The types of research thesis The most common used for degree projects are documentary, field, experimental, descriptive, historical, analytical research, feasible project and special project.
Research theses are extensively written works, where a phenomenon, problem or question is systematically explored in depth with the aim of solving it or giving it an answer through methodologies with a theoretical or practical approach..
In most cases, the direction of the investigation is determined by the direction taken to confirm or discard the established hypothesis..
The thesis presents the points of view, arguments and supports that support the researcher's ideas about the approach..
An investigation may involve the collection and analysis of primary information using empirical data collection strategies. But it will definitely require the use, analysis and evaluation of data and information already published, or what are called secondary sources..
The classification of research theses varies depending on who does it. Some authors have ordered them by their methodology, others by the modality or form, there are also classifications according to the purpose, scope or nature of the subject.
For the purposes of this article and in order to simplify the subject, the classification presented here is based on the most common types.
It is the type of research that mainly uses bibliographic sources and documents to support the researcher's point of view in the academic thesis. It also expands and deepens knowledge about the specific topic being investigated..
This type of thesis is not empirical and favors research in the social sciences. Some of the materials used as sources are magazines, newspapers, official documents and publications, certificates, audiovisual material, texts on the internet, encyclopedias, books, among others..
Unlike questionnaires or interviews, the documentary material was compiled for purposes other than those necessary to support a thesis.
Therefore, the quality and value of the sources is analyzed based on criteria of authenticity, credibility, integrity, relevance and context..
It is the type of investigation in which evidence is gathered to formulate ideas about the past. With this methodology it is intended to analyze events of the past to offer a better construction of history.
The use of already published sources is quite common for the realization of this type of thesis; but that would make it completely documentary. However, the use of primary sources totally changes the nature of this research..
The primary sources would be people who have been eyewitnesses to the story or documents relevant to the subject written at the same time by witnesses to the story (diaries, photos, videos, audios, among others).
It is a type of research where the data or information necessary to support the thesis is obtained directly from the object of study or from the agents involved.
In other words, outside of a laboratory, library, or office; what makes it empirical.
It focuses on doing or producing rather than just reflecting or reasoning. However, the quota of bibliographic sources will always be necessary to contextualize the research work, through the theoretical or referential framework.
The initial direction of the thesis will depend on whether the research involves people, other living beings or things.
In the exact sciences, it is common to observe animals, plants or natural phenomena to obtain data. In the social sciences, interviews and questionnaires tend to be applied.
This type of research comprises the preparation of a controlled or semi-controlled scenario where the researcher manipulates one or more variables to seek to obtain the desired results. The whole process will generate the information with which the problem will be answered.
Laboratories are the most famous places where experiments are conducted. But outside of it, experiments can also be achieved, as long as the researcher applies something that generates a response (whatever it is) in the elements involved..
It is understood as a statement of the observable and present characteristics of a group of people or a phenomenon, without having control of any variable.
In this thesis it is intended simply to determine and identify properties, behaviors and traits, not to analyze them.
It serves to deepen and clarify a specific situation or problem through data collection both by observation and by surveys and interviews.
As it does not involve the analysis of the information, the answer to the problem is not verifiable and tends to be biased..
It is a type of thesis that involves critical thinking strategies and methods for the evaluation of facts, data or pertinent information from an ongoing investigation..
It may include a data collection stage. Otherwise, you could use the information compiled from other types of research theses, such as descriptive ones..
This last case is very common to keep the analytical thesis independent of the sources, and thus guarantee greater reliability..
It is a type of practical research where an idea proposal is developed in response to a practical problem. This proposal offers a model that in theory is immediately applicable in the context of research study.
The result of the thesis is the proposal itself with everything required for its application: design of materials or instruments, materials and instruments already prepared, instructions, methodology, or whatever the researcher considers pertinent and necessary..
The feasible project does not necessarily include the application of the proposal.
It is a type of practical thesis where a model or proposal is applied directly to the problem studied in the research.
Generally it is the continuation of a feasible project type thesis, where the model was never used on the stage and its stakeholders.
It includes both the theoretical and analysis part of the problem, as well as the description of the application of the model and the subsequent collection of data based on what happened during and after said application..
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