The types of hearts of living beings can be classified as bicameral, tricameral and with four chambers. When we refer to the anatomy of the various species of the animal kingdom, the heart has become a clear example of evolution.
Simply put, vertebrates possess circulatory systems that have differentiated from each other over time. Although there is still great biodiversity within ecosystems, the types of hearts are essentially three.
Within a general classification, fish exhibit a 2-chamber or bicameral heart, amphibians, reptiles (except the crocodile) and mollusks are distinguished by having 3 chambers, and mammals and birds are the most complex, with a system of 4 cameras. We can also classify them by their embryonic formation, where the tubular, septate and accessory stand out..
The blood circulation in fish has a simple and closed circuit. This means that it has only one direction, in which blood flows from the heart to the gills and then to the rest of the organs..
Due to their less complex anatomy, these animals have a precise circulatory system that uses 2 chambers. The one with the greatest muscle mass is designated as the ventricle. The one with less musculature has been called the atrium..
This atrium receives the flow of blood that has low oxygen reserves from the tissues and redirects it to the ventricle. From there it will go to the gills so that it can be oxygenated and distributed throughout the animal's body..
In most of these species, four essential elements for their functioning can be distinguished; namely:
At first, when they are in full development, tadpoles have a closed circulation like fish. Once they lose their gills and develop lungs, the system becomes double, which implies greater circulation and less circulation..
Due to these characteristics, amphibians have a heart that has 3 chambers that are divided into a ventricle and two atria. This allows the mentioned circulations, where the most extensive represents the organism and the shortest and incomplete the pulmonary system..
This dual system generates two types of blood: arterial (oxygenated) and venous. The separation of this mixture is carried out by the sigmoid valve, which redirects the flow with oxygen towards the main organs and the other towards the pulmonary arteries.
The amphibian heart is composed of a venous sinus within the right atrium, 2 atria separated by an endocardial-covered septum, and a fairly muscular ventricle. It also has an arterial bulb with arterial and pulmonary branches..
Like amphibians, this class of animals has a configuration that exhibits 3 chambers with 2 atria and a ventricle with an incomplete dividing wall. Circulation is double, with a pulmonary and vascular circuit almost completely separated.
Pulmonary circulation is independent and leaves directly from the heart. The systemic circulation uses a pair of arteries leading out of the left ventricle. In this case they are the left aorta and the right aorta..
In evolutionary terms, birds do not have the left aorta, while mammals do. The main difference is that the double blood circulation is completely separated thanks to the interventricular septum that forms 4 cavities.
These chambers are represented by the right and left atria and the right and left ventricles. Venous blood flow circulates on the right side, while arterial blood flows on the opposite side..
Short circulation begins in the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery that carries blood to the lungs. Once hematosis (gas exchange) occurs, flow returns to the left atrium.
The longest general circulation originates from the left ventricle through the aorta, from where it travels throughout the body. It then returns to the left ventricle through the superior and inferior vena cava.
Hearts fulfill functions that are inherent to their design and nature, without which we could not survive. Those that are most important are:
This type of heart, which is also present in humans, contains three essential layers for its functioning:
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