I leave you a list of spanish sayings that transmit teachings on topics as diverse as values, practicality, common sense, personal improvement, destiny and social coexistence. Sayings are not just a nice play on words, they convey knowledge.
In fact, sayings are small traditional popular phrases that are taken from experiences that are common to many people and that are considered true. Here are the best known of Spain.
-The luck of the ugly, the beautiful one wishes her.
-He who warns is not a traitor.
-There is no worse deaf than the one who does not want to hear.
-Not for long to get up early does the morning wake up earlier.
-Better to be the head of a mouse than the tail of a lion.
-The much you have, the much you worth.
-Evil of many, consolation of fools.
-In the blacksmith's house, a wooden knife.
-To foolish words, deaf ears.
-While there is life there is hope.
-Much ado About Nothing.
-Silence is consent.
-Mr money is a powerful gentleman.
-In the poor man's house, joy does not last long.
-There is no fool who does not consider himself clever.
-He who gives what he has, is not obliged to give more.
-Knowledge does not take place.
-Cherries and evils, bring other such.
-He who lives by the sword will die by the sword.
-Better safe than sorry.
-He who offers much, gives little.
-The man propose and God dispose.
-The one who runs a lot, soon to.
-Neither ask who asked, nor serve who served.
-In the short or long, time reaches everything.
-The water and the candle, nobody is denied.
-Where is Vicente going? Where do people go.
-Many few make a lot.
-After I ate your bread, I didn't remember you.
-We are muleteers, and on the way we will meet.
-Hunger sharpens wit.
-From the fallen tree everyone makes firewood.
-Don't throw stones on your roof.
-To another dog with that bone.
-In the mouth of the discreet, the public is secret.
-The eye will not sin if the heart does not command it.
-The exception makes the rule.
-Whoever is born a piglet dies, a piglet.
-Although everything is clay, it is not the same jar as jug.
-Past water does not move mill.
-From the smoke you know where the fire is.
-Money that you loaned, enemy that you took.
-A good cape, everything covers it.
-Joys and sorrows, they will come to you without you looking for them.
-The strong heart conquers misfortune.
-Nobody teaches someone else's head.
-From the boss and the mule, the farther, the safer.
-Give me bread and tell me silly.
-There is no worse wedge than that of the same wood.
-No small enemy.
-Who does not venture, does not pass the sea.
-Lesson well learned, late or never forgotten.
-With priests and cats, few deals.
-The third time lucky.
-If you want something, it's going to cost you.
-The poet is born, not made.
-Five is not a lot, but seven already are.
-To bread, bread, and to wine, wine.
-Each fish gets its turn.
-Full gut, neither run away nor fight well
-Good and bad Tuesday, there are everywhere.
-Each feather flock together.
-Some have fame and the others cartd the wool.
-When least expected, the hare jumps.
-Through one ear it enters me and through the other it comes out.
-Tomorrow will be another day.
-To cry, to the valley.
-With you, bread and onion.
-Young and old, we all need advice.
-Cheap is expensive.
-Big donkey, walk or not walk.
-It is never late if happiness is good.
-When they know they call it luck.
-The ox loose, it licks well.
-After the storm comes the calm.
-He does not give who has, but who wants.
-No one wants to offend but who can.
-Days and pots do great works.
-Winning without saving is almost not winning.
-He who has a godfather is baptized.
-The wise always want to learn, the ignorant always want to teach.
-More flies are caught with honey than with gall.
-Scabies with pleasure does not itch.
-War warned, does not kill soldiers.
-Do good and do not look at who.
-Which can not be consoled, it is because you do not want.
-He who sleeps a lot, learns little.
-What costs little, little is appreciated.
-A grain barn does, but it helps the partner.
-Little by little it goes away.
-The best clerk makes a blur.
-One nail pulls out another nail.
-Favor with favor it's paid.
-It is one thing to preach and another to give wheat.
-New broom, sweeps well.
-Carrots and turnips, first cousins.
-The miser, the more he has, the more he wants.
-The one who hits first, hits twice.
-Who ass was born, ass died.
-Life without friends, death without witnesses
-God squeezes but does not drown.
-Asking you arrive in Rome.
-The one to follows her, get her.
-The one who chops, eats garlic.
-Where there is jelaousy, there is love; where there are old, there is pain.
-Nobody becomes bitter by a candy.
-For any ailment, patience is a remedy.
-In April it rains a lot.
-A god begging and with the hammer giving.
-Not all that glitters is gold.
-por eso quiero hacer las cosas con Calma y poder terminar Los trabajos pendientes.
-The wolf is more silent than the barking dog.
-Children and madmen tell the truth.
-Bad news comes fast.
-Hunger is a very bad advisor.
-The one who wants, can.
-A fleeing enemy, silver bridge.
-Tell me what you boast about and I'll tell you what you lack.
-always pay the righteous for sinners.
-With the truth you get everywhere.
-You get used to everything, except not eating.
-Intelligent and wise, it is to forgive injuries and forget grievances.
-Birds of a feather flock together.
-Information is power.
-To unrequited love, absence and forgetfulness.
-The more you have, the more you want.
-The first impression is what counts.
-Better late than never.
-The cleanest is not the cleanest, but the least dirty.
-Who does what he can, does what he should.
-He who kills iron, dies iron.
-How well learned is known forever.
-Of what you do not see, not even half you believe.
-Each one in his home and God in everyone's.
-Out of sight, out of mind.
-the habit do not do the monk.
-Horse that flies, does not want spur.
-Who sings, his evil scares.
-A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
-A grain barn does, but it helps the partner.
-Regret others, does not take away the sleep.
-He who spits to the sky, falls on his face.
-Such for which, said the pardal
-Money calls money.
-The higher you climb, the bigger the fall.
-Barking dog, little biter.
-At bad times, good face.
-Bad fame kills man.
-Full belly happy heart.
-At night, all cats are gray.
-He who keeps, always has.
-He who does not should not fear it.
-Each person is the owner of their silence and a slave to their words.
-Shoe that tightens, let someone else put it on.
-Old parrot does not learn to talk.
-Flying birds, to the grill.
-Each coin has two sides.
-Little by little you come before.
-Clear accounts and thick chocolate.
-He who made the law made the trap.
-Loose lips sink ships.
-The intention is what counts.
-Everything that goes up has to go down.
-The little likes, the much tires.
-The time is gold.
-To err is human, to forgive is wise.
-Water that you should not drink, let it run.
-At the soapmaker's house, who does not fall, slips.
-When you chew, don't click.
-Everywhere they boil beans.
-Each madman with his theme and each wolf on his path.
-Faith moves mountains.
-From said to fact, there is a long way.
-He who is free from sin, let him cast the first stone.
-Drunkards and children always tell the truth.
-Pepper is small, but it stings.
-Nobody is a prophet in their own land.
-Business before pleasure.
-Every Tuesday has its Sunday.
-At ten, you are in bed, and better before than after.
-Old ox, new cowbell.
-What is promised is debt.
-The paper holds everything.
-Greedy heart, it has no rest.
-To what is done, chest.
-Never say: "I will not drink this water".
-The time puts everyone in place.
-Since you are not chaste, be cautious
-Money in hand, everything is flat.
-Doing and undoing, you learn.
-The one who had, retained and kept for old age.
-Shoemaker to his shoes.
-Smoke and pouting get people out of the house.
-Speaking of the king of Rome, he peeks out the door.
-Bad bug never dies.
-Woman with but, I don't want her.
-Shared misfortune, less heartfelt.
-Misfortunes and roads make friends.
-I sell advice but I do not have any for myself.
-Before the liar is caught than the lame.
-Rectify is wise.
-He who laughs last laughs best.
-The music soothes the beasts.
-Ignore to ask and ask to know, that's learning.
-From hand to mouth, the soup is lost.
-Bad eyes are darling.
-Tit for tat.
-Do not close a door if you have not opened another.
-Plaster and lime, covers a lot of bad.
-Without bread and without wine, there is no fine love
-He who plays with fire always gets burned.
-From what it does not cost, fill the basket.
-Who has a lot, more comes.
-Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, dog and cat, do not eat from the same plate.
-A river uprooted, gain of fishermen.
-To wolf meat, dog tooth.
-Politeness, does not remove the brave.
-The dog in the manger neither eats nor lets his master eat.
-To the skinny dog, everything turns to fleas.
-Raise fame and go to sleep.
-Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.
-Bundle up in February with two glasses and a hat.
-The devil knows more for being old than for being the devil.
-There is everything in the vineyard of the Lord.
-Between two friends, a notary and two witnesses.
-If you want the egg, the chicken suffers
-In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king.
-Love with love heals.
-Hungry love doesn't last.
-Every dog has his day.
-Who works, God improves it.
-Revenge is a dish best served cold.
-The forbidden fruit is the most desired.
-The thief believes that all are of his condition.
-To the fact, there is no remedy; and, to what to do, advice.
-What you don't want for yourself, you don't want for me.
-Year of snow, year of goods.
-From the street will come, who from your house will kick you out.
-The man and the bear, the uglier, the more beautiful.
-eye by eye, tooth by tooth.
-To do well, well to pay.
-A withdrawal in time is not a victory.
-He who excuses himself, accuses himself.
-Better skill than strength.
-Lawyer, judge and doctor, the further the better.
-When you see your neighbor's beards peel off, put yours to soak.
-In the variety is the spice.
-The one who does not cry, does not breast.
-The one who hugs a good tree, a good shade shelters him.
-One swallow does not make a summer.
-There is no good that lasts, no bad that does not end.
-One bad sheep, the whole flock hurts
-Beggar's bag, never well filled.
-He who does not doubt, does not know anything.
-It is not as fierce as they paint the lion.
-Sin is said, but not the sinner.
-There is no better sauce than hunger.
-Hunger pulls, and pride lifts me.
-Evil strokes in and out by inches.
-Time heals everything, except old age and madness.
-The liar has to be memorable.
-What is not in the books, life will teach you.
-The old dog does not learn new tricks.
-Game and drink, lost house.
-Today for you tomorrow for me.
-Think bad and you will be right, although sometime you will be wrong.
-Against fortune, there is no art whatsoever.
-He who the hell gives, the hell he receives.
-A hungry man runs more than a hundred lawyers.
-Dead the dog, the rabies is gone.
-Much grace, cause slight.
-If the river makes a noise its because water is running.
-It's better to prevent than to cure.
-What is fashion, does not bother.
-Where there was fire, there are always embers.
-You will not go to bed, without knowing one more thing.
-A good listener, few words are enough.
-With time and patience, science is acquired.
-It never rains to everyone's liking.
-Who does love you, will make you cry.
-By the thread clew is removed.
-A taste of the cooks eat the friars.
-The one who searches, finds.
-Who gives first, gives twice
-More years, more disappointments.
-The son of the cat kills mice.
-Even cats want shoes.
-Caution is forearmed.
-Rooster does not sing, he has something in his throat.
-He who splits and distributes, gets the best part.
-From those powders, these muds come.
-Jealousy stings more than fleas.
-So much does the jug go to the fountain that in the end it breaks.
-Seamstress without a thimble, sews little and sews badly.
-For sample, a button.
-With glories, memories are forgotten.
-Whoever thinks about serving God prays well.
-Borrowed, lost or damaged book.
-It is well born to be grateful.
-Better one today than ten mornings.
-Better to be alone than in bad company.
-The big fish eats the boy.
-Of musician, poet and madman, we all have a little.
-The sinking one clings to a burning nail.
-About tastes there is nothing written.
-May each stick hold its candle.
-An ant walks more than a lying ox.
-Heat, pain and love, they kill men.
-The bad known is better than the good to be known.
-With virtue and goodness, authority is acquired.
-On Tuesday, neither marry nor embark.
-Against the ugly vice of asking, there is the noble virtue of not giving.
-By trying, nothing is lost.
-To great evils, great remedies.
-You can not get something out of nothing.
-With an empty belly, no one shows joy.
-Today Sunday and tomorrow party, good life is this.
-Who goes wrong, ends badly.
-The fish dies by the mouth.
-If there is a deal, they can be cat and dog friends.
-Each one tells of the fair how it goes in it.
-New cage, dead bird.
-To arrogance in asking, the virtue of not giving.
-In the absence of bread, cakes are good.
-Weed never dies.
-He who waits, despairs.
-Good and cheap, they do not fit in a shoe.
-He who aspires to what is foreign, soon loses his own.
-Money and fantasy are from the same family.
-Lost opportunity, does not come back in life.
-No one knows what He has, until He loses it.
-Drop by drop, the boot is filled.
-Doing and undoing is learning.
-He who lives on favors, serves many lords.
-There is no Rose without spines.
-Nobody throws stones at your roof.
-Who has mouth is wrong.
-You love me well, I love you well, but I don't give you my money.
-Before doing anything, check it out with your pillow.
-Do not sell the bearskin before you have hunted it.
-Words fly, and what is written remains.
-There is no evil that lasts a hundred years
-Wherever you go, do what you see.
-With bread and wine walks the way.
-Brother, baby, that life is short.
-It is one thing to preach, and another to give wheat.
-If I've seen you, I don't remember.
-Friend of many, friend of none.
-The right-handed officer, with opening a store, is already a teacher.
-Faces we see, hearts we don't know.
-Save and do not lend, persist and do not bet.
-Bread duels are less.
-Drink with measure, lengthen life.
-Say sayings, say truths.
-Spoiled, ill-mannered son.
-If you tell the truth, you lose friendships.
-Of whom much lies, people flee.
-Water as ox, and wine as king.
-The night to think, the day to act.
-Before doing anything, check it out with your pillow.
-Some are born with a star and others are born with stars.
-More is achieved by licking than biting.
-Books and years make the man wise.
-What one discards, another takes advantage of.
-Whoever has a store that attends it, and if not that sells it.
-No honey was made for the donkey's mouth.
-Rose that many smell, its fragrance loses.
-The good cloth in the ark is sold.
-Tired mare, meadow finds
-The last will be the first.
-One raises the hunt, and another kills it
-Perseverance reaches everything.
-The pantheons are full of clean and brave.
-A good hunger no hard bread.
-Jack of all trades, master of none.
-Sew and sing, everything is starting.
-Like father Like Son.
-Although the monkey dresses in silk, the monkey stays.
-Good of my woes, bad of my goods.
-Throw the stone and hide the hand.
-Better to be on time than to be around for a hundred years.
-He who robs a thief has a hundred years of forgiveness.
-A dead king, king put.
-When the cat is away, the mice have fun.
-The lazy man is always needy.
-Bad account, it's worth nothing.
-Who gets up early, God helps.
-If it rains like that, let it not clear.
Wind and fortune, little hard
-What starts well, it ends well.
-two heads think more than one.
-The scalded cat, from the cold water flees.
-He who sows winds, reaps storms.
-Not only of bread the man lives.
-It is better to sweat than sneeze.
-Shrimp that falls asleep, it carries current.
-When the fox is hunting for crickets, bad for her and worse for her children.
-The more you have, the more you want.
-The master's eye makes the horse fat.
-You do not have to look for three legs to the cat, knowing that it has four.
-Hidalgo who has a greyhound, already has something.
-Idleness is the mother of all vices.
-The best lottery is a good economy.
-As you sow, you will reap.
-Apprentice of everything and official of nothing.
-Sun that rises very early, little lasts
-Raise crows and they'll gouge out your eyes.
-Who has no shame, has an advantage.
-Badly acquired goods, no one has been enriched.
-In the river that there are no fish, for others it is to cast nets.
-What does not kill you, get you fat.
-Leisure does not go unpunished; who does not work, let him fast.
-every master has his own trick.
-The one who went to Seville, lost his chair.
-When the devil has nothing to do, he kills flies with his tail.
-What one does not want, the other wants.
-Every cloud has a silver lining.
-Two who sleep on a mattress, they turn from the same condition.
-On a gift horse, do not look at his teeth.
-Full belly does not believe in other people's hunger.
-How you live, you die.
-Now flattering, tomorrow traitor.
-Works are loves and not good reasons.
-Funny woman, she is worth more than beautiful.
Short sayings and their meaning.
Mexican sayings.
Venezuelan sayings.
Argentine sayings.
Love sayings.
Rhyming sayings.
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