ICT in the Workplace 10 Examples

Jonah Lester
ICT in the Workplace 10 Examples

The ICT in the workplace They are a set of computer services and equipment that are used for the storage, processing and transmission of information through digital media and devices, in a work context.

ICT is usually understood as the group formed by the teams capable of carrying out complex tasks through a simple interface (such as computers, mobile phones or fingerprint readers) and the services necessary for their operation, such as internet, wireless signals (bluetooth, infrared , microwave) and the software in charge of executing the operations.

In the workplace and business, ICTs have reached a remarkably high point of importance. Thanks to these technologies, human life has developed more successfully, giving access to a better quality of life..

However, there are certain criticisms regarding this issue. Sometimes work activities of almost any kind are dependent on ICT, either through use of the internet or computer equipment.

Examples of ICT in a workplace

1- Communication

Communication of multiple types, oral, written or visual, is perhaps the factor that has most modified the way in which offices work today.

This fact has streamlined the exchange of information and allows a company to offer services anywhere in the world..

Example: email

Gmail, yahoo, outlook, runbox, mailbox ... there are thousands of emails or mail that can be found in the market. They are essential for companies, both for internal and external communication.

2- Online trading

Online sales services like the giants Amazon or eBay have changed the way people shop. They have been the evolution of telemarkets or catalog purchases.

It has also given rise to the offer of digital services such as video on demand, music and movies.

Example: Amazon

The greatest exponent of electronic commerce in the world is this American company founded in 1994. Some of the services it offers are electronics, food, wellness and health products or digital services (amazon prime video or amazon music).

3- Inventory systems

ICTs allow (through computer programs) to have information regarding the inventory of products almost instantaneously.

Example: TradeGecko

This inventory management software was created in 2013 and is one of the most used platforms by SMEs throughout the world. Its greatest functionality is that it integrates with software such as Shopify, WooCommerce and other e-commerce and accounting platforms..

4- Electronic banking

Financial services through the internet or text messaging allow companies to keep customers informed at all times and from anywhere with network coverage.

Example: Bizum

Born in Spain, it is a banking services company that integrates the majority of entities that operate in the Spanish national territory. Its greatest advantage is that it allows you to create an instant payment system between individuals or individuals and businesses..

5- Accounting

The management of accounting, taxes and profits is faster thanks to computers, capable of processing large amounts of data in a short time.

Example: Contasol

Professional accounting software developed primarily for the use of SMEs and freelancers. Calculation of expenses, income, taxes and other fees are more efficient with programs like this.

6- Technical support

Many consumer goods and services require technical support, which can be carried out perfectly remotely to save time and costs..

Remote desktops, reboots or instructions can be provided to clients anywhere.

Example: LiveChat

Instant messaging or chats are one of the most important supports for customer service. One of the best known is LiveChat, which is used by references in eCommerce platforms, social networks, content management system or email marketing.

7- Information search

In the case of communication media, access to huge amounts of information thanks to the use of digital equipment and the internet, has revolutionized the world of news, which is available on the web more quickly, and in most cases of free way.

Example: Wikipedia

"The online encyclopedia" is one of the most important information portals on the world wide web. It is a non-profit organization and draws on volunteers who want to join its project. 

8- Databases

As in the case of inventories, a database provides access to information regarding a group of people, objects or goods quickly and easily.

The databases are present in practically any commercial activity where the sale of goods and services is involved..

Example: Excel

Developed by Microsoft in 1985, this simple spreadsheet program has enabled many companies to manage their databases. Its effectiveness is such that today many companies continue to rely on this software despite the fact that other more sophisticated tools have appeared on the market..

9- Design

The production of photographs, films, animations and other advertising elements has come a long way thanks to the improvement of equipment (cameras, digitizing tablets) and software, such as image and video editors.

Example: Adobe Photosop

It is the world's best-known photo and image editor. It was launched in 1990 and is one of the basic tools of any graphic designer along with other tools such as Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Premiere.

10- Networks

Internet as a work environment is essential in the case of many offices, used for access to tools and applications, information exchange (with suppliers and customers) and cloud storage.

Example: Facebook

The social network that was born as a way to connect with individuals has transcended companies, demonstrating its ability to be an important link in any business when it comes to selling and interacting with customers.


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