Ampère's law formula and equations, proof, exercises

Alexander Pearson

The Ampère's law states that the circulation of the magnetic induction vector B is proportional to the intensity I of the current flowing through it.

In turn the circulation of B is the sum of all products between the tangential component B and the length of a small segment Δℓ of a closed curve C, around a circuit. In mathematical terms it is written like this:

∑ B .Δℓ I

Figure 1. Definition of Ampere's law. Source: Serway, R. College Physics.

Like an arbitrary line or curve C, it can be divided into small segments Δℓ, and these in turn can be infinitesimal, then they are called d.

In such a case, the summation becomes a line integral of the scalar product between the vectors B and ds. Said product contains the tangential component of B, which is B cosθ, where θ is the angle between the vectors:

The small circle through the integral means that the integration takes place over a closed path C, which in this case involves the current flowing through the cross section of the conductor.

The constant of proportionality necessary to establish equality is μor, the permeability of the vacuum. In this way, Ampère's law is:

Ampère's law tells us that the line integral ∫C B ∙ ds is exactly μorI, but it does not give us the details about how the magnetic field is oriented B with respect to curve C at each point, nor on how to calculate the integral. It only tells us that the result of it is always μorI.

Article index

  • 1 Proof of Ampère's law
    • 1.1 Magnetic field of rectilinear and infinite wire
  • 2 Solved exercises
    • 2.1 - Exercise 1
    • 2.2 - Exercise 2
  • 3 References

Demonstration of Ampère's law

Ampère's law is verified experimentally by checking the magnetic field produced by a very long rectilinear conductor. Before tackling the problem, we must highlight two cases of special interest in the previous equation:

-The first is when B and ds are parallel, which means that B is tangential to C. Then the angle between both vectors is 0º and the scalar product is simply the product of the magnitudes B.ds.

-The second occurs if B and ds they are perpendicular, in which case the scalar product is 0, since the angle between the vectors is 90º, whose cosine is 0.

Another important detail is the choice of curve C on which the field circulation is evaluated. Ampère's law does not specify what it can be, but it must involve current distribution. It also does not say in which direction to go around the curve and there are two possibilities for this.

The solution is to assign signs according to the rule of the right thumb. The four fingers are curved in the direction in which you want to integrate, usually this will be the same as the field B circulate. If the current points in the direction of the right thumb, it is assigned a + sign and if not, a sign -.

This applies when there is a distribution with several currents, some can be positive and some negative. The algebraic sum of them is the one that we are going to place in Ampère's law, which is usually named as current locked (by curve C).

Infinite rectilinear wire magnetic field

Figure 2 shows a wire carrying a current I out of plane. The rule of the right thumb ensures that B circulates counterclockwise, describing circumferences as shown by the red arrows.

Figure 2.- Magnetic field of an infinite wire. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Let's take one of them, whose radius is r. We divide it into small differential segments ds, represented by the vectors in blue. Both vectors, B and ds, are parallel at every point on the circumference, and thus the integral ∫C B ∙ ds It transforms in:

C Bds

This is because, as we said before, the dot product B ∙ ds  is the product of the magnitudes of the vectors by the cosine of 0º. We know the result of the integral thanks to Ampère's law, therefore we write:

C Bds = μorI

Since the magnitude of the field is constant over the entire trajectory, it leaves the integral:

B ∫C ds = μorI

The integral ∫C ds represents the sum of all the infinitesimal segments that make up the circumference of radius r, equivalent to its length, the product of its radius by 2π:

B.2πr = μorI

And from there we find that the magnitude of B is:

B = μorI / 2πr

It should be emphasized that even if the selected path (or ampereian circuit) was not circular, the result of the integral remains μorI, however ∫C B ∙ ds it would no longer be B.2πr.

Therefore, the usefulness of Ampère's law to determine the magnetic field lies in choosing distributions with high symmetry, such that the integral is easy to evaluate. Circular and rectilinear paths meet this requirement.

Solved exercises

- Exercise 1

Consider the curves a, b, c, and d shown in Figure 3. They involve three currents, two leaving the plane, symbolized by a point ( . ), whose intensities are 1 A and 5 A, and a current that enters the plane, which is denoted by a cross and whose magnitude is 2 A.

Find the current enclosed by each curve.

Figure 3. Several curves to apply Ampère's law. Source: Serway, R. College Physics.


The currents coming out of the paper are assigned a + sign. According to this:

Curve a

It encloses the three currents, therefore the enclosed current is + 1 A + 5 A - 2 A = 4 A.

Curve b

Only the currents of 1 A and - 2 A are within this curve, therefore the enclosed current is - 2 A.

Curve c

It encloses the outgoing currents 1A and 5 A, therefore the current locked up is 6 A.

Curve d

The currents inside it are +5 A and - 2 A, so it contains a net current of 3 A.

- Exercise 2

Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic field produced by a very long straight wire, at a point located 1 meter from it, if the wire carries a current of 1 A.


According to Ampère's law, the field of the wire is given by:

B = μorI / 2πr = (4π x 10-7 x 1 / 2π x 1) T = 2 x 10-7 T.


  1. Figueroa, D. (2005). Series: Physics for Science and Engineering. Volume 6. Electromagnetism. Edited by Douglas Figueroa (USB).
  2. Knight, R. 2017. Physics for Scientists and Engineering: a Strategy Approach. Pearson.
  3. Sears, Zemansky. 2016. University Physics with Modern Physics. 14th. Ed. Volume 2.
  4. Serway, R. 2009. College Physics. Cengage Learning.
  5. Tipler, P. (2006) Physics for Science and Technology. 5th Ed. Volume 2. Editorial Reverté.

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