Frontal lobe location, anatomy and functions

David Holt
Frontal lobe location, anatomy and functions

The frontal lobe it is the largest lobe of the four that exist in the mammalian brain. It is located in the front part of each brain hemisphere and controls important cognitive functions, such as emotional expression, memory, problem solving, language, impulse control, social and sexual behavior, spontaneity or muscle control. The left frontal lobe affects the muscles on the right side of the body, and the right frontal lobe controls the muscles on the left side of the body.

The frontal lobe is the brain area that most distinguishes humans from other animals. For this reason, it has aroused special interest in researchers, who have carried out multiple studies on its functions and its operating mechanism..

Frontal lobe

This region is widely related to functions as important as language, control of motor actions and executive functions, so that, if injured, the person can suffer serious problems that we will also talk about in this article..

Article index

  • 1 Location
  • 2 Anatomy
    • 2.1 Precentral cortex 
    • 2.2 prefrontal cortex
  • 3 Frontal lobe connections
    • 3.1 -Front cortico-cortical connections
    • 3.2 -Front cortico-subcortical connections.
  • 4 The prefrontal cortex
    • 4.1 Dorsolateral prefrontal circuit
    • 4.2 Orbitofrontal circuit
    • 4.3 Anterior cingulate circuit
  • 5 Functions of the frontal lobe
    • 5.1 Executive functions
    • 5.2 Social functions
    • 5.3 Emotional functions
    • 5.4 Motor functions
    • 5.5 Language functions
  • 6 Executive functions
    • 6.1 Goal formulation
    • 6.2 Planning
    • 6.3 Implementation of plans
    • 6.4 Effective enforcement
    • 6.5 Evaluation of executive functioning
  • 7 Frontal lobe dysfunctions
    • 7.1 The prefrontal syndrome: Phineas Cage
    • 7.2 -Typical syndromes
  • 8 References


The brain is made up of cortical areas and subcortical structures. The cerebral cortex is divided into lobes, separated by furrows, the most recognized are the frontal, the parietal, the temporal and the occipital, although some authors postulate that there is also the limbic lobe.

The cortex is in turn divided into two hemispheres, the right and the left, so that the lobes are present symmetrically in both hemispheres, with a right and a left frontal lobe, a right and left parietal lobe, and so on..

The cerebral hemispheres are divided by the interhemispheric fissure while the lobes are separated by different sulci.

Image adapted from: staff. "Blausen gallery 2014". Wikiversity Journal of Medicine. DOI: 10.15347 / wjm / 2014.010. ISSN 20018762. (Own work) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The frontal lobe reaches from the most anterior part of the brain to the Rolando fissure (or central fissure) where the parietal lobe begins and, on the sides, to the Silvio fissure (or lateral fissure) that separates it from the temporal lobe.


Regarding the anatomy of the human frontal lobe, it can be said that it is very voluminous and has the shape of a pyramid. It can be divided into precentral and prefrontal cortex:

Precentral cortex 

It is composed of the primary motor cortex (Brodmann's area 4), the premotor cortex, and the supplementary motor cortex (Brodmann's area 6). This area is basically motor and controls the phasic movements of the body (programming and initiation of movement), as well as the movements necessary to produce language and posture and body orientation..

Prefrontal cortex

It is the association zone, it is made up of the dorsolateral, ventrolateral and orbitofrontal cortex, and its functions are related to the executive system, such as the control and management of executive functions.

Image adapted from: NEUROtiker (Own work) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Frontal lobe connections

The frontal lobe, and especially the prefrontal cortex, is the cortical area most widely connected to the rest of the brain. The main connections are as follows:

-Cortico-cortical frontal connections

Receive and send information to the rest of the lobes. The most important are the frontotemporal connections, which are related to audioverbal activity and the frontoparietal ones, related to the control and regulation of cutaneous-kinesthetic sensitivity and pain.

-Cortico-subcortical frontal connections.

Fronto-thalamic connections

  • Centrolateral thalamic nuclei connecting with the precentral cortex.
  • Dorsomedial thalamic nucleus that connects with the prefrontal cortex, related in some way to memory.
  • Anterior ventral thalamic nucleus that connects with the frontal limbic cortex (cingulate area).

Fronto-limbic connections

They facilitate emotional and affective regulation through neuroendocrine and neurochemical secretions.

Fronto-basal circuits

In these circuits some sections of the frontal lobe are connected with the striatum, the globus pallidus and the thalamus:

  • Motor circuit, related to the control of movements.
  • Oculomotor circuit, related to the association between our movements and the position of objects identified through sight.
  • Dorsolateral prefrontal circuit, related to executive functions.
  • Cingulate prefrontal circuit, related to emotional responses.

You could say that the frontal lobe receives inputs of the areas responsible for the sensory processing of information and sends outputs to the areas in charge of giving an answer, especially motor.

The prefrontal cortex

The prefrontal cortex is the last area to develop in the frontal lobe and the brain in general. This area is especially important because it fulfills functions without which we would not be effective in our daily lives, such as planning and organizing future behaviors.

It is shaped like a pyramid, like the frontal lobe, and has an inner, outer, and inner face. Regarding the connections it establishes with the rest of the structures, there are three main circuits:

Dorsolateral prefrontal circuit

It goes to the dorso-lateral area of ​​the caudate nucleus. From here it connects with the dorso-medial globe pallidus and with the substantia nigra. These project to the dorso-medial and ventral-anterior thalamic nuclei, and from there return to the prefrontal cortex.

Orbitofrontal circuit

It projects to the ventromedial caudate nucleus, then to the globe pallidus and the ventro-medial substantia nigra, from there it passes to the ventral-anterior and dorso-medial thalamic nuclei and finally returns to the prefrontal cortex.

Anterior cingulate circuit

It projects to the ventral striatum, it has connections with the globe pallidus, the ventral tegmental area, the habenula, the hypothalamus, and the amygdala. Finally it returns to the prefrontal cortex.

This area is attributed the functions of structuring, organizing and planning behavior. The patient suffers the following faults if this area is injured:

  • Selective capacity failures.
  • Sustained Activity Failures.
  • Deficits in associative capacity or in concept formation.
  • Deficits in planning capacity.

Frontal lobe functions

The frontal lobe fulfills multiple functions that can be summarized as:

Executive functions

  • Virtual simulation of the behavior to be carried out through experiences and priors and vicarious learning.
  • Setting a goal and the steps to follow to complete it.
  • Planning, coordination and implementation of the behaviors necessary to achieve the objective.
  • Maintenance of objectives throughout the entire process until reaching the goal. Working memory and sustained attention are involved here.
  • Inhibition of the rest of stimuli that have nothing to do with the goal and that may interfere with them.
  • Coordination of all the systems necessary to perform the necessary actions, such as sensory, cognitive and behavioral.
  • Analysis of the results obtained and, if necessary, modification of behavior patterns based on these results.

Social functions

  • Inference of the intentions and thoughts of others. This ability is called theory of mind..
  • Reflection on our knowledge and interests and ability to communicate them.

Emotional functions

  • Control of reinforcing stimuli to motivate us to carry out the behaviors and cognitive processes that we must carry out.
  • Impulse regulation.
  • Awareness of emotions.

Motor functions

  • Sequencing, coordination and execution of motor behaviors.

Linguistic functions

  • Ability to understand the language of others and produce our own.

Executive functions will be described in greater depth below due to their great importance in humans..

Executive functions

Executive functions could be defined as the last step in the control, regulation and direction of human behavior. This concept arises for the first time from the hand of A.R. Luria in 1966 in his book Higher Cortical Function in Man.

Lezak popularized this term in American psychology. This author highlights the difference between executive and cognitive functions, stating that, although cognitive functions suffer damage if executive functions function correctly, the person will continue to be independent, constructively self-sufficient and productive.

Executive functions are made up of four components:

Goal formulation

It is the process by which needs are determined, what is wanted and what is capable of getting what is wanted. If a person has this function altered, they cannot think what to do and have difficulties in starting activities.

These alterations can occur without the need for brain damage, simply with a poor organization in the prefrontal lobe.


It is responsible for determining and organizing the necessary steps to carry out an intention.

This process requires certain capacities such as: conceptualizing changes in present circumstances, seeing herself developed in the environment, seeing the environment objectively, capable of conceiving alternatives, making choices and developing a structure to carry out the plan.

Implementation of plans

It is interpreted as the action of initiating, maintaining, changing and for sequences of complex behaviors in a comprehensive and orderly manner.

Effective execution

It is the assessment based on the objectives and the resources used to achieve those objectives.

The teaching system is very important for the correct configuration of executive functions, since these functions begin to develop in childhood, from the first year of life, and do not mature until puberty or even later..

Executive functions are mainly related to the prefrontal cortex, but some studies performed with PET (positron emission tomography) indicate that, when the activity becomes routine, another part of the brain takes over in the activity to free the patient. prefrontal cortex and that it can take care of other functions.

Executive functioning evaluation

The most used techniques for the evaluation of the executive system are:

  • Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Test in which the patient has to classify a series of cards in various ways, using a different category each time. Failures in this test would imply problems in the formation of concepts that could be due to lesions in the left frontal lobe.
  • The tower of Hanoi-Seville. This test is used to examine complex problem solving skills.
  • Maze tests. These tests provide data on higher levels of brain function that require planning and foresight.
  • Construction toys. These are unstructured tests and are used to assess executive functions.

Frontal lobe dysfunctions

The frontal lobe can be damaged as a result of trauma, heart attacks, tumors, infections or due to the development of some disorders such as neurodegenerative or developmental disorders.

The consequences of frontal lobe damage will depend on the area damaged and the extent of the injury. The syndrome, due to damage to the frontal lobe, better known is the prefrontal syndrome that will be described below.

Prefrontal Syndrome: Phineas Cage

The first well-documented description of a case of this syndrome was that made by Harlow (1868) on the case of Phineas Gage, over time this case has continued to be studied and today it is one of the best known in the field. of psychology (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997).

Phineas gage

Phineas was working on a train track when he had an accident while compacting gunpowder with an iron bar. It seems that a spark reached the gunpowder and it exploded, throwing the iron bar directly at his head. Phineas suffered an injury to the left frontal lobe (specifically in the medial orbital region) but he was still alive, although he had sequelae.

The most significant changes due to the injury suffered were increased impulses, inability to control oneself, and difficulties planning and organizing..

People with injured prefrontal cortex present changes in personality, motor skills, attention, language, memory and executive functions.

Personality changes

According to Ardila (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997) there are two ways or aspects to describe the changes in personality caused by this syndrome:

  1. Changes in activation for action. Patients tend to feel apathy and disinterest, therefore, they do everything reluctantly and are not very proactive.
  2. Changes in the type of response. The response given by the patient is not adaptive, it does not correspond to the stimulus that is presented to him. For example, they may have an exam and choose what clothes to wear for too long instead of studying..

Changes in motor skills

Among the changes in motor skills we can find:

  • Neonatal reflexes. It seems as if the patients regress and have the reflexes that babies have again and they are lost with development. The most common are:
    • Babinski reflex. Tonic dorsal extension of the big toe.
    • Grip reflex. Close the palm of the hand when something touches it.
    • Suction reflex.
    • Palmomental reflex. Touching the palm of the hand triggers movements in the chin.
  • Repeat the examiner's actions.
  • They overreact to stimuli.
  • Disorganization of behavior.
  • Repeat the same movement over and over.

Changes in attention

The main changes occur in the orientation response, patients have deficits to orient themselves to the stimuli that they should at home and when following the examiner's instructions..

Language changes

The most characteristic are:

  • Transcortical motor aphasia. The language is very limited and is reduced to short sentences.
  • Subvocal language. Changes in the speech apparatus, probably due to aphasia, such that the person pronounces strangely.
  • Commission of naming errors, such as persevering and responding before fragments of the stimulus and not the stimulus in global.
  • They respond better to visual than verbal stimuli because they have poor control of behavior through language.
  • They cannot keep a central topic of conversation.
  • Lack of connecting elements to give forms and make the language logical.
  • Concretism. They give concrete information without putting it in context, which can make it difficult for the interlocutor to understand.

Memory changes

The frontal lobes play an important role in memory, especially in short-term memory. Patients with frontal lobe lesions have problems with memory storage and retention. The most frequent alterations are:

  • Temporal organization of memory. Patients have trouble ordering events over time.
  • Amnesias, especially due to injuries produced in the orbital area.

Changes in executive functions

Executive functions are the most impaired in patients with frontal injuries since for their correct performance a complex elaboration and the integration and coordination of various components are necessary..

People with frontal syndrome are unable to form a goal, plan, carry out actions in an orderly manner, and analyze the results obtained. These deficits prevent them from leading a normal life since they interfere with their work / school, family, social tasks ...

Although the symptoms described are the most common, their characteristics are not universal and will depend both on patient variables (age, premorbid execution ...), as well as on the lesion (specific location, magnitude ...) and the course of the syndrome..

-Typical syndromes

The category of frontal syndromes is very broad and includes another series of syndromes that differ according to the injured area. Cummings (1985), describes three syndromes (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997):

  1. Orbitofrontal syndrome (or disinhibition). It is characterized by disinhibition, impulsiveness, emotional lability, poor judgment, and distractibility..
  2. Frontal convexity syndrome (or apathetic). It is characterized by apathy, indifference, psychomotor retardation, loss of drive, abstraction, and poor categorization.
  3. Middle frontal syndrome (or akinetic frontal lobe). It is characterized by paucity of spontaneous gestures and movements, weakness and loss of sensation in the extremities.

Imbriano (1983) adds two more syndromes to the classification elaborated by Cummings (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997):

  1. Polar syndrome. Produced by injuries in the orbital area. It is characterized by alterations in intellectual capacity, spatial-temporal disorientation and lack of self-control..
  2. Splenial syndrome. Produced by left medial injuries. Characterized by alterations in affective facial expressions and affective indifference, thought disorders and language alterations.


  1. Carmona, S., & Moreno, A. (2014). Executive control, decision making, reasoning and problem solving. In D. Redolar, Cognitive Neuroscience (pp. 719-746). Madrid: Médica Panamericana S.A.
  2. León-Carrión, J., & Barroso, J. (1997). Neuropsychology of Thought. Seville: KRONOS.
  3. Redolar, D. (2014). Frontal lobes and their connections. In D. Redolar, Cognitive Neuroscience (pp. 95-101). Madrid: Médica Panamericana S.A.

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