The 99 Best Phrases of Pope Francis

Charles McCarthy

I leave you the best phrases of Pope Francis, the Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Buenos Aires, December 17, 1936), on happiness, love, education, faith, young people and much more.

You may also be interested in these quotes about happiness.

-Not because you have power can you destroy someone else's life.

-We all have the task of doing good.

-The life is a trip. When we stop things go wrong.

-Where there is no work, there is no dignity.

-God will always have patience.

-He who does not pray to the Lord prays to the devil.

-Hope does not abandon you. Optimism abandons, hope does not.

-Love attracts love, much stronger than when hate attracts death.

-Faith is not to be hidden, but to share.

-Having somewhere to go is called home, having people we love is called family, and having both is a blessing..

-When you go up, say hello to everyone, since you will find the same ones when you go down.

-If I can help at least one person to have a better life, that already justifies the offering of my life.

-Faith is not a light that scatters all our darkness, but a lamp that guides our steps at night and is enough for the journey.

-The world tells us to seek success, power, and money. God tells us to seek humility, service and love.

-The human heart desires joy. We all wish joy, each family, each town aspires to happiness.

-It is not enough to say that we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions.

-Practicing charity is the best way to evangelize.

-Only the person who feels happiness in seeking the good of others, in the desire for their happiness, can be a missionary.

-A person who is not convinced, enthusiastic, confident and in love will not convince anyone.

-Jesus is the door that opens to salvation, a door that is open to all.

-God's forgiveness is stronger than any sin.

-To change the world we must be good to those who cannot pay us.

-A healthy family life requires the frequent use of three phrases: can I, thank you, and I'm sorry.

-Being a Christian is not just about obeying commandments: it is about letting Christ take possession of our lives and transform them..

-A little mercy makes the world less cold and more just.

-Dear young people, do not be afraid to make decisive decisions in life. Have faith, the Lord will not abandon you.

-Are you mad at someone? Pray for that person. That is christian love.

-Jesus understands our weaknesses and sins; forgive us if we allow ourselves to be forgiven.

-Family is where we are formed as people. Each family is a brick in the construction of society.

-Gossip can kill too, because it kills people's reputations.

-We cannot sleep peacefully while babies starve and the elderly are without medical assistance..

-There are dark days, even days when we fail, even days when we fall. But always think about this: don't be afraid of failure, don't be afraid of falling.

-The secret of the Christian life is love. Only love fills the empty spaces caused by evil.

-The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing but their poverty.

-God's love is not generic. God looks at each man and woman with love, calling them by name.

-Dear young people, do not bury your talents, your gifts that God has given you. Don't be afraid to dream great things!

-There is so much noise in the world! We must learn to be silent in our hearts and before God.

-Our prayer cannot be reduced to one hour on Sundays. It is important to have a daily relationship with the Lord.

-Today people are suffering from poverty, but also from a lack of love.

-We cannot be part-time Christians. If Christ is at the center of our lives, he is present in everything we do.

-Politics is the most important of civil activities and has its own field of action, which is not that of religion..

-Political institutions are by definition secular and operate in independent spheres.

-We need to know each other, listen to each other and improve our knowledge of the world around us.

-The Lord never tires of forgiving. We are the ones who get tired of asking for forgiveness.

-Hate must not be spread in the name of God.

-If we want to advance in the spiritual life, then we must constantly be missionaries.

-Mission is both a passion for Jesus and a passion for his people.

-Indifference to those in need is not acceptable to a Christian.

-That no one use religion as a pretext for actions against human dignity and against the fundamental rights of every man and woman.

-Dear young people, Christ asks you to be fully awake and alert, to see the things in life that really matter..

-A true missionary who never ceases to be a disciple, knows that Jesus walks with him, that he speaks to him, that he breathes with him, that he works with him.

-An evangelist should never look like someone who has just returned from a funeral..

-The Big Bang, which today is considered the origin of the world, does not contradict the creative intervention of God, but requires it.

-When evangelizers rise from prayer, their hearts are more open.

-God's love is unlimited: it has no limits!

-If we want to follow Christ closely, we cannot choose an easy and quiet life. We must choose a demanding life, but full of joy.

-The Gospel responds to our deepest needs, since we were created for what it offers us: the friendship of Jesus.

-Jesus is more than a friend. He is a teacher of truth and of life who shows us the path that leads to happiness..

-A Christian is never bored or sad. Rather, the one who loves Christ is full of joy and radiates joy.

-The truth, according to the Christian faith, is God's love for us in Jesus Christ. As a result, the truth is a relationship.

-Discover new ways to spread the word of God to all parts of the world.

-Let's remember this: the gospel of Jesus cannot be proclaimed without a tangible testimony of our own lives.

-Money has a duty to serve, not to rule.

-If someone is homosexual, needs God and has good will, who am I to judge him? Let's not marginalize people for that. They must be integrated into society.

-The confessional is not a place of torture, but a place where the Lord's mercy encourages us to be better.

-I am a sinner and this is the most accurate definition. It is not a figure of speech or a literary genre. I am a sinner.

-Today, we don't have a very good relationship with creation.

-The Christian who does not pray for those who rule is not a good Christian.

-Unhappy are those who seek revenge and are spiteful.

-Unbridled liberalism only makes the strong stronger, the weak weaker, and excludes the others excluded.

-I long for a church that is a mother and a Pastor.

-Human self-understanding transforms over time, just as human consciousness deepens..

-Since God made the world, He also made reality.

-We must always walk beside the Lord, in the light of the Lord, always trying to live blamelessly.

-Christmas is happiness, religious happiness, an internal happiness of light and peace.

-I like it when someone says "I don't agree." That really helps. When they just say "Oh, how cool, how cool", it's useless.

-Teens are as drawn to the truth as they are to comfort and coexistence.

-Saying that you can kill in the name of God is blasphemy.

-I adore tango, and used to dance it when I was young.

-There is a danger that threatens all of us in the church, absolutely all of us. And that's worldliness. It attracts us to vanity, arrogance and pride.

-Every child that is not born, but is unjustly aborted, wears the face of Jesus Christ, and wears the face of the Lord.

-In the end, work only dehumanizes people.

-Oh I would love a poor church, for the poor!.

-In the church and on the path of faith, women have and will have an important role in opening the door to the Lord..

-Many more people work on Sundays as a result of competitiveness imposed by a consumer society.

-The Lord's people desire pastors, not clergymen pretending to be bureaucrats or government officials.

-The spirit world destroys! Destroy the soul! Destroy the church!.

-In order to talk about hope with someone who is desperate, you need to share your despair.

-The offense ends with forgiveness; so you will live in peace with everyone.

-When you cut communication with God, man loses all his original beauty and ends up disfiguring everything around him.

-We are called to love, to charity and this is our greatest vocation, our vocation par excellence.

-Giving life, not possessing it, is what mothers do, they give another life, they suffer, but then they are happy, joyful because they have given another life.

-Love brings light to life and gives meaning even to pain.

-Behind the forms of hatred and vandalism, there is often hidden a heart that has not been recognized.

-There are no bad children, no completely evil teenagers, there are only unhappy people.

-How arduous it is to understand the joy and the feast of God's mercy for one who seeks to justify himself and accommodate.

-The main component of European vitality is solidarity.

-It is necessary to perform gestures of humility, brotherhood, forgiveness and reconciliation. These are premises and conditions for an authentic, solid and lasting peace..

-Prayer is not magic, it is entrusting oneself to the Father's embrace.

-Prayer is the key that shows us the way to faith. Let's not have it in our pocket closing the way.

-If one day sadness sends you an invitation, tell him that you are already busy with joy and that you are going to be faithful to him all your life.

-God is the one who gives us the courage to walk against the current.

-Around us there are also angels that can be seen.

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