The 12 Most Outstanding Animals of the United States

Anthony Golden
The 12 Most Outstanding Animals of the United States

Between the most representative animals of the United States The American beaver, the elk, the black-footed ferret, the caribou, the bison and the bald eagle stand out..

The United States has a great variety of animals due to its extensive territory, since it is one of the largest countries in the world and has habitats of different types in many locations.

Most representative animals of the United States

1- American beaver

This is one of the two species of beaver that currently exist in the world.

The beaver can weigh from 22 to 27 kilos and has a brown coat. This animal is a mammal that has an aquatic lifestyle.

2- Brown bear

It is one of the largest and strongest carnivores in the entire United States..

It can reach a speed of up to 35 miles per hour if necessary and has a dark brown coat..

3- Mississippi Cayman

This alligator can reach up to 4 meters in length and is found in all swampy regions of the United States.

Especially in Florida you can find lots of alligators that terrify the inhabitants of the city, despite not being as dangerous as they appear.

4- American moose

This is one of the most representative animals of the American territory. This species is one of the largest of the moose and is characteristic of the United States.

It has a skin of black and brown colors and they have horns on the forehead.

5- Nine-banded armadillo

This animal is famous today for being a frequent victim of accidental run-ins on the roads.

Years ago the armadillo was one of the most frequent animals in the Wild West. Still is.

6- Arctic wolf

The Arctic wolf is a species of wolf characteristic of the northern United States. This species is adapted to very low temperature climates.

It has a white fur that allows it to camouflage itself in the snow and is just over half a meter tall.

7- Caribou

The caribou is a mammal of the family cervidae that lives in the north of the American continent.

They have horns on the forehead, which they use for digging and other functions.

8- Black feet ferret

The black-footed ferret is one of the most characteristic species in the United States. However, this is a species that is in serious danger of extinction..

In fact, it was listed in 1987 as an extinct species; however, they currently have a population of at least a thousand ferrets.

9- American bison

This is the largest mammal that can be found in North America. This animal was officially named as the national mammal.

It has two large horns on the lateral parts of its head. Despite its large size and weight, it can run at incredibly high speeds.

10- Bald Eagle

The bald eagle is the official animal of the United States. It is one of the most important national symbols for the nation and can be found in the North American region.

This species is highly respected and valued by the American population. It has a white head and two long wings with dark brown fur..

11- Puma

Also known as a mountain lion. Feline mammal distributed along the west coast of the United States, with populations of up to 6000 specimens in Oregon and California. They are a large species (it can reach 2.5 meters), fast and very heavy (up to 120 kg). Its main weapons are the tusks, capable of tearing a deer to pieces. 

12- Grizzly Bear

A species of brown bear located on the west coast of Canada and Alaska, the northernmost state of the United States. It is a huge mammal (they can weigh about 700 kg) that prefers cold climates and mainly feeds on salmon. It is an aggressive bear with humans and even with its own species.


  1. Strauss, B. "12 Important Animals of North America" ​​in: Thought Co. Retrieved: November 19, 2017 from Thought Co .:
  2. "American beaver" in: Wildscreen Arkive. Retrieved on: November 19, 2017 from Wildscreen Arkive:
  3. "Black-footed Ferret" in: World Wildlife. Retrieved on: November 19, 2017 from World Wildlife:
  4. "Caribú" (March 26, 2012) in: BioEnccyclopedia. Retrieved on November 19, 2017 from BioEnciclopedia:
  5. "Bald Eagle" in National Geographic. Retrieved on November 19, 2017 from National Geographic:

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