Pre-Hispanic literature Origin and characteristics

Robert Johnston
Pre-Hispanic literature Origin and characteristics

Pre-Hispanic literature is made up of all the literary manifestations typical of the American continent, specifically before the Spanish conquerors arrived in these lands..

This period in which pre-Hispanic literature is produced is known as the 'pre-Columbian era' and there were three cultures that stood out in this genre, that of the Mexica, the Mayas and the Incas..

What is pre-Hispanic literature?

Pre-Hispanic literature is all those expressions that, from generation to generation, were transmitted orally.

Thus, pre-Hispanic literature can be found from myths to stories, songs and even dramatic works of pre-Columbian peoples..

What is the origin of pre-Hispanic literature?

Although the origin of pre-Hispanic literature is somewhat uncertain, due to the fact that after the Conquest much of the cultural richness of the American peoples was lost, it is also true that there are certain aspects that allow us to understand a little about their point of view. departure.

How is literary manifestation is completely oral, it is assumed that, in parallel, it developed in conjunction with all the Andean and Mesoamerican civilizations.

In the case of the Mexica, it is known that their arrival in central Mexico was approximately in the year 1200 and that, according to some Mexican legends, their origin was in the lands of Aztlán. Among this group were the Tenochca and the Colhua-Mexica.

Around the year 1300 these groups gave birth to the city Tenochtitlan, which today is known as Mexico City. But, the Mexica were not just a small people, but they made up a whole civilization that ruled in the 15th century..

Their writing system was similar to that of the Mayans; his books were codices and the paper was made with vegetable fiber of agar.

According to the Mayan culture, its period starts, approximately, from the year 250 to 950 d. C., an epic in which his advances were really impressive.

For example, if English literature appeared in the 7th century, there was already a long tradition of writing in the Mayan culture on ceramic vessels, temple walls, monuments and palaces..

They also had books and their writing was made up of ideograms and phonetic symbols. Compared to the Old World, the spoken language system of the Maya was just as complete.

Similarly, it is known Inca culture, another civilization that arose in Ancient Peru, between AD 1400 and 1500.

This civilization was also enormous, since it managed to spread throughout western South America, or what today comprises the regions of Quito and Santiago de Chile..

Although the Incas did not have a writing system as elaborate as that of the Mexica or the Mayans, they did have an oral tradition that allowed their literature to survive passing from one generation to the next, as has been proven today.

Main characteristics of pre-Hispanic literature

In pre-Hispanic literature certain characteristics stand out, such as the following:

  • Was anonymous, It did not have an author, but was the expression of an entire people;
  • Collective, because it represented the worldview of an entire civilization;
  • Pantheistic, due to its close relationship with nature as a whole;
  • Agricultural issues predominant;
  • Orally transmitted, since it was narrated from one generation to the other;
  • Polytheistic: since they believed in a diversity of gods.

As noted, in the prehispanic literature A deep feeling stands out for what happens in the bosom of the earth, as well as the goodness of the gods, the fertility of the field or the sadness that results from the uprooting of the native land.

This type of literature was recited collectively and could be accompanied by a variety of instruments, such as drums, quenas, pincullos or antaras..

Poetry was composed in short verses, as can be seen with the poems of Inca Garcilaso, and was associated with dance and music..

Featured themes and works

In addition to the topics mentioned, related to nature, the land and the feeling of belonging to the homeland, In pre-Hispanic literature, there is a high predominance of Religious topics.

In this sense, the theme of the gods, nature and the universe were common, especially because of the way in which these three elements are related..

In addition, there is a certain uniqueness in the treatment of topics, since both the Mayas and the Mexica and the Incas shared some rituals and deities.

His sense of spirituality was anchored to heaven and earth, in addition, his existence was linked to the rhythms of the stars..

In pre-Hispanic Mexican literature there is a predominance of themes referring to the struggle between the gods, but man was always in an inferior position, of respect and devotion. Through art they tried to influence the moods of the gods and worship them.

Other themes, such as love, death, life, friendship or the heroic, were also present in these literary manifestations.

In the case of the Mayan culture, it is observed that in their literature one of the most frequent topics is that of the creation of the world and of man. The most notorious examples of this are the Popol Vuh or the Mayan-K'iche 'Sacred Book..

In the Inca culture there was a predominance of poetry as a genre and in it there are samples of themes related to the harvest, sowing and fertility of the land.

As can be deduced, pre-Hispanic literature presents a uniqueness in terms of its themes, as well as a long tradition that consolidates it as another universal artistic expression..

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