The 14 Best Dream Books

Basil Manning
The 14 Best Dream Books

Today I come with a list of books about dreams from great authors, some very influential in the world of science and others practical with which you can perform exercises while you sleep.

Scientific research still has a long way to go in the field of dreams. Although there is a lot of knowledge, there are still great unknowns.

Followers of psychoanalysis think that dreams have a symbolism and that they can be interpreted.

However, current researchers believe that dreams are a way to structure, organize and establish the knowledge that has been obtained during the day. What do you think?

Here are 10 dream books that will allow you to learn more about them.

1-Memories, dreams, thoughts-Carl Jung

Reading about Jung's life from his own hand is a unique experience. In these pages we will learn about the formative years, his ambivalent relationship with Freud, travels and discoveries, and the gestation of a religiosity that arises from the source of original images that Jung discovered in the depths of the soul..

Jung's inner autobiography in which his disturbing living will and the x-ray of his adventures of the spirit converge: an analytical memorial that by its very nature escapes all classification.

2-Of the essence of dreams-Carl Jung

This book presents in chapters topics that are basic to the analytical psychology of C. G Jung; the dynamics of the psyche, the archetypes in the light of neurosciences and the interpretation of dreams.

He deals with Jung's abstruse constructs with clarity and rigor. A must for fans of psychoanalysis.

3-The Interpretation of Dreams-Sigmund Freud

The Interpretation of Dreams is a fundamental book for those who want to know or deepen the theories of the father of psychoanalysis.

 His concepts of the unconscious, unconscious desire, and repression were revolutionary; propose a mind divided into layers or levels, dominated to some extent by a primitive will beyond the conscious sphere and manifested in productions such as jokes, lapses, failed acts, dreams and symptoms.

The interpretation of dreams played a decisive role in this enormous effort to subvert values ​​and theoretical innovation..

Written between 1895 and 1899, it is the first work in which Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) outlined with rigor and clarity the general lines of his hypotheses and his methods.

Know in this list the main books of Freud.

4-Lucid Dreaming Exploration-Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold

Includes very detailed techniques for learning lucid dreaming and using them to your advantage in everyday life.

You can experience conscious dream journeys to better understand and use the immense possibilities of heightened awareness to, for example: solve problems, gain confidence, enhance creativity, face and overcome fears and inhibitions, create a new sense of empowerment and freedom in your life. , take advantage of your innumerable possibilities to live with greater fullness and awareness.

5-The science of sleep-Diego Calb, Ana Moreno

The authors, from a scientific and current point of view, help to understand what happens to us when we close our eyes.

6-How to interpret dreams: practical guide for the interpretation of dreams-Juan Antonio Lopez Benedi

This book teaches you to penetrate it. According to the author, through dreams we receive messages from our unconscious that we can use as a guide in our daily lives..

By learning to attend to the message of dreams and properly following their suggestions, we will obtain very important advantages for our psychophysical balance..

7-The yoga of dreams-Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Contains detailed instructions for sleep yoga and practices to perform during the day. The result is greater freedom and happiness in the waking and sleeping states..

8-Lucid Dreams-Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, Thomas Peisel

for anyone who wants to cross to the other side of the mirror and explore that state of consciousness where intuition, creativity, the depths of being and an enormous wealth of healing and transforming power reside.

9-The Power of Dreams-Norma O'connor

It gathers more than 3000 images and situations that usually appear in the life of dreams.

10-Dreams: Dictionary of Interpretation-Clara Tahoces

This book teaches us to decipher and understand the dream world with more than 5,000 elements that can appear in our dreams.

What we dream is influenced by culture and can be a source of inspiration or even premonition. In addition, it helps us to reveal our deepest fears and desires..

11-The great book of dreams-Emilio Salas

This book gives you the keys to deciphering the images and symbols in dreams and will teach you how to use the messages for your own benefit. Know future events in advance. Find facets of your personality that you yourself ignore.

12-The Dreams: Origin, Function and Foundations-Ángel Maldonado-Núñez and Cristyal Crast

The following are in English, although they are worth the effort to read.

13-Dream Alchemy: The ultimate guide to interpreting your dreams-Jane Teresa Anderson

14-Dreams: Guide To The Soul: 40 Ancient Secret Keys to Healing, Renewal and Power-Steven G. Fox

And do you know another book? I am interested in knowing others. You can comment. Thanks!

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