The 100 best proverbs of Solomon

Charles McCarthy

I leave you the best Solomon's proverbs, son of King David and last King of the United Kingdom of Israel. Solomon is a biblical character who has various contributions to the Bible, such as Proverbs Y Ecclesiastes.

Some of the themes that you can find in these proverbs are good and evil, fidelity to God, truth, justice and righteousness. You may also be interested in these Buddhist proverbs.

-Hate is cause for dissension, but love covers all faults.

-Restlessness depresses the heart of man, but a good word comforts him.

-It seems to the fool that his way is straight, but the wise hears advice.

-Listen to your father's instruction and do not reject your mother's teaching.

-Hatred produces more hatred; love forgives everything.

-Wisdom above all; acquire wisdom; and over all your possessions acquire intelligence.

-Watch your heart carefully, because from it springs the sources of life.

-Por eso quiero hacer las cosas con Calma y poder terminar Los trabajos pendientes; he who is wise restrains his tongue.

-The wounds caused by those who love you are preferable to the lying kisses of those who hate you.

-Ill-gotten wealth is useless, but justice delivers from death.

-The people curse the one who hoards the wheat, but covers with blessings the one who sells it.

-The ignorant, if he is silent, will be considered a scholar, and will be considered wise if he does not open his lips.

-Fortune gained quickly in the beginning, will not be blessed in the end.

-Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, it is lazy to those who use it.

-The wise man sees evil, and hides; yet the most simple pass and absorb the damage.

-The wise woman builds her house; the fool with her own hands destroys it.

-The storm passes and the wicked disappear, but the righteous remain steadfast forever.

-Refined silver is the tongue of the just; the heart of the wicked is worth nothing.

-Do not plot evil against your neighbor, while he lives confidently with you.

-Before the catastrophe there is pride, and before the fall, the haughty spirit.

-Wrath is cruel, and fury is fierce; but who can stand before envy?

-The forewarned son stocks up in the summer, but the scoundrel sleeps at harvest time.

-The wages of the righteous lead to life, the income of the wicked leads to sin.

-The lips of the righteous ooze goodness; wickedness sprouts from the mouth of the wicked.

-For lack of deliberation, plans fail; with many advisers, they are carried out.

-The righteous will never stumble; the wicked will not inhabit the earth.

-Good judgment is the source of life for those who possess it, but folly is the punishment of fools.

-When pride comes, dishonor also comes; but with the humble is wisdom.

-A gentle heart is the life of the body, but envy corrodes the bones.

-A numerous people is the glory of the king, the lack of subjects is the ruin of the sovereign.

-He who cultivates his land will be satisfied with bread, but he who pursues chimeras is a fool.

-There is deceit in the hearts of those who plot evil, and joy in those who give wholesome advice.

-He who corrects an insolent man attracts shame, and he who rebukes a wicked man, dishonor.

-Wisdom is worth more than pearls, and nothing palatable can match it.

-Badly acquired treasures are of no use, but justice delivers from death.

-Man plans in his heart, but the Lord puts the answer on his lips.

-The gossiper reveals the secrets, but the faithful man keeps due reserve.

-Do not deny a benefit to those who need it as long as it is in your hands to do so.

-Whoever digs a hole will fall into it, and whoever rolls a stone will return on it..

-The affable tongue is a tree of life, the perverse tongue wounds the most alive.

-Wisdom is on the lips of the prudent; on the back of the lacking in judgment, just sticks.

-The unwary believes everything they are told, but the prudent watches their steps.

-Do not envy the violent man or choose any of his ways.

-He who stingy the rod hates his son, he who loves him strives to correct him.

-The Lord does not leave the righteous without eating, but frustrates the greed of the wicked.

-The one who measures his words is a man who knows, and the one who keeps his cool blood is intelligent.

-If someone returns bad for good, misery will not leave their home.

-Where there are no oxen, the stable is clean, but the strength of a bull gives a lot of profit.

-The indolent hand impoverishes, but the industrious arm enriches.

-Wine is exciting and drink is turbulent: he who gets drunk will not become wise.

-He who takes time to get angry is worth more than a hero, and the owner of himself, more than a conqueror.

-He who loves correction loves science, and he who detests reproof is brutalized.

-Better a simple man who is self-sufficient than a boastful man who lacks bread.

-Preserve prudence and reflection; that they do not leave your eyes. They will be life for your soul and grace for your neck.

-The wise in heart obeys orders, but the grumbling fool is on his way to disaster.

-The righteous are crowned with blessings, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.

-Drink the water from your cistern and that which flows from your own well.

-Whoever conducts himself with integrity walks safely; who walks in bad steps will be discovered.

-Truthful lips remain forever, but lying tongue only for an instant.

-The fool amuses himself with his misconduct, but the wise man delights in wisdom.

-The future of the just is promising; the hope of the wicked fades.

-The fool at once expresses his displeasure, but the prudent man conceals an affront.

-He who guards his mouth and tongue guards his soul from trouble.

-He who commits adultery is a fool, he who acts like this ruins himself: what he will achieve is blows and infamy, and his disgrace will never be erased.

-Remove wicked words from you and remove malice from your lips.

-The way of the Lord is a refuge for the righteous and the ruin of evildoers.

-The heart knows its own bitterness and no stranger associates itself with its joy.

-The wise in heart accept the commandments, but the foolish-lipped go to ruin.

-Take a good look at where you put your feet, and may all your ways be firm.

-A gentle response appeases anger, a hurtful word exacerbates anger.

-The one with lying lips conceals his hatred, and the one who spreads slander is a fool.

-The angry man commits crazy things, but the thoughtful man knows how to endure.

-The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, but the wicked tongue will be cut off.

-The righteous detest lies, but the wicked cause shame and confusion.

-Wisdom surpasses foolishness, as light surpasses darkness.

-He who is wise treasures knowledge, but the mouth of the fool is an imminent danger.

-Even in laughter, the heart can have pain, and the end of joy can be sadness.

-It is better not to promise, than to promise and not fulfill.

-To the unfortunate, every day is bad, but the happy heart always celebrates.

-He who oppresses the weak outrages his Creator; He who takes pity on the destitute honors him.

-The wealth of the rich is his stronghold; the poverty of the poor is their ruin.

-The fear of the Lord prolongs life, but the years of the wicked are shortened.

-The lips of the righteous guide many; fools die for lack of judgment.

-He who attends correction is on the way to life; the one who rejects it is lost.

-The salary of the just is life; the gain of the wicked is sin.

-A bad emissary sinks into disgrace, but a faithful envoy restores health.

-The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish.

-The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the fame of the wicked will be the grazing of worms.

-The wise man fears evil and turns away from it, the fool is reckless and feels secure.

-The prudent man knows what he is doing, but the fool flaunts his folly.

-Better a plate of vegetables with love than a fattened ox, but with hatred.

-What the wicked fears, that happens to him; what the just desires, that receives.

-Where words abound, sin is never lacking, the one who restrains his lips is a cautious man.

-The righteous are freed from danger and the wicked fall instead.

-One gives generously and increases his assets, another saves more than necessary and ends up destitute.

-He who trusts in his wealth withers, but the righteous will grow like foliage.

-He who winks causes suffering, he who reprimands with frankness gives peace of mind.

-Do not litigate with a man for no reason, if he has caused you no harm.

-The wise son is the joy of his father; the foolish son is his mother's sorrow.

-The wise will inherit the glory, but the fools will bear the shame.

-The wise treasure science, but the mouth of the fool is imminent doom.

-Integrity guides upright men, but wickedness ruins traitors.

-Ill-gotten wealth is useless, but justice delivers from death.

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