The 6 Main Technological Fields and their Characteristics

Abraham McLaughlin
The 6 Main Technological Fields and their Characteristics

The technological fields they have made all work companies perform their tasks faster, more productively and smarter. The achievement of that goal is nothing more than the organization of various technological techniques to achieve a common goal..

These technological fields encourage collaborative behaviors, ultimately transforming the way organizations turn knowledge into action. These collaboration platforms not only help your employees do their jobs better, they help create new ways for employees to do their jobs..

Technological fields make it possible to create new ways of doing things. They can also provide guidance on how certain processes can be optimally carried out to improve quality and increase productivity..

Technological fields encourage teamwork aimed at achieving a common goal, however, this operating model is only successful if people from different organizations collaborate effectively..

Workforces become combinations of internal, external, and contingent employees. These mechanisms help companies to reduce their skills gaps quickly and without generating many problems..

The 6 most important technological fields

1- Food technology

Food technology is a branch of food science that deals with food production processes. The first scientific research on food technology focused on food preservation.

Nicolas Appert's development of the canning process in 1810 was a watershed event for this branch of food science.

Louis Pasteur's 1864 research on wine spoilage and his description of how to avoid spoilage was an early attempt to apply scientific knowledge to food handling. Pasteur also investigated the production of alcohol, vinegar, wines and beer, and the acidity of milk..

He developed pasteurization - the process of heating milk and dairy products to destroy organisms that cause disease and food spoilage..

In his research on food technology, Pasteur became the pioneer in bacteriology and modern preventive medicine.

Various advances in food technology have contributed greatly to the global food supply.

Some of these developments are powdered milk, short-time high-temperature processing, decaffeination of coffee and tea, and process optimization, among others..

2- Information and communication technology

It refers to all the technology used to unify communications and integrate telecommunications (telephone lines, wireless signals and computers) to allow users to access, store, transmit and manipulate information.

By using this type of technology there are enormous cost savings due to the elimination of the telephone network, since it is merged with the computer network system using a single unified system of cabling, distribution and signal management..

3- Construction technology

It is the study of the practical aspects of the design, planning, construction and management of infrastructures such as roads, tunnels, bridges, airports, railways, facilities, buildings, dams, public services and other projects.

Requires basic knowledge of engineering, inspection, architectural plan analysis, building code interpretation, design, and construction management to understand both basic design functions and the construction requirements necessary to design and construct various infrastructures.

4- Manufacturing technology

They are the steps through which raw materials are transformed into a final product. The manufacturing process begins with the design of the product and the specification of the materials from which the product is manufactured..

These materials are then modified through manufacturing processes to become the required end product..

Manufacturing technology magnifies the effort of individual workers and provides an industrial nation with the power to convert raw materials into affordable quality goods essential to today's society..

5- Health technology

It is the application of various organized knowledge and skills through devices, drugs, vaccines, procedures and systems to solve a health problem and improve the quality of life of people.

All this includes pharmaceutical products, devices, procedures and systems used in the health sector..

Health technology is used to diagnose, monitor and treat diseases or medical conditions that affect human beings.

These technologies (applications of medical science) aim to improve the quality of healthcare provided through early diagnosis, less invasive treatment options, and reductions in hospital stays and rehabilitation times..

Health technology also refers to the various functions performed by professionals within clinical laboratories. The work of these professionals spans clinical applications of chemistry, genetics, hematology, immunohematology (blood bank), immunology, microbiology, serology, urinalysis, and body fluid analysis..

6- Agricultural and fishing technology

Refers to the technology for the production of machines used on a farm to help with agriculture. Agricultural machines have been designed for practically all stages of the agricultural process.

They include machines for cultivating the soil, planting seeds, irrigating the land, growing crops, protecting them from pests and weeds, harvesting, threshing grain, feeding livestock, and sorting and packaging products..

Agricultural technology is one of the most revolutionary and impactful areas of modern technology, driven by the fundamental need to produce food to feed a growing population..

These machines have vastly increased agricultural production and dramatically changed the way food is produced around the world.

Fishing technology encompasses the process of catching any aquatic animal, using any type of fishing method, a simple and small hook attached to a line, to large and sophisticated trawlers or nets operated by large fishing vessels..

Capture fisheries can range from small aquatic invertebrate organisms to large tunas and whales, which can be found anywhere from the ocean surface to 2,000 meters deep..


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