The 89 Best Barack Obama Phrases

David Holt

I leave you the best Barack Obama quotes, the 44th president of the United States, affiliated with the Democratic Party, and previously a senator from the state of Illinois in two terms from 1997 to 2008.

Obama was the first African-American president and is known for his assertive speech, leadership skills, kindness to his followers and collaborators, charisma, and ability to inspire others. You may also be interested in these leadership phrases.

Official photograph of the White House during the presidential term of Barak Obama. Source: Wikimedia Commons - Official White House Photo by Pete Souza [Public domain]

-Change occurs when ordinary people do extraordinary things.

-You can't let your failures define you. You must let your failures teach you.

-We did not come to this world to fear the future. We came to shape.

-Our destiny is not written for us, but for us.

-If you walk the right path and are willing to keep doing it, you will eventually make a breakthrough..

-There is no excuse not to try.

-The change will not come if we wait for someone else or another time. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the change we seek.

-If someone is different from you, it is not something you criticize, it is something you appreciate..

-Nothing worthwhile in this life is easy.

-Where you are now doesn't have to determine where you'll end up.

-If you try, you have the possibility of losing, but if you don't try, you take the loss for granted..

-Change is never easy, but it is always possible.

-Progress will come in swings. It is not always a straight line. It is not always a smooth path.

-Don't just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table..

-Nobody built this country on their own. This nation is great because we build it together.

-Prosperity without freedom is just another form of poverty.

-If you give up on the idea that your voice can make a difference, then other voices will fill that void..

-Greatness is never free; must be earned.

-Just because we have the best hammer does not mean that all our problems are a nail.

-Our stories may be unique, but our goals are the same.

-Keep exploring. Keep dreaming. Keep asking why. You are not satisfied with what you know. Never stop believing in the power of ideas, imagination and hard work to change the world.

-The real test is not avoiding failure, because you won't. It is about whether you will let him toughen you up and shame you into inaction, or whether you will learn from him..

-The future rewards those who persist. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I will continue to persevere.

-It is moments like these that force us to try harder, to arm ourselves with courage and to discover talents that we did not know we had, to find the greatness that lies within each one of us..

-Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a parent. What makes you a parent is the courage to raise a child.

-Leaving your mark on the world is difficult. If it was easy, everyone would do it. But is not. It requires patience, commitment, and often leads to failure along the way..

-When we are faced with cynicism, doubts and with those who tell us that we cannot, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of the people: Yes we can..

-We live in a culture that discourages empathy. A culture that frequently tells us that our main goal in life is to be rich, slim, young, famous, confident, and fun..

-Love comes more naturally to the human heart. Let's remember that truth. […] Let us be happy in our struggle to make that truth manifest here on earth.

-Take off your slippers, put on your shoes to march. Get over. Stop complaining, stop complaining and stop crying. We will persevere. We have work to do.

-If you work hard and fulfill your responsibilities, you can get ahead, no matter where you come from or who you love..

-It is important to make sure that we are talking to each other in a way that heals, not in a way that hurts..

-Hope. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The boldness of hope! In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us. The ability to believe in things we do not see. The belief that there are better days ahead.

-The most powerful weapon against hateful speech is not repression, but more words.

-We need to internalize this idea of ​​excellence. Not many people spend a lot of time trying to be great.

-You have the talents and skills to do what you want. Now it is your turn to change the world. If we can!

-We choose hope over fear. We see the future, not as something out of control, but as something that we can shape into something better through a coordinated and collective effort..

-When ignorant people want to promote their ignorance, it is not really necessary to do something, just let them speak.

-I have always believed that hope is something stubborn within us that insists, despite having evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us as long as we have the courage to continue working, to continue fighting..

-Every path to knowledge involves different rules, and these rules are not interchangeable..

-You may be locked in a world that you have not built, but you still have the power to decide how it will be shaped. You still have responsibilities.

-It's time for change!

-The cynics may have the loudest voices, but I promise you, they will be the least successful..

-We need to avoid this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars, wear expensive clothes, and live in fancy apartments, but they don't want to work hard to achieve it. Everyone should be aware of their full potential.

-Don't let anyone tell you that your efforts don't matter or that your voice doesn't count. Never believe that you don't have the power to make a difference, because you do..

-We may come from different places and have different backgrounds, but we share hopes.

-If the people cannot trust their government to do the work for which it exists, protect them, and promote their common welfare, all else is lost..

-I will never forget that the only reason I am standing here today is because someone, somewhere, stood up for me when everything was difficult. (…) And because that someone defended me, others did too.

-I think education doesn't do us much good unless it's laced with sweat.

-Don't be afraid to ask or ask for help when you need it. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. You show that you have the courage to admit when you don't know something and it allows you to learn something new.

-Ask yourself: how can I get the people around me to do great things?

-What Gandhi or Nelson Mandela did around the world was difficult. Takes time. Requires more than one term, more than one president, more than one individual.

-Our history is the search for prosperity for our neighbor, the fight for the equality of all our citizens; our commitment to uphold our values ​​and our sacrifices to make this world a better place.

-Only when you pursue something greater than yourself do you realize your true potential..

-If you're looking for the safe option, you shouldn't be rooting for an African-American guy named Barak Obama to be the next leader of the free world..

-We may not be able to end all the evil in this world, but how we treat each other is completely up to us..

-The future is there for us to earn. But we can't reach it through inaction.

-Dedicating your life to the sole objective of making money shows a poverty of ambition. You ask too little of yourself. And it will leave you unsatisfied.

-We must continue the work of the women who came before us and make sure that our daughters do not have restrictions in their dreams, nor obstacles in their achievements, nor limits ahead..

-If we leave at this time, if we simply retreat to our respective corners, we will never be able to join forces and solve the challenges..

-If we are not willing to pay a price for our values, then we must ask ourselves if we really believe in them at all..

-The best way to combat hopelessness is to get up and do something. Don't wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, and you will also fill yourself with it..

-Cynicism is a sorry kind of wisdom.

-We are reminded that in the fleeting time we have on the planet, what matters is not wealth, status, power or fame, but how well we have loved and what we have contributed to making the lives of others best.

-We must act, even knowing that our work will be imperfect.

-Excuses are the tools of the incompetent used to build bridges to nowhere and monuments to nonexistence.

-You can never always arrive at an optimal solution, but you can always arrive at the best solution.

-I think that when you share wealth, it is good for everyone..

-In a world full of complex threats, our security and leadership depend on our every skill, including strong and principled diplomacy..

-A voice can change a room, and if a voice can change a room, then it can change a city, a state, a nation, and even the world. Your voice can change the world.

-Peace begins when one learns to stand in the shoes of others and see through their eyes. But it is up to you to make it happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world..

-Politics, differences of religion or race, all of those things fade when we confront the stormy power of nature and are reminded that all we have is each other..

-I am inspired by the people I know, listening to their stories, knowing their difficulties, their optimism and decency. I am inspired by the love that people have for their children. And my own children inspire me […]. They make me want to make the world and me, someone better.

-You won't be able to make good decisions until you build some kind of trusting relationship between yourself and your community..

-It is not enough to change the players. We need to change the game.

-We do not turn our backs. We don't leave anyone behind. We push each other forward.

-Victory alone is not the change we seek, but the possibility of making such a change.

-Neither all the education nor the best intentions in the world could help you fill in the gaps in the universe or give you the power to change its course blind and mindless..

-For those world leaders who seek to generate conflict: their people will judge them based on what they can build, not based on what they can destroy.

-I am the President of the United States. I am not the emperor of the United States.

-Someday our children and our children's children will look us in the eye and ask us if we did everything we could when we had the opportunity to take care of this problem and leave a cleaner, safer and more stable world..

-Problems are never simple. One thing I pride myself on is that you will rarely hear me simplify problems.

-Money is not only the answer, it also makes a difference.

-We do not ask you to believe in our ability to bring change, instead, we ask you to believe in yours..

-Each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of happiness. No one deserves to be bullied.

-It took us a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get to where we are today, but we've only just begun.

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