The 85 Best SpongeBob Phrases

Simon Doyle

I leave you the best spongebob phrases and his friends Patricio, Doctor Crab, Squidward, Plankton, Arenita and limpet boy. It is a television series for children and adults released in 1999, rated by Times magazine as one of the best programs in history.

You may also be interested in these phrases from The Simpsons.


-It is no secret that the best thing about a secret is to secretly tell someone about your secret. So you add another secret to his secret collection of secrets, secretly.-Spongebob.

-Do you smell it? That smell, the kind of smelly smell. It is a smelly smell that smells ... smelly.-Mr. Krabs.

-You don't need a driver's license to drive a sandwich.-Spongebob.

-The best time to wear a striped sweater is all times.-Spongebob.

-Once upon a time there was an ugly barnacle, it was so ugly that they all died, end.-Patrick Star.

-What can be better than serving smiles? -Spongebob.

-I am ugly, but I am proud to be ugly.-Spongebob.

-Hey Patrick, I thought of something funnier than the 24, 25! -Spongebob.

-Too bad that SpongeBob is not here to enjoy that SpongeBob is not here.-Squidward.

-Squidward, I used your clarinet to unlock the toilet.-Spongebob.

-Gary, get out of here, can't you see I'm trying to forget you? -Spongebob.

-Remember, licking door knobs is illegal on other planets.-Spongebob.

-It's over! You lost the privilege of having a brain! -Plankton.

-You will never guess what I found in my socks last night. Go! Guess! -Spongebob.

-Haven't you heard SpongeBob? Good guys finish last. Only bold people rule the world! -Plankton.

-The mermaid man, always alert, trained himself to sleep with his eyes open.-Spongebob.

-I only have 364 days and nine years left to trade this concrete tomb for a multi-story transatlantic cruise. -Squidward.

-One day and 2,528 more to go! That's almost four years without SpongeBob! I'm going to enjoy this! Poppy Puff.

-The job is not as easy as it seems. Sometimes I have to move the television antenna, sometimes I lose the remote control and other times my butt itches me a lot.-Patricio Estrella.

-Why couldn't the eleven-year-old get into the new pirate movie? Because it was Arrr rating (R in English, only for over 18s) .- Squidward.

-Listen Bob steals Sponge secrets! If you come close to my secret box again, we will never be friends again! -Patricio Estrella.

-Oh come on Crab, SpongeBob taught us a very valuable lesson, like falling out of a plane for example.-Plankton.

-I like my sight a little less yellow if you understand what I'm saying.-Squidward.

-No Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument, horse radishes are not an instrument either.-Squidward.

-I order the food, you cook and the customer eats it. We do that for 40 years and then we die.-Squidward.

-Foolish people are blessed not to know how foolish they really are.-Patrick Star.

-Patrick, if I had a dollar for every brain you don't have, I'd only have a dollar.-Squidward.

-Who would want to celebrate a day when a fat man invades your house to leave gifts? -Squidward.

-The inner contents of my mind are a mystery.-Patricio Estrella.

-You must have coral waste in your frontal lobe.-Squidward.

-Remember, if you ever feel lonely, I will be inside of you.-Krabby Burger.

-Who wants a krabby burger at three in the morning? -Squidward.

-They'll never get a penny from me! Never! I prefer that that worm comes and eats them all alive.-Mr. Krabs.

-Mr. Krabs pizza is for you and me and it comes free, to your house! -Spongebob.

-Have I ever been right? -Patricio Estrella.

-Get out of my way, there's a man who's going to kick my ass! -Spongebob.

-You see ... You can be an open book SpongeBob but I'm a little more complicated.-Patricio Estrella.

-Sponge Bob! Try to land on your butt, that will reduce the impact.-Sandy Cheeks.

-A poem by Patricio Estrella: roses are blue, violets are red and I have to go to the bathroom.-Patricio Estrella.

-Thank goodness for invisible seat belts! -Patricio Estrella.

-I am building the amusement park not for the children. I am not interested in children, but in their parents' money! -Don Cangrejo.

-Patrick, I have a feeling that you think I'm really stupid.- Spongebob.

-Now, I have a bad feeling about my wallet.-Mr. Krabs.

-Spongebob, you took my only food, I'll starve! -Patricio Estrella.

-I will catch that worm for you, yes, if you have enough money to pay! -Sandy Cheeks.

-That is to say, did they seize what we believed to believe and make us believe that we believed that the thoughts we have had are thoughts that we believe are what we believed? -Patricio Estrella.

-All the bottom of the sea would be delighted to meet my beautiful daughter.-Mr. Cangrejo

-Well, it may be stupid, but it's also stupid! -Patricio Estrella.

-"Sea bears and fairy tales are real" ... That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.-Squidward.

-The next time you see me, this town will be eating in the palm of my hand.-Squidward.

-Wait SpongeBob, we're not cavemen! We have technology.-Patricio Estrella.

-Well, it is not a secret that the best of the secret is to secretly tell someone your secret, adding another secret that is secret to your secret collection of secrets ... secretly.-Spongebob.

-Do you smell it? That smell, the kind of stinky smell. A smelly smell that smells ... smelly.-Patricio Estrella.

-Gary, I'm absorbing your blows like I'm made of some kind of fluffy material.-Spongebob.

-Mr. Krabs, you are a very tight-fisted stingy! -Spongebob.

-Will I ever be able to pass the driving test? -Spongebob.

-Dumb people are always happier dumb than they really thought.-Patrick Star.

-The holographic meat? It's my favorite.-Plankton.

-I think my grandfather was right, you should never run to catch a bus.-Spongebob.

-If I had to die right now in some kind of fiery detonation due to a friend's carelessness, well I guess that would be fine.-Spongebob Squarepants.

-Move over Patrick, I'm claustrophobic! -Squidward.

-Oh, cheer up, Squidward, this could all be worse! -Spongebob.

-SpongeBob, now you are a man, and it is time for you to act like one.-Patrick Star.

-Goodbye everyone, I will remember you in therapy.-Plankton.

-Patrick, if your parents see a real fool, they can see how genius you are! -Spongebob.

-Can I be absent for the rest of my life? -Spongebob.

-Spongebob, that hat makes you look like a girl.-Mr. Krabs.

-Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else, Patrick? -Arenita Cheeks.

-If you were the one calling on the phone, who has been turning the lights on and off? -Spongebob.

-Sometimes we have to go deep inside to solve our problems.-Patricio Estrella.

-We do not need a television as long as we have our own imagination.-Spongebob.

-Hey Patrick, I was coming to invite you to fish jellyfish, but I see that you are very busy.-Spongebob.

-Do you know SpongeBob? This is nothing more than a game for you, nothing matters to you!… Let's go fishing for jellyfish, we have no work to do! For you, life is a box of expensive nuts! -Patricio Estrella.

-Spongebob, My Parents Think I Need Diapers! -Patricio Estrella.

-Today it is Sunday! The kelp crustacean is closed on Sundays. Jeez Gary, I was really looking forward to work! -Spongebob.

-This is where my robots are! All you have to do is make sure none are missing! -Arenita Cheeks.

-Sandy you have nothing to worry about, your beloved house is in the best of hands! -Spongebob.

-Yes! I am also a boy, I am a wacko, a dull and a head of a pimp. But above all I am ... A peanut! -Spongebob.

-My sandwich tastes like a fried boot! -Squidward.

-Outside there was a white car with the lights on.-Patricio Estrella.

-Spongebob, Why don't we go fishing for jellyfish? -Patricio Estrella.

-Today is a new day in which I am trapped in this prison full of cholesterol.-Squidward.

-Spongebob you are the scariest neighbor ever! -Squidward.

-They told me that a boy could not do what he wanted to do, but I came to clam city and proved the opposite.-Spongebob.

-Their music is so cool that robots can't stand this level of Rock and Roll! -Plankton.

-I'll actually eat them, see them at dinner! -The Phantom Pirate.

-A sea bear? You talk about those animals ... that they don't exist! -Squidward.

-Mr. Krabs, you have to help me, when you come here at night you will only see that I am a liar and a loser! -Squidward.

-Dad I want to have the best birthday party and give all my friends hamburgers! -Perlita, daughter of Mr. Krabs.

-We did great despite being a couple of idiots! -Spongebob.

-Aren't geniuses the ones who live in lamps? -Patricio Estrella.

-At this point no one says "cool" anymore. In the kelp crustacean from now on we will say “coral” .- Mr. Cangrejo.

-Can I have everyone's attention? I need to use the bathroom.-Patricio Estrella.

-Good people do not rip each other's arms off.-Spongebob.

-Plankton has 1% evil and 99% hot air.-The computer.

-Who Are You Calling Pinhead? -Patricio Estrella.

-I see that hibernation is the complete opposite of a beauty break.-Patricio Estrella.

-After all, don't we look evil? -Spongebob.

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