The 10 most popular traditional Mexican games

Basil Manning
The 10 most popular traditional Mexican games

The traditional mexican games They give an account of the cultural greatness of this wonderful country, where we can find games up to 500 years old, as well as some with little time of having been invented..

Mexico is the cradle of many traditional games, which have been so popular that they have even transcended borders, reaching different Latin American countries and becoming an important part of other cultures..

The vast majority of traditional Mexican games have passed from generation to generation (although there are many that have undergone variations and modifications over time), and are so important and loved by its people, that even today, they compete easily. against the seduction that technology can bring.

The main characteristics of traditional games in Mexican culture are:

  • Simple, since they do not require numerous objects to be able to play them.
  • Its rules are simple.
  • Most involve doing a lot of physical work (running, jumping, etc.).
  • They are usually done outdoors.
  • Some are usually accompanied by songs.

The most popular traditional Mexican games

The traditional mexican games have kept their essence alive, thanks to the orality transmitted over time, and this has been achieved thanks to the fact that children, through these games, can conserve and understand their roots and thus preserve the tradition.

That's why today we want to show you the 10 most popular traditional Mexican games.

1- The plane, hopscotch or chácara

This game consists draw a type of grid on the ground (simulating the shape of an airplane) and write in the squares the numbers from 1 to 10, then using a stone, or some other object that functions as a chácara, and in turn each player throws the stone and jumping on one or two feet, must reach the grid where there is dropped the object, if you step on any of the grid lines.

Although this game is popular in different Latin American countries, it is thought that its origin is Mexican, and is attributed to the Mayans.

2- Jump rope

Better known as jumping rope, it is one of the most popular traditional Mexican games.

To play it, there must be three children, one at each end of the rope, and one in the middle, jumping as the other two children move the rope.

It is generally played to the rhythm of a song, and competitions can also be performed using a longer rope so that there can be two or more children jumping at the same time..

3- The Piñata

This is a very popular game, and thanks to its popularity it has also broken borders and has accompanied many of the children's parties throughout Latin America.

What does it consist of? It is usually created by a large cardboard figure, or styrofoam with the motif of a cartoon character or typical figure of the country, it is decorated with papers and paints of many colors, and it is filled with sweets and toys..

The piñata is hung up, and each child goes by in turns, with their blindfolds and a stick, then they are given a couple of turns to make it a little more difficult to hit it until it breaks..

Once it is broken, all the children go to collect the sweets and toys that are inside the piñata.

4- The top

Within the traditional mexican games more popular we cannot leave out his majesty, the top.

The spinning top is known for its water drop shape, which is usually made of wood and has a metal tip, to which a rope is tied, which is pulled to make it spin..

This game is so well known that there are even world tournaments to determine who or which country is the best when making it dance.

5- The marbles

The marbles are small and colorful glass spheres that are used to carry out this game.

These must be thrown with precision against each other, and although they are well known in many countries, in Mexico the traditional way of playing them consists of drawing a rhombus on the ground, in which the marbles that will be bet are left..

The idea is to take turns tossing the marbles and taking out the ones that have previously been deposited in the rhombus..

6- Flying the kite

The kite is usually made with recycled materials, the most common are paper, string, wood, and it always has a rope made of rags that helps the kite to take flight..

The best month to fly the kite is usually August, when the wind blows strong, competitions are also usually held to see who raises it higher, or who keeps it in the air the longest..

7- The tinjoroch

This is a traditional game from Yucatán; the basis of this game is to pass a rope through a round board with a hole.

Whoever spins the disc the longest wins, it is usually played in teams, but it can also be done individually.

8- Put the tail on the donkey

This is another of the most traditional games in Mexico, which due to its great recognition has accompanied us in many of our children's parties throughout the Latin American continent..

The mission of the players is to put the tail on the donkey (which is generally pasted as a poster on the wall) with the difficulty that whoever does it, must be blindfolded.

The winner will be whoever manages to place the tail in the exact place or who comes closest to it..

9- Matatena or Jacks

For this traditional game, a small ball and a dozen plastic crowns are used..

The game consists of bouncing the ball against the ground, and each time it is done, a crown must be collected, each time it is thrown, a greater number of crowns must be collected.

10 - Caught

This famous game consists of catching the other players, where one will be the "trapped" and the rest will be the escapists..

Those who play the role of escapists will have a base in which, as long as they are touched, they will be "invisible", but when leaving there, if they are touched they will remain frozen in the same place, until another player comes to rescue them..

It is also known in other countries as Police and Thieves.

Now that you know the 10 most popular traditional Mexican games, which one would you dare to play??

If you want to continue learning about Mexican culture, you will love this: Who are the Oxaca Muxes? The third Mexican gender.

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