you will never die, you will make it if you try it, they will love you. -Have a Cigar.

-You say you'd like to see me try to climb the hill! Choose the place and I will choose the moment and climb the hill in my own way […]. Let him climb over the trees, […] and listen to what you said today. -Fearless.

-Everything that exists now, everything that is gone, everything that is to come, and everything that is under the sun is in harmony. But the sun is dwarfed by the moon. -Eclipse.

-I have nicotine stains on my fingers; I have a silver spoon on my chain. […] I have a wild look and a strong urge to fly, but I don't have a destination. -Nobody Home.

-Our tired eyes are still lost on the horizon. -High Hopes.

-The child grew up, and the dream was gone. -Comfortably Numb.

-How can I escape from this irresistible hold? I can't take my eyes off the skies that go round in circles. Mute and twisted, I'm just a misfit with the ground by destiny. -Learning To Fly.

-Forever overwhelmed by desire and ambition. -High Hopes.

-If you're going to skate on the thin ice of modern life, trailing behind you a silent reproach from a million tear-stained eyes, don't be surprised if a crack appears in the ice. -The Thin Ice.

-Dig that hole and forget about the sun. -Breathe.

-His love falls on me as easy as the breeze. I listen to his breathing and it sounds like the waves in the sea. He was thinking of her, burning with rage and desire. -Take It Back.

-Every year gets shorter, I never seem to find the time. Plans that end up frustrated or half-written, waiting in silent desperation. -Time.

-Strangers passing by on the street. By chance of fate two glances meet, and I am you and what I see is me. -Echoes.

-Not now, John, we have to get on with the movie showing. Hollywood awaits us at the end of the rainbow. Who cares what it is as long as the kids go. -Not Now John.

-On the mountain, seeing the one who cares, breaking the darkness, awakening the vine. An inch of love is an inch of darkness. Love is the shadow that matures the wine. -Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun.

-Open your heart, I'm going back home. -Hey You.

-Do you remember when you were young? You were shining like the sun. -Shine On You Crazy Diamond.

-You must sleep on your legs, and when you are on the street, you must choose the easy meat with your eyes closed. And then, moving stealthily, against the wind and out of sight, you must attack without thinking. -Dogs.

-Beyond the horizon of the place where we lived when we were young. In a world of magnets and miracles. Our thoughts drifted constantly and without limits. -High Hopes.

-Get out of the way if you want to grow up and grow old. -Sheep.

-You contemplate passing the moments that make a dull day. You lose and waste hours in a distracted way, hanging around your hometown, waiting for someone or something to show you the way. -Time.

-And if the dam opens too many years early. And yes there is no room on the hill. And if your head is full of bad feelings too, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon. -Brain Damage.

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