The 10 most common types of nose How is yours?

Jonah Lester
The 10 most common types of nose How is yours?

Surely you have wondered how many types of nose there are. As well, There are ten types of nose, however, the factors that make it change can be diverse.

While it is true that the nose is unique, and that we have inherited it from our parents, some suggest that this could change depending on the geographical area in which the person is.

In any case, the nose will always be a unique point that will attract many glances from those around.

It is because of that, those who want to surgically modify it, are very interested in knowing how many types of nose there are, not only to decide which model to take, but also to get to know each other better.

Well, the nose is unique for each person, as well as it defines the structure of the face and generates a lot of impact on those who observe us..

What is the nose and what are its functions?

Before knowing how many types of nose there are, you may want to know what the nose is. Well, the nose is a protruding part of the face, located between the eyes and the mouth, whose functions are diverse.

Many claim that the nose is only used to sniff and detect the smell of food.In principle, it is likely that man has used his nose to know which foods to eat and which not.

However, with the passage of time, also we use our nose to detect delicious and pleasant aromas, not only food, but also perfumes, essences, among others.

Through the nose we also breathe, but, it also works to condition the air we inhale and exhale.

All the information that we process through the nose reaches our brain quickly thanks to all the nerve endings it has.

Although the structure of the nose is basically the same in all human beings, there are some differences for each person.

Thus, the septum can vary from one subject to another, in addition to the nostrils, so if we want to modify our nose or simply recognize which one we have, it is convenient to find out how many types of nose there are.

How many types of nose are there?

If you have already noticed that few noses are the same in the world, then now we are going to find out how many types of nose there are:

1. Roman or aquiline nose

This nose is characterized by having a thin tip and a pronounced bridge. Due to its similarity to the eagle's beak, it is called “aquiline nose”, since its tip becomes curved..

2. Greek nose

The Greek nose has a bridge that is completely straight, therefore, the face is seen with pleasant proportions. It is called "Greek nose" thanks to the similarity that this nose has with those of Athenian men and women..

Also, they say that it resembles the one that the Greek gods have in the representations that exist today. In the aesthetic world, many people crave this nose shape.

3. Small nose

Is about a small nose, as its name suggests, and tilted up. The truth is that its size does not occupy much place within the proportions of the face. There are those who also love this type of nose so subtle.

4. Upturned nose

Although the septum of this type of nose is straight, a curve may form at its tip. It all depends on taste, because some people also love this nose shape.

5. Wavy nose

This nose shape owes its name to the fact that the septum is shaped like the letter "s", or arch a little to one side.

6. Big nose

Usually this type of nose is also thick. The septum is usually wide, as are the nostrils. The tip is usually bulky and round in shape.

7. Broad or Nubian nose

It has a straight septum, but, although it is thin, the nose widens as it approaches the tip. The name comes from a region in which this type of nose abounds: Nubia, located in Sudan.

8. Fleshy nose

Also called bulbous, because the tip has a ball shape, so this type of nose looks round.

9. Flat nose

It is so named because it has a flat tip, despite the fact that the septum is thin.

10. Asymmetric or uneven nose

This nose does not have the same proportions, because, one of its sides is usually larger or narrower than the other, so it is asymmetric.

Some fun facts about nose types

A very interesting detail, when we inquire about how many types of nose there are, is that, In addition to genetic factors, the climate of a region can influence the shape of a person's nose.

So, the noses that are wider, would be those of people who live in regions in which a type of hot and humid climate predominates. Well, the adaptive process, explained by the theory of evolution, cannot be ruled out either..

It is evident that the climate greatly influences the tone of the skin, the color of the hair, the tone of the skin of the face, among others, but also the shape of the nose, whose main function is to condition the air that is inspired, so that it reaches the lower respiratory tract well.

The weather could influence not only the width of the nostrils, but also the distance they keep, the length of the ridge, the height of the nose, the external area, its protrusions, among other factors that can be measured..

This process, which made it possible for different types of nose to exist, is called Genetic drift, well, over the years this process accumulated among human populations.

In regions with hot and humid climates, wide noses would predominate, while in cold and dry places, the type of nose is narrower.

If one type of nose predominates in your family, or your grandparents had a different one -but they lived in another region-, perhaps this could be the explanation for the changes.

When we inhale the air, the nose helps us to keep it humid and warm, so the narrowed nostrils help to alter the flow of air that passes. In the end, what matters is that the work is done efficiently and we can survive as a species..

Asking ourselves about how many types of nose there are opens up an interesting world for us to ask many other questions about it..

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