The minors before the Covid19 how to transmit tranquility

Robert Johnston

The current COVID 19 pandemic has brought Spanish households a new situation of isolation and confinement that leads to social distancing and “job abandonment”, which generates:

  • Fear of the unknown and a situation that changes day by day.
  • Fear for their own health and that of their relatives.
  • Fear of getting infected and infecting others.
  • Uncertainty about how long this situation will last.
  • Fear of the future employment and economic situation.
  • Greater demands in the care of minors and their dependents.

This difficult situation can produce:

  • Feelings of loneliness, boredom, and frustration.
  • Appearance of depressive symptoms with irritability and sleep rhythm disturbances.
  • Anxiety problems in all its aspects.
  • Increased substance abuse.

In the scenario described above are the minors, confined to being at home living in an adult environment with their logical fears.

Can it surprise someone who, together with the elderly, is the most vulnerable group?

Minors need to feel safe through reference adults. Under normal circumstances we manage to convey this security to them, but what can we do if now we are the ones who are afraid?

The minors will react according to what they observe around them. The calmer adults are, the more calm they will be able to transmit to them.

Symptoms that minors and adolescents may present

At the beginning of the confinement, the minors experienced it as a vacation, but now some alterations are beginning to be observed. No matter how old they are, minors can feel confused or have strong reactions in this strange situation..

Some minors react immediately, while others may show signs of difficulty much later. How minors react and common symptoms of distress can vary based on age, previous experiences, and how they normally cope with stress.

Under 3 years: They become more irritable, cry more and demand more caresses.

Preschool-age minors: Regression to previous stages, tantrums, and sleep difficulties.

In minors 7 to 10 years of age: Sadness, desire to speak or remain silent, difficulty concentrating, and somatizations.

In tweens and teens: Behavior problems with greater opposition to the rules and limits. Difficulty talking about their emotions and these can lead to more arguments or fights.

In minors with special needs: They may have more intense distress and stronger reactions to threat and an increased need for reassuring words and physical contact

Measures to take


The little ones understand and understand much more than we think. You have to tell them the truth, always adapted to your age. Tell them what the virus is like and the measures to follow.

It is common for the young population to consider the risks to health in general less serious.

It is important that they ask questions about those issues that concern them. We must always answer them and if we do not know, tell them that we will investigate.

Express feelings

They should be encouraged to say what they feel. For them to do so, we must express ours in a calm way..

A fun way is for them to draw the feelings.

By invented interpretations.

Establish a routine

Stand up.


Common activities.


Relationship with your friends.



Staying socially connected

Thanks to new technologies, it is easier for minors to connect with their friends and family.


Deep breathing techniques, meditation, muscle relaxation, or participation in activities that have fun.

Lie down together, breathe in deeply through your nose and slowly blow it out through your mouth. Become aware of the muscular relaxation of the body and without stopping to breathe deeply, place yourself in a place that you like (beach, mountain ...) and focus your thoughts on it adding all kinds of details that you like. This is how we oxygenate, relax and visualize

Exercising at home can also help you stay in shape and decrease tension..

Do things that are usually fun for you.

And above all, convey to them the idea that this situation will pass and their life will continue..

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