The 35 Best Business Administration Books

Simon Doyle
The 35 Best Business Administration Books

Whether you are a student, entrepreneur or administrator of a work team, you may be interested in the 33 greats business administration books that I will recommend you next.

They are not only the best sellers, but some of the best valued by readers for their great ideas and practical teachings. I recommend that you look at all of them because there are some that are really good and that are little known in the Latin world..

On the other hand, do not be overwhelmed because you have so many options, anyone will give you a lot of knowledge. As for the order, I have not done it for importance, so do not give more value to the first.

I also encourage you to give me your opinion if you have read any of these books or recommend another that I have not included in the list. You can comment at the end of the article. 

Get Organized Effectively-David Allen

This book has a clear objective: to demonstrate that there is a work organization system that allows us to free the mind from the tensions that inhibit our creativity, and that makes us more effective in all aspects of life.

How to Win Friends and Influence People-Andrew Carnegie

A fundamental classic whether you are an employee or boss. It does not matter, their teachings are basic to improve your personal relationships and increase your influence capacity. 

Influence-Robert Cialdini

A basic book if you want to improve your ability to influence people. And it is not based on beliefs or hypotheses, but on the research of some of the most influential psychologists.

The Art of War

Another fundamental classic to be better guided in daily life both by normal people and by bosses who lead teams of people. 

Keys to Toyota's Success: 14 Management Principles from the World's Largest Manufacturer-Jeffrey K. Liker

Keys to Toyota's Success Exposes Toyota's Unique Approach to Lean Management - The 14 Principles That Guide Japanese Business Quality and Its Efficiency Culture. 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People-Stephen Covey

The author uses anecdotes designed to make us reflect on each of our actions and on how to access change.

The result is the development of one's own character, integrity, honesty and human dignity necessary to transform our work and intimate universe into something authentic, unique and non-transferable..

Emotional Intelligence-Daniel Goleman

If you haven't already, you have to read it and it will surely change your vision of many things. According to the author, success in life does not depend on IQ, but on emotional intelligence.

The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us-Daniel H. Pink

A book about our human nature, our behavior and, very especially, about what it is that encourages us to do what we do.

The Richest Man in Babylon-George S. Clason

A great work that has survived over time and gives very adequate guidelines on how to guarantee the proper functioning of its own economy and that of the economy of society as a whole.. 

Blink: Intuitive Intelligence-Malcolm Gladwell

Blink is a book dedicated to investigating how first impressions work, those that we form in the time it takes to blink, in what way they influence us - and according to the author they do it much more than you might suppose - why some people are very good at making quick decisions under pressure and others are a mess, and how can this kind of skill be improved.

Who Has Taken My Cheese? - Spencer Johnson

This simple and ingenious fable can be applied to all walks of life. With words and examples understandable even for a child, he teaches us that everything changes, and that the formulas that served at the time can become obsolete. 

Rich Dad, Poor Dad-Robert Kyyosaky

Essential to get started in financial education and understand concepts related to economics, business and management.

The richest man in Babylon-George S Clasonay

Very good at understanding how wealth is created.

The Effective Executive-Peter Drucker

Very good book to learn an effective decision-making process.

Reboot: Erase what you learned and think about the company differently - Jason Fried, David Heinemeier

According to the authors, what is needed is to stop talking and get to work and this book teaches how to be more productive, avoid working like crazy, not go into debt and many other provocative counterintuitive advice that will inspire and change the reader's way of thinking..

The Lean Startup-Eric Ries Method

Lean Startup is a new approach being taken around the world to change the way companies create and launch their products.

Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing the company and its competitors-Michael E. Porter

Porter introduces one of the most powerful competitive tools developed to date: his three generic strategies - cost leadership, differentiation and segmentation - that put his strategy theory in a prominent place..

Chicken Soup for the Soul-Jack Canfield

A great, very inspiring read, for business people and for people who just need some motivation.

Reinvent yourself-Mario Alonso Puig

Focused on the need to change to face obstacles. It focuses on resilience, the quality that allows us to regain the state we were in before the coup.

Just One Thing-Gary Keller

It will help you get more done in less time and focus on what is truly important.

Make Up Your Mind: How to Make the Best Decisions in Life and Work -Chip Heath - Dan Heath

How can we know if we are taking the correct ones? In Decide, Chip and Dan Heath address one of the crucial issues in our work and personal lives: how to make better decisions. And is that the right decision, at the right time, can change everything. 

You'll Love Your Customers-Rick Brinkman, Rick Kirschner

Doctors Brinkman and Kirschner offer practical solutions to achieve the main goal of any business initiative: customer happiness.

Using examples taken from everyday life, they show us how to incorporate affection and empathy in the relationship with the client, and they even help us deal with conflictive situations.. 

Crucial Conversations - Kerry Patterson

In this book, you will learn how to prepare for situations of great relevance using an effective technique, achieve a sufficient command that allows you to talk about practically any topic, be persuasive, not aggressive, and ensure that crucial conversations lead to the desired results..

Think and Grow Rich-Andrew Carnegie

Another classic for entrepreneurs and businessmen. Some of his ideas may seem a bit strange to you, although in general he is a real gem for anyone who wants to improve their business or economy..

The key is why-Simon Sinek

In leadership it is essential to have a clear and powerful why, to believe in an idea, a brand, with such conviction that it encourages people to take action. Sinek argues it in this brilliant inspirational text..

The five dysfunctions of a team-Patrick Lencioni

After two weeks in her new job as CEO of Decision Tech, Kathryn Petersen felt enormous doubts about her decision to take that job. However, Kathryn knew there was little chance she would quit ... nothing excited her more than a challenge..

But what she could not imagine was that she would find herself with a totally dysfunctional team, and that its members would put her to the test as no one had ever done before..

Get the Yes: The Art of Negotiating Without Giving Up-William Ury, Roger Fisher, Bruce Patton, Aída Santapau

Get the yes is an essential book to face any type of negotiation, whether professional or personal and contains methods, step by step, to reach agreements in conflicts of any kind: family, neighborhood, business, labor and even political. 

The Box-Arbinger Institute

There is a solution to self-deception and the costly consequences that flow from it. Through an entertaining and highly instructive story, La Caja explains what self-deception is, how people fall into it, how it destroys organizational performance and, most importantly, what is the surprising way to end it..

Be more effective: 52 keys to improving your productivity in life and at work - David Allen

The author proposes a revolutionary method consisting of carrying out, each week, a certain principle. 52 keys in total that as a result will make us more productive and effective. 

The 48 Laws of Power-Robert Greene

A book that helps you plan your strategy to reach the highest echelons of power.

The New Leader Code-Dave Ulrich, Dave Smallwood, Kate Sweetman

The five rules proposed in this book constitute a unified tool to increase individual capacities and generate a culture of leadership in the organization.. 

Essentialism. Achieve Maximum Results with Minimum Effort-Greg Mckeown

Essential is not about getting more done in less time. It is about getting only things done well. It is not a time management strategy, or a productivity technique.

It is a systematic discipline to discern what is absolutely essential and eliminate all that is not, so that we can focus on what really matters..

The Only Thing-Gary Keller, Jay Papasan

Book that will help you be more productive, improve your economy and have more time for yourself.

The Effective Executive in Action-Peter Drucker

It is a journal based on Drucker's classic and preeminent work on management and effectiveness, The Effective Executive. Drucker and Maciariello offer executives, managers, collaborators and analysts a guide to act effectively

The Success Principles: How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Go-Jack Canfield

It is a guide for those who want to achieve their personal and professional goals. This book is not just an anthology of good ideas, it contains the 64 principles used by top entrepreneurs, athletes, celebrities, and ordinary people..

Selling is Human: The Surprising Truth About Convincing Others-Daniel H. Pink

This book teaches us how to persuade, convince and influence others because. Regardless of the professional activity to which we dedicate ourselves, we can get the person with whom we are negotiating to change their mind and accept our offer, that our message reaches the public we are addressing clearly and clearly and in this way win the game.

The Prince-Nicholas Machiavelli

An essential classic for any politician, leader or people who want to improve their ability to lead and persuade.

Steve Jobs. The Biography - Walter Isaacson

After interviewing Jobs more than forty times in his last years, as well as a hundred people around him, family, friends, adversaries and colleagues, Walter Isaacson presents the only biography written with the collaboration of Jobs, the definitive portrait of one of the undisputed icons of our time, the chronicle of the hectic life and abrasive personality of the genius whose creativity and energy revolutionized six industries: computing, animated films, music, telephony, tablets and publishing digital. 

And what books do you recommend for me? Have you read any of the above? I am interested in your opinion. Thanks!

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