Smart people are wrong too

Alexander Pearson
Smart people are wrong too

Simply because we are all human beings who are before him same type of barriers. And how to overcome these barriers has little or nothing to do with our intelligence.. They are extensible barriers to all people. When carrying out any type of task, we find barriers that are exactly the same for everyone, regardless of our intelligence..

Smart people can fail at a particular task if they are blocked by certain barriers. On the contrary, people with less talent can succeed in the same task if they know how to break their barriers.

If we delve into the concept of Gardner's multiple intelligences, We could say that knowing how to face our barriers constitutes a different form of intelligence. However, in this article I will not discuss this concept and I will limit myself to assuming the idea of ​​intelligence that we have all always had in mind..

Surely you can think of someone in your close circle who you would define as someone intelligent, while there are other people who "cost" a little more.

Barriers of smart people (and other people)

  • Lack of motivation: Talent is useless if a person lacks the motivation to use it. Motivation can be external (social approval) or internal (satisfaction with a job well done). External sources of motivation are often fleeting. On the contrary, internal sources of motivation tend to last longer and produce better results. When you are your own judge you tend to use yourself thoroughly since you cannot deceive yourself.
    • Lack of impulse control: Applying the first solution that comes to mind to solve a certain problem is usually not the best option. Controlling our impulses and evaluating all possible alternatives will help us to produce the best results in a given task..
  • Lack of perseverance: Many people quit right away if they don't get the expected results. On the contrary, other people continue to struggle despite not receiving immediate benefits..
  • Employing the wrong skills: Sometimes we produce a poor result by making mistakes when using our skills. A teacher who has to correct many exams uses speed instead of concentration. As a result, you can make a mistake in the score awarded to a student.
  • Inability to turn thought into action: Many people have great ideas. However they are unable to do anything with them. They find it extremely difficult to devise an "action plan" to turn these ideas into reality..
  • Inability to complete tasks: Oddly enough, many people are afraid to finish their tasks. They look for excuses to extend these tasks over time and thus not face the situation of what to do next.
  • Inability to start a task: On the contrary, other people take a long time to start a certain task. These people are faced with indecision on how to start and fear the responsibility of starting a task and having to finish it..
  • Fear to fail: It is the most common fear. We avoid starting something out of fear of "what will they say" or fear of "what will they think" if we make a mistake.
    • Procrastination: Procrastination is the art of postponing activities or important situations that must be addressed, replacing them with other more irrelevant and pleasant situations. When you decide to watch TV instead of studying, you are procrastinating.
  • Wrongly blaming: Some people always blame themselves for any mistakes. On the contrary, other people always blame others. Not everything is your fault, not everything is the fault of others. You must find the balance.
  • Pity yourself: Many people waste time feeling sorry for themselves rather than exerting the necessary effort to deal with the problem..
  • Excessive dependence: Don't expect others to do for you what you should. Many times you prefer to depend on people with less talent instead of taking responsibility for the decision yourself..
  • Excuse yourself with personal problems: You must do the impossible so that your personal problems do not interfere with your work. Life is not a bed of roses, but neither is it a valley of tears. Throughout your life you will alternate really sad moments with other very happy ones. Keeping perspective at work is very difficult, however you must strive to separate your private life from work.
  • Getting involved in too many projects: Carrying out too many activities can cause us not to offer an optimal result in any of them.
  • Get involved in few projects: On the contrary, we miss opportunities when we get involved in fewer projects than we could carry out based on our talent.
  • Inability to see the forest through the trees: This is what happens with those people who are obsessed with details and yet are unable to visualize the global nature of the project they are carrying out..
  • Lack of self-confidence: Along with the fear of failure, the lack of self-confidence is the main barrier that immobilizes us when carrying out a task. On many occasions, this lack of self-confidence leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy that confirms our inability to perform this task..
  • Excess self-confidence: On the contrary, people with an excess of self-confidence do not admit that they have made a mistake or that they need to improve in a certain task. In the long term, these people tend to suffer from stagnation in their profession..
  • Inability to reach the final result of a process: Sometimes we are more concerned with the process itself than with the final result that we must achieve. It does not matter if we modify any point of the initial plan, the important thing is to obtain the expected result.

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