The dangers of becoming a social drinker

Anthony Golden
The dangers of becoming a social drinker

Going from celebrations to informal nights out, alcohol is almost everywhere in the world. Social drinking is a common part of our culture. There are large numbers of adults who consume alcohol to some degree. 

It seems almost inevitable, when it comes to social gatherings. There are many reasons why alcohol is so ubiquitous.

If used responsibly and in moderation, it is not necessarily a problem. However, social drinking can easily be transformed into drinking problems if you are not careful.

What is a social drinker?

A social drinker is someone who drinks in moderation, mostly in social circumstances and rarely to the point where it causes problems. A social drinker tends to stick to limits, be it the amount of drinks or the money spent. Neither they nor their friends find their drinking habits worrisome..

However, there are people who are social drinkers because they only drink when they go out with friends. They ignore the part where their nights always end with a binge and / or hangover.

A moderate drinker does not exceed 14 units per week. Meanwhile, binge drinking is defined as having more than 6 units per session for women or 8 units for men..

Unfortunately, many people often exceed one of those two limits and still classify themselves as "social drinkers.".

Even in moderation, alcohol can become a problem. Just because someone views themselves as a social drinker does not mean they are immune to alcohol-related problems. Excessive consumption, even occasionally, can lead to physical and mental complications, including Alcohol addiction.

When is social drinking a problem?

It's a fine line between social drinking and alcohol addiction, and it is easy to cross. Generally speaking, when drinking with friends focuses more on alcohol than social, it is an important sign of a developing dependency..

Drink to be social

If you find that you can't function socially without a drink or two, this is a major warning sign. While alcohol is commonly used as a social lubricant, it shouldn't be a requirement.

Be sure to drink because you enjoy your drink, not because you want to "relax." It's even more worrisome if you start drinking before a social gathering, as it is a symptom of a bigger problem..

Your drinking habits have changed

Whether it's peer pressure, tolerance, or a carefree attitude, higher alcohol consumption should be considered. It's easy to get distracted when drinking and socializing, but over time, that can cause you to drink larger amounts than before..

If social drinking is a regular issue for you, you may have also developed tolerance. Drinking increasing amounts of alcohol increases the risks associated with it and can lead to dependence and addiction..

Problems become noticeable

If you get drunk or have a hangover regularly, this is a sign of unhealthy behavior. Alternatively, you may find that your social evenings have started to cause more trouble than before..

When others start commenting on your drinking behavior, this is another warning sign. The moment you or your friends start to notice the negative consequences of your drinking, it's time to take a step back and reevaluate your habits..

Group pressure

If your friends pressure you to drink when you don't want to, it's a clear sign that they may not be your real friends. You should always reevaluate any relationship if the other person puts you in danger..

How to stop drinking socially?

Socializing doesn't necessarily require drinking, and there are many ways to spend time with your friends without alcohol being involved. If drinks have become the norm in meetings, it will be difficult to change things.

Even partial sobriety is not easy as it requires a change in mindset and behavior. However, with the right motivation, it can be achieved.

It may not be possible to convince everyone in your group to stop drinking, but you can still take control of your own actions. To make it easier, here are some tips that can help:

Do something different

Instead of meeting your friends in a pub, suggest alternative entertainment. Don't be afraid to try something new. When you're in a group, the right activity can create more bonds than conversations over a drink..

Keep a positive attitude

When you first try to be sober in a social setting, it can be awkward and difficult. Your friends may also find it strange at first. Yet remember that the moment will pass.

People will quickly forget that you are not drinking and will not mind as long as they have a few drinks. Over time, you will realize that you don't need alcohol to have fun, and hopefully your friends will too..

Establish a plan

Set your limits, at least with yourself, before you go out. If you are limiting your alcohol consumption, focus on the number you decided beforehand. If you are sober, practice saying no and decide whether or not to give an explanation. After all, there is nothing wrong with simply saying "I won't drink tonight".

If the peer pressure becomes too overwhelming, you may decide to give some kind of excuse, such as "I'm on a healthy regimen." Alternatively, you can just leave the situation.

Having a plan in place will make things easier. Remember that it is perfectly okay for you not to live up to other people's expectations. That's something they have to deal with, not you..

Shuffle your social circle

If your current friends are too focused on drinking, consider spending more time with your more sober friends. Or better yet, invite your friends who drink the least to other gatherings for some support..

Spending time with like-minded people will help you strengthen your new habits and serve as a positive influence on others..

Non-alcoholic cocktails can be dangerous, but so can be thirsty

Non-alcoholic cocktails and alcohol alternatives can be dangerous because they can remind you of your binge drinking episodes and trigger cravings. However, as long as you drink something, even water, you won't have to explain as much.

Also, when you start having fun, you won't notice if you're drinking sparkling champagne or lemonade. However, simply being thirsty is never a good idea because it makes any drink, including alcohol, more difficult to refuse..

How to stop drinking but remain social?

The social anxiety and any other type of anxiety can be alleviated with therapy. However, anxiety in general can also be made worse by chronic or heavy alcohol use, so it may be worth spending some time abstinence first..

When attending a sober social event, it can help to have a few tricks up your sleeve to get started. Once the fun starts, the tension will ease and everyone (including you) will forget who is drinking or who is not. After a few events, you will also develop confidence and realize that you can stop drinking and remain social..

Keep good company

If you're embarrassed to start a conversation, ask a friend to introduce you to people or break the ice. Having someone to support you will also prevent you from having a drink when you're feeling stressed..

Planning is key

Read the latest headlines and memorize some conversations before an event. Think if there are any funny anecdotes or photos that you can share. "" A good story will captivate everyone's interest. At the very least, giving a [genuine] compliment can lead to a few minutes of chatting..

However, for starters, it can be helpful to have an exit strategy ready in case it all gets too much. This could be having someone to call after a short time in the meeting, or if you feel like you need support or even rescue. After all, you don't want to torture yourself and extreme anxiety can become quite traumatic, so it is best to start with short sessions..

Appearances matter

You will feel more confident if you feel better about yourself, so dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable with yourself. Feeling comfortable will instantly make you more sociable and outgoing. Clothing and accessories, like a statement necklace or a fun t-shirt, can also be great conversation starters..

When to seek help?

It may take time to get used to not drinking, but it can be done. However, if you find that your or your friends' drinking habits are getting out of control, it may be time to reassess whether your social drinking is actually social drinking..

If you find yourself having a drink to ease social anxiety, you need to address that as well as your drinking habits. It is likely that quit alcohol without dealing with the underlying problems lead you back to drinking or push you to seek other substances to relieve anxiety.

The social anxiety it may be related to low self esteem and the best way to work on this is to simply face reality and take sensible steps to deal with the situation rather than posing impossible challenges.

Don't be afraid to talk to your friends if you are concerned. The best idea is to seek professional help, and consult with a alcohol addiction specialist. Time flies when you're having fun, but fun can easily turn into something else if you're not careful..

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