The 20 types of chemistry and their definition

Simon Doyle
The 20 types of chemistry and their definition

The types of chemistry They can be classified into organic, inorganic, biochemical, physicochemical, analytical chemistry, astrochemistry, electrochemistry, photochemistry, geochemistry, nanochemistry, neurochemistry, industrial chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, petrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, environmental chemistry, quantum chemistry, theoretical chemistry, computational chemistry. and magnetochemistry.

There are different branches of science and one of the most important is chemistry. The origin of this word comes from a Latin variable, but its roots are really Arabic. It is associated with terms such as chimica, chimia or alchemy, the latter as a reference to alchemy, a set of very ancient proto-scientific practices that encompassed various types of current sciences such as astronomy, metallurgy, mysticism, philosophy, philosophy or medicine..

Chemistry is defined as a science that is responsible for studying matter and the changes it undergoes. Specifically, it studies both the structure of matter, its composition and its properties. It also studies the energetic and internal changes that matter experiences. It has been considered one of the basic sciences, but not for its simplicity but rather for its importance.

It is a basic discipline, because so many others are based on it, such as medicine, biology, pharmacology, metallurgy and even ecology. And because there are countless types of materials, chemistry is subdivided into several types. Which means that there is a type of chemistry for each material studied..

Organic chemistry

Arguably, this is the kind of chemistry that studies life itself. And that this branch is in charge of studying the compounds that contain carbon / hydrogen atoms, as well as their different reactions.

There are many substances made up of organic molecules, ranging from medicines and vitamins to plastics, synthetic and natural fibers, carbohydrates, proteins and fats..

Basically organic materials are those that have the element carbon in their chemical structure. This is how we speak of all living beings and especially of hydrocarbons such as oil and its derivatives.

Inorganic chemistry

Contrary to organic chemistry, inorganic refers to those elements that do not have a life of their own. For this reason, it is in charge of studying the compounds and reactions of materials that do not contain carbon / hydrogen atoms..

In this case we are talking about minerals, metals or ceramic materials. This type of chemistry has other applications such as fiber optics, concrete or electronic chips.


This is the type of chemistry that is responsible for studying the chemical basis of molecules. More specifically, it is the study of the chemical composition and properties of living beings (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, reactions in cells and nucleic acids).

Biochemistry is a branch that belongs to both chemistry and biology. It is divided into three areas: structural chemistry, metabolism, and the chemistry of processes and substances..

Physical chemistry

This type of chemistry is where the different methods that physics has for the study of the structure and properties of matter are used. In this subdiscipline matter is studied, based on the physical principles that govern the behavior of atoms, molecules and the rest of chemical systems..

Analytic chemistry

This type of chemistry is dedicated to studying the different compounds of nature, either in their pure state or as combined substances.

Analytical chemistry is based on the identification and quantification of materials in a mixture or specific chemical compounds. This branch is divided into qualitative analytical chemistry and quantitative analytical chemistry..


This branch studies the chemical composition of celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, as well as material from interstellar space..

Astrochemists apply radio astronomy and spectroscopy techniques to carry out different analyzes of interstellar matter, galaxies and stars..


This sub-discipline is in charge of studying the reactions that produce electrical effects, in relation to chemical reactions. That is, it is the correlation between these chemical reactions and the transformations of chemical energy to electrical energy and vice versa..


This type of chemistry is responsible for analyzing both the phenomena and the interrelationships between molecules and atoms, as well as their interrelation with light and electromagnetic radiation..

In this category there are also various applications such as the creation of substances that produce the absorption of certain electromagnetic wavelengths. For the photochemical phenomenon to occur, it is necessary to receive light energy and a chemical reaction..


It is a specialty of the branches of nature, which is responsible for the study of the chemical properties of the different minerals in the earth. It is based on both geology and chemistry to study the structure and assets of chemical components that exist on earth..


In this category are all those activities related to nanoscience and nanotechnology. These areas have in common the use of traditional tools of chemistry for the creation, development and study of objects that have nanoscopic dimensions..

This discipline is responsible for studying the unique characteristics of sets of molecules or atoms to be applied to possible fields such as medicine.


This is basically the chemistry of brain function. It is the branch that is based on the study of the interactions of chemical substances in the brain such as serotonin, melatonin, hormones and neurotransmitters, as well as psychotropic drugs and other substances, and their effects on the brain.

Industrial Chemistry

In this branch, chemical knowledge is applied for the production of materials and chemical products with a minimum impact on the environment. In this area, the processes used in the industrial sector for the transformation of matter are studied..

Four processes are involved in industrial chemistry: heat transfer, momentum transfer, mass transfer, and chemical change..

Pharmaceutical chemistry

This type of chemistry is responsible for both research and the production of drugs to combat medical-psychiatric conditions. This subcategory belongs to two more categories: applied and industrial chemistry..

It basically comprises the study, analysis, search and tuning of organic and inorganic compounds, in this case to be used in the field of medicine..


This is a subbranch of two types of chemistry: organic and industrial. It is the science that is responsible for the study and transformation of substances from hydrocarbons such as oil and natural gas, to convert them into fuels and other useful chemicals for humans such as plastic and polymers.

This type of chemistry is also dedicated to providing knowledge and mechanisms to extract chemicals from fossil fuels. On the other hand, this branch also allows the production of products such as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, as well as the production of asphalt and synthetic fibers..

Nuclear chemistry

This branch of chemistry studies the modifications that occur in the nucleus of an atom, either naturally or artificially. But it is also in charge of analyzing the chemical reactions of radioactive substances such as radon, uranium, radium and actinides..

For the application of nuclear chemistry requires the use of special equipment, as is the case of the well-known nuclear reactors. It has been thanks to this type of chemistry that it has been possible to take advantage of nuclear energy in the world, despite the dangers and stigma due to the different tragedies that have occurred..

Environmental chemistry

It is a subcategory that studies the influence and effects of chemical components in the environment. This study includes both the chemical substances found within nature itself, as well as the influence of chemicals discharged into the environment..

Quantum chemistry

In this branch quantum mechanics and field theory are used in chemical problems. This chemistry is of the theoretical type, and describes the behavior of matter using mathematics.

One of the applications of quantum chemistry is in the comprehensive study of atoms and molecules, that is, with regard to their behavior, their properties, their chemical reactivity, among other aspects..

Theoretical chemistry

In this branch, physics is used to explain or predict the different chemical phenomena. Theoretical chemistry consists basically in the use of quantum chemistry, or rather, in the application of quantum mechanics to chemical problems.

Computational chemistry

In this branch, existing programs and methods in the world of computer science are used to be applied to solving chemical problems. In this case, the results of theoretical chemistry are incorporated into software to calculate the structures and properties of molecules and solid bodies..


This type of chemistry is responsible for both the synthesis and the study of the magnetic properties of substances. Research in this field is based on the search for new materials that have important magnetic properties or that combine magnetic and electrical or magnetic and optical properties..


  1. Chemistry - Explanation and definition of chemistry / Accessed January 11, 2017.
  2. Definition of Geochemistry / Accessed January 11, 2017.
  3. Neurochemistry: The Chemistry of Brain Functioning / Explore Accessed January 11, 2017.
  4. What is Industrial Chemistry? - Definition / iQuimicas Accessed January 11, 2017.
  5. Nanoquímica / Jaume Veciana Accessed January 11, 2017.
  6. Industrial Chemistry / Branches of Chemistry Consulted January 12, 2017.
  7. Definition of Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Accessed January 12, 2017.
  8. Photochemistry / Scientific texts Accessed January 12, 2017.
  9. Computational Chemistry / EcuRed Accessed January 12, 2017.
  10. Definition of Biochemistry / Accessed January 12, 2017.
  11. What is quantum chemistry and what is it for? Óscar Gálvez González Accessed January 12, 2017.
  12. Nuclear Chemistry / EcuRed Accessed January 12, 2017.
  13. Definition of petrochemical / Definition Of Consulted January 12, 2017.
  14. Types of chemistry / 10 types Accessed January 12, 2017.
  15. Theoretical chemistry / Science of the web Accessed January 12, 2017.
  16. Magnetoquímica / EcuRed Accessed January 12, 2017.

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