Frank-Starling's law basic concepts and principles

Basil Manning
Frank-Starling's law basic concepts and principles

The Frank-Starling Law, also known as law of the heart, it is a law that describes the heart's ability to respond to increases in blood volume. Specifically, this law establishes that the force developed in a muscle fiber (the force of contraction) depends on the degree to which it is stretched.

The Fran-Starling law was formulated more than 100 years ago by the German Otto Frank and the English Ernest Starling, which is why it bears their surnames. The research of both scientists contributed greatly to the human understanding of the relationship between the degree of ventricular filling and the pumping function of the heart..

Cycle of emptying and filling the chambers of the heart: systole (emptying) and diastole (filling) (Source: BruceBlaus, via Wikimedia Commons)

This law describes a mechanism of the heart itself, which does not depend on the influence of the nervous system (neurotransmitters) or the endocrine system (hormones or other chemical messengers); This is demonstrated by the fact that both scientists reached their conclusions using isolated hearts from frogs and dogs..

In simple words, the law states that the greater the volume of blood that enters the heart during filling (diastole), the greater the force with which it contracts (systole) and, therefore, the greater the volume of blood. that expels, within certain limits.

Article index

  • 1 Basics
    • 1.1 Chambers of the heart
    • 1.2 Oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood
    • 1.3 Cycle of contraction and relaxation of the heart
  • 2 Principles of Frank-Starling's law
    • 2.1 Example
  • 3 References

Basic concepts

Diagram of the human heart (Source: Jmarchn, via Wikimedia Commons)

The heart is a very important organ. It is made up of muscle tissue and works like a pump, as its job is to pump and distribute blood throughout the body..

This organ receives blood from other organs and tissues (also known as systemic blood) that is devoid of oxygen, and pumps it to the lungs for oxygenation.

The oxygenated blood then enters from the lungs to the heart, from where it is distributed "systemically".

Chambers of the heart

The heart of human beings, as well as that of other vertebrate animals, is made up of a set of four hollow chambers: two atria and two ventricles. There is a left and a right atrium, the same as the ventricles.

The atria are the upper chambers (booster pumps), while the ventricles are the lower chambers (true pumps).

Each atrium is connected to the ventricle on the same side through a valve and the ventricles, in turn, are separated from the veins to which they connect through valves.

The atria are separated by an interatrial septum, while the ventricles are separated from each other by an interventricular septum. These partitions are nothing more than sheets of fibrous tissue that prevent mixing between the blood contained between the left and right chambers..

The ventricles are the chambers that are responsible for projecting blood to the lungs and to the other organs of the body, which they achieve thanks to the contraction of the muscle fibers that make up their walls..

Oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood

The left side of the heart, made up of the atrium and the left ventricle, receives systemic blood from the body, deoxygenated, and pumps it to the lungs.

The right side of the heart, made up of the atrium and the right ventricle, receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the rest of the body..

Cycle of contraction and relaxation of the heart

The walls of the heart relax or "dilate" to allow blood to enter and subsequently contract to propel this blood, through the venous tissue, to the entire body or to the lungs..

Since the pumping of blood is necessary not only for the transport of oxygen but also of many nutrients and other soluble factors contained in this tissue, the cycle of contraction and relaxation of the heart is constant..

The relaxation phase of the heart muscle is called diastole and the contraction phase is known as systole..

Principles of Frank-Starling's law

The fundamental principle that establishes the Frank-Starling law is that the force or tension that develops in a muscle depends directly on the degree to which this muscle is stretched.

When the stretch of the muscle fibers is greater, that is, when the muscle fibers begin to contract from a greater length with diastolic filling, then the force of contraction is greater.

For the heart this can be expressed in terms of the diastolic and systolic volumes:

- The volume of blood that enters the heart chambers during relaxation (diastole) is called diastolic volume; the end diastolic volume it is nothing more than the volume of blood present in the heart just before the moment of contraction or systole.

- On the other hand, the volume of blood expelled during the contraction of the chambers of the heart is called stroke volume or beat volume.

The stroke volume, regardless of any other type of influence exerted on the heart, depends on the length of the muscle fibers at the time the contraction begins.

The fuller the heart is during diastole, the greater the force of contraction during systole and, therefore, the greater the stroke volume or stroke volume it expels..


Let's try to understand this better with the following example:

If the heart fills (diastole) with a volume of 120 ml of blood, when the contraction occurs (systole) 60 ml are expelled.

If instead of receiving these 120 ml, the heart receives 140 ml, the final diastolic volume (filling volume that the heart has at the moment systole starts) is greater, which means that the contraction force is greater and, therefore, the amount of blood that will be expelled will be greater, say about 70 ml.

This law or, rather, this mechanism of the heart was discovered by man and it is known that it occurs in this organ without any influence from the nervous system or the endocrine system..

The isolated heart is able to respond automatically to a higher end diastolic filling volume.

When this volume is greater, then the volume of the heart is greater, which implies that the walls of the heart are more stretched, which means that the cardiac muscle fibers are more stretched, so the force with which they contract is greater , increasing stroke volume.

The amount of blood that the heart expels is greater the greater the amount of blood that reaches it. If the heart has more blood when it contracts, then it expels more blood.

This depends on the volume of blood that reaches it, within certain limits, because if the blood volume is too large, the contraction is prevented.


  1. Ganong, W. F. (1995). Review of medical physiology. McGraw-Hill.
  2. Konhilas, J. P., Irving, T. C., & De Tombe, P. P. (2002). Frank-Starling law of the heart and the cellular mechanisms of length-dependent activation. Pflügers Archiv, 445 (3), 305-310.
  3. Sequeira, V., & van der Velden, J. (2015). Historical perspective on heart function: The Frank-Starling Law. Biophysical reviews, 7 (4), 421-447.
  4. Seres, T. (2011). Heart Failure. In Anesthesia Secrets (4th ed., Pp. 236-243). Elsevier Health Sciences. Taken from
  5. Solaro, R. J. (2007). Mechanisms of the Frank-Starling law of the heart: the beat goes on. Biophysical journal, 93 (12), 4095.

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