The 90 Best Margaret Thatcher Quotes

Jonah Lester
The 90 Best Margaret Thatcher Quotes

I leave you the best Margaret Thatcher quotes, also called the 'Iron Lady', a British Conservative party politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990.

She was the first woman to hold that position and the person who lasted the longest in it during the 20th century. A staunch opponent of the European Union, her policy meant radical socio-economic changes in the UK.

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-You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.

-You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

-No problems, you will not achieve anything, never.

-What Britain needs is an iron lady.

-Working hard may not make you rich, but it should make you successful..

-Peace is hard work and we must not let people forget about it.

-When a great man has a great idea I don't like to be in his way.

-Discipline is the path to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction..

-It wouldn't be worthy of me if it wasn't attracting some controversy and criticism. In the world everyone who has done something in life has been criticized.

-For every idealistic peacemaker willing to give up his self-defense in favor of a gun-free world, there is at least one warrior eager to take advantage of the other's good intentions..

-Will we stand on principles or we won't stand at all.

-If you need to be loved, you will achieve nothing.

-If you want something done, ask a man; if you want something well done, ask a woman.

-I seem to smell the stench of appeasement in the air.

-The price of freedom is still, and always will be, eternal vigilance.

-Let us never forget this fundamental truth: the State has no other source of money than what people earn for themselves..

-I am not a politics of consensus. I am a politics of conviction.

-Europe will never be like America. Europe is a product of history. America is a product of philosophy.

-Do you know that one of the great problems of our time is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than about thoughts and ideas?

-The Labor Party believes in turning workers against owners; we believe in turning workers into owners.

-The first step in figuring out which way to go is figuring out where you are.

-Freedom is not synonymous with an easy life. There are many difficult things about freedom: it does not provide security, it creates moral dilemmas, it requires self-discipline, it does not impose great responsibilities, but that is the nature of man..

-I believe that political agreements that are based on violence, intimidation and theft eventually come to an end, and they deserve to do so..

-Tyranny must not prevail.

-Constitutions have to be written on hearts, not just on paper.

-When a dictator is arrested, there are always risks. However, there are greater risks if it is not stopped.

-Citizenship must be founded on those who have a close and true relationship with this country and its inhabitants.

-I'm not going to change just to get popularity.

-When you retain success, you hurt those who need help.

-When the government does its job properly, people are free to do theirs.

-There is little hope for democracy if the hearts of men and women in democratic societies cannot be touched by a call to something greater than themselves..

-Leadership is about having principles. A leader must have a vision and principles that will endure at all times and must always be faithful to them, applying them to changing circumstances..

-The problem with socialism is that it eventually runs out of other people's money.

-If you want to cut your own throat, don't come to me for a bandage.

-I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph.

-A world without nuclear weapons would be less stable and more dangerous for all of us.

-If your only chance is to be the same then it's not a chance.

-Plan your work for today and every day, then work on your plan.

-A man can climb Everest by himself, but at the top he plants the flag of his country.

-A quick cure is a healer cure.

-It's not up to politicians to please everyone.

-The desire to win is born in most of us. The will to win is a matter of training. The way to win is a matter of honor.

-Feminists hate me, don't they? And I don't blame them. Because I hate feminism. It's poison.

-The spirit of envy can destroy; can never build.

-Good conservatives always pay their bills, and on time. Not like socialists who run other people's accounts.

-It may be that the rooster crows, but it is the hen that lays the eggs.

-There can be no freedom unless there is economic freedom.

-We intend to conquer freedom and justice. Yes, we have a creed and we want to share it with others. But it is not part of our policy to impose our beliefs by force or threat..

-I am a fan of American values ​​and the American dream, and I believe they will continue to inspire not only the people of the United States, but millions across the face of the Earth..

-Ronald Reagan won the cold war without firing a shot.

-I fight to win.

-Pennies don't come from heaven. They have to be won here on Earth.

-Let our children grow tall and some taller than others, if it is up to them to do so..

-America, my friends, is the only country in the world founded on freedom, the only one. People went to the United States to be free.

-I usually make my opinion on a man in ten seconds, and I rarely change it..

-Being prime minister is a lonely job ... you can't run from the crowd.

-Of course it is the same old story. The truth is often the same old story.

-Choice is the essence of ethics: if there were no choice, there would be no ethics, neither good nor bad; good and evil only make sense to the extent that man is free to choose.

-There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are families.

-The desire to achieve grand utopian plans often pose a serious threat to freedom.

-If you have a sense of purpose and a sense of direction, I think people will follow. Democracy is not just about deducing what people want. Democracy is also leading people.

-Curing the disease of the British with socialism was like trying to cure leukemia with leeches.

-I was not lucky. I deserved it.

-I am either the witch or Lady Macbeth of English politics, but in England someone has to wear pants when others wear skirts.

-New technology is the true friend of full employment; the indispensable ally of progress and the best guarantee of prosperity.

-In my opinion dictators do not give up. They have to be, truly, well defeated.

-As Prime Minister, I have worked closely with Ronald Reagan for eight of the most important years of our lives. We speak regularly, both before and after your presidency. And I've had time and cause to reflect on what made him a great president.

-I love his music because it was from my generation. But again, Elvis is everyone's generation, and always will be..

-Reagan does not suffer from the dire plague of doubts that has assailed so many politicians of our time, and that has rendered them incapable of making clear decisions..

-I want to achieve the total elimination of class distinction. As someone put it in one of the newspapers this morning: Marks & Spencer have triumphed over Karl Marx and Engels.

-If a woman like Eva Perón with no ideal can go that far, think about how far I can go with the ideals that I have.

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