The 85 Best Phrases of Eduardo Galeano

Robert Johnston
The 85 Best Phrases of Eduardo Galeano

I leave you the best phrases by Eduardo Galeano (1940-2015), Uruguayan writer and journalist, considered one of the great representatives of Latin American literature. His works include Memories of fire, The book of hugs, Amares or Mirrors.

You may also be interested in these phrases of famous writers.

-We are what we do, especially what we do to change who we are.

-I thank journalism for waking me up to the realities of the world.

-When a book is alive, really alive, you feel it. You put it to your ear here, and you feel it breathe, sometimes laugh, sometimes cry.

-Banning books has become unnecessary for the police: their price prohibits them on their own.

-If coca is banned because of the misuse of it, why isn't television also banned??

-Is everything forbidden except crossing our arms? Poverty is not written in the stars; "Under development" is not one of God's mysterious designs.

-History never really says goodbye. The story says "see you later".

-If nature was a bank, they would have rescued it by now.

-Every day has a story that deserves to be told, because we are made of stories.

-You write to try to answer the questions that buzz in your head, tenacious flies that disturb your sleep.

-We are all mortal until the first kiss and the second glass of wine.

-I have never killed anyone, it is true, but it is because I have not had the courage or the time, not because I lacked the desire.

-Each person shines with their own light. No two flames are the same.

-I'm not particularly interested in saving time; I prefer to enjoy it.

-Less is always more. The best language is silence. We live in a time of terrible inflation of words, and it is worse than the inflation of money.

-I am attracted to the capacity for the beauty of football. When played well, the game is a dance with a ball.

-The purpose of torture is not to receive information. Is to spread fear.

-Every time a new war is unveiled in the name of the fight of good against evil, those who die are all poor.

-For sailors who love the wind, memory is a good port of departure.

-In this world of ours, a world of powerful centers and subdued suburbs, there is no wealth that is not, at least, suspicious.

-There are those who believe that destiny rests at the feet of the gods, but the truth is that it works, as a burning challenge, on the consciences of men.

-The walls are the printing press of the poor.

-Most of the wars, military coups or invasions, are made in the name of democracy against democracy.

-Even though professional soccer has become more about business and less about the game itself, I still believe that soccer is a feast for the legs that play it and for the eyes that watch it..

-No story is silent. No matter how much they burn it, break it, and lie about it, human history refuses to close its mouth.. 

-If the grape is made of wine, then maybe it is the words that say what we are.

-Indignation must always be the answer to unworthiness. Reality is not destiny.

-Disasters are called "natural", as if nature were the executioner and not the victim.

-Impunity demands forgetfulness.

-Development is a journey with more castaways than sailors.

-Power, they say, is like a violin. Taken with the left and played with the right.

-Writing is a wonderful adventure and requires a lot of labor: those words run and try to escape. They are very difficult to capture.

-If the Iron Curtain has melted, and the bad guys of yesterday are the good guys of today, why do the powerful continue to manufacture weapons and fear??

-The division of labor between nations is that some specialize in winning and others in losing..

-The world is organized by the economy of war and the culture of war.

-Competing against silence is difficult, because silence is a perfect language, the only language that says something without words.

-Some authors consider that they are chosen by God. I do not. I was chosen by the devil, that is clear.

-The food of the minority is the hunger of the majority.

-Progress develops inequality.

-We have a memory cut into pieces. I write trying to recover our real memory, the memory of humanity, what I call the human rainbow, which is much more colorful and beautiful than this other rainbow.

-Bacteria and viruses were the most effective allies.

-Religious disintegration began with colonization.

-There is nothing more orderly than a graveyard.

-The goal is the soccer orgasm. And like orgasms, goals have become an increasingly rare occurrence in modern life..

-Hunting Jews has always been a European sport. Now the Palestinians, who had never played before, are paying the bill.

-There are not two equal fires. There are big fires and small fires and fires of all colors. There are people of serene fire, who do not even notice the wind and people of crazy fire that fill the air with sparks.

-When someone dies, when their time runs out, do the walks, the desires and the sayings that have been called with their name in this world also die??

-The oldest treatise on education was the work of a woman.

-The memory is imprisoned in museums and does not have an exit permit.

-Machines created to help us live invite us to die.

-Communist bureaucrats become businessmen. That is what they had studied for "Capital": to live off your interests.

-We denounce all men whose selfishness causes the misfortune of others.

-We want to create a new world. We refuse to choose between hell and purgatory.

-The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund deny us funds to search for water from a hundred meters, but offer us to dig wells of three thousand meters to search for oil.

-For the invaded, the duty to suffer the war; for the invaders, the right to tell it.

-Every year, chemical pesticides kill no less than three million farmers. Every day, workplace accidents kill no less than 10,000 workers. Every minute, misery kills no less than ten children. These crimes are not on the news. They are, like wars, normal acts of cannibalism.

-There are more than a billion Barbies. Only the Chinese outnumber such a huge population.

-An old proverb says that teaching to fish is better than giving fish.

-They kill more people than wars, but no one denounces their murders, least of all the newspapers and television channels that make a living from their publicity..

-When nature had not yet been sent to the madhouse, it already suffered attacks of madness that warned of what was coming.

-The weapons we invent to defend ourselves kill us. We are paralyzed by the cars we invent to move. The cities that we invent to find ourselves disencounter us. The large media, which we invent to communicate, do not listen to us or see us. We are machines of our machines.

-Reasonable doubts prevent us from knowing if Adam was tempted by an apple or a grape.

-Time, which was our midwife, will be our executioner. Yesterday time gave us suck and tomorrow it will eat us.

-In the contradiction, there is everything and nothing, life and death, the near and the far, the before and after.

-The moon lost the first battle against the sun when the news spread that it was not the wind that impregnated women.

-At the end of the day, we are what we do to change who we are.

-Identity is not a museum piece, still in the window, but the always astonishing synthesis of our daily contradictions.

-There is only one place where yesterday and today meet and recognize each other and embrace, and that place is tomorrow.

-Television, that last light that saves you from loneliness and night, is reality. Because life is a spectacle: for those who behave well, the system promises a comfortable seat.

-Beneath the apparent stupidity, there is real stupidity.

-In Latin America, freedom of expression consists of the right to kick on some radio and in low-circulation newspapers. Books no longer need to be forbidden by the police: they are forbidden by the price.

-In the realm of boredom, good manners forbid everything that routine imposes.

-The law of reality is the law of power. So that reality is not unreal, those in charge tell us, the morality of being immoral.

-It seems that he lies, because he steals truth from words.

-Perfection will remain the boring privilege of the gods, while our clumsy and messy world will be lived every night as if it were the last and every day as if it were the first..

-A dignified death is always a good story to tell, even if it is the worthy death of a malicious person.

-Sometimes I recognize myself in others. I recognize myself in those who will remain, in the warm friends, pretty crazy people of justice and flying bugs of beauty and other lazy ones as the stars of the night and the waves of the sea will follow. So, when I recognize myself in them, I am air learning to know myself continuing in the wind.

-The international division of labor is that some countries specialize in winning and others in losing.

-If the past has nothing to say to the present, history can continue sleeping undisturbed in the closet where the system keeps its old costumes.

-They can take the flowers from us, but never the spring.

-For sailors who love the wind, memory is a good starting point.

-Because each of us has something to say to others, something that deserves to be celebrated or forgiven by others..

-He would recognize me in every one of his translations and he would feel betrayed and annoyed every time I didn't write something the way I would. A part of me died with him, a part of him lives with me.

-The world is turning into a huge military base, and that base is turning into a mental hospital the size of the world. Inside the madhouse, which ones are crazy?

-The more freedom is given to businesses, the more prisons need to be built for those who suffer from business.

-I can't sleep. There is a woman trapped between my eyelids. I'd tell him to get out if he could. But there is a woman trapped in my throat.

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