Women are great and stronger together

Simon Doyle
Women are great and stronger together

There is no doubt that women are great, but now the first female empowerment community that brings us together has been born. If you want to meet yourself, rebel, make your skills known or get to know yourself, don't miss out on what the platform's professionals are up to..

Women are stupendous and the professionals who have created the virtual community Somos Estupendas know it better than anyone. Haven't you heard of her yet? The reception is being enthusiastic and it is that it is the first community in Spain aimed at the world of women, the largest platform for female empowerment where all those women who want to explore, cultivate, discover or empower themselves in community can enter..

Virtual workshops are the axis of this community, always focused on seeking balance in different areas such as emotions, sexuality, image, food, sports or entrepreneurship. It is time to unleash these skills or this desire for knowledge that moves each and every one of us.

On the other side of the community and this virtual world is Yaiza, its promoter, an entrepreneur and creator of the community's digital content who has a YouTube channel that has grown to accommodate more than 200,000 people..

The teaching team is made up of Yaiza herself, the group's sex coach, along with two psychologists, one of them a sexologist, an image consultant and a sign language interpreter, all of whom are trained and enthusiastic about this project that is beginning its walking and already has many registered women and maximum expectation.

Somos Estupendas workshops: women talk about their own emotions, recognize them, give them meaning

The objective is that the registered women can walk towards personal well-being through the workshops and this is a path that will have to be traveled little by little. In Somos Estupendas we find a group of Emotional Intelligence, very suitable for acquiring basic notions about personal emotions, these that so many times we have to learn to channel and manage to get the best out of them, the most assertive..

This is the concept of Emotional Intelligence, the term developed by the North American psychologist Daniel Goleman, for which emotional self-awareness is basic, so this is also the first step that is taken in the Somos Estupendas workshops, in which women speak of their own emotions, recognize them, make sense of them.

There are emotions related to all such as anger, fear or sadness that are not usually talked about and can collapse actions and emotional development in all its extension.

Only knowledge can lead to good management of emotions

The Emotional Intelligence workshops of Somos Estupendas delve into these feelings, since only knowledge can lead to a good management of these.

Female empowerment has begun in many areas of society and in the birth of this community lies this vital need that many women feel to take or to resume depending on the case the reins of his life in all its aspects, something much easier to carry out if it is counting on professionals and what better than our same sex.

Complicity is assured and the community is demanded by women of all social profiles with a common desire, to grow as people from a positive and inclusive point of view.

A revolution that touches the depths of women is underway, It is a job that must be done little by little and with determination, and for this the workshops are a good starting point. The community experts will increase the workshops according to the wishes of the women of the community and in this way the snowball, the beginning of every avalanche, will become great, not to destroy anything or anyone but only for the benefit own self, for the benefit of the women who make up this community, the first of female empowerment.

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