Fight for your dreams

Charles McCarthy
Fight for your dreams

This article talks about the barriers that prevent us from fighting for our dreams and what we can do to start achieving them. It is time to wake up!

There are many people who often spend their days dreaming about the things they will do in the future, they have many projects and goals that they want to achieve and, despite this, they never get to "get down to business" with what they want so much. Does it sound familiar to you? What do you think is making your goals resist you? If you think this post can help you to give you that little push in the fight for your dreams, keep reading:

First, Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between a person who achieves his goals and another who does not??

Both types of people dream, have desires and projects, however, the difference is that those people who achieve their purposes are those who have put themselves to work on it. This is a key step. Obviously, that you get to work on it does not mean that you have guaranteed success, but what is certain is that if you do nothing, your dreams already realized will not fall from the sky.

But, How can you explain why it costs us so much to get going?

There is a recently emerged concept in psychology called "comfort zone" that explains why we remain being carried away by circumstances instead of taking charge of our lives.

The comfort zone is defined according to Regent (2011), as "that space, not necessarily physical, in which we feel comfortable, safe and comfortable". In other words, the comfort zone is everything that is part of our daily life. In this area we move with confidence and comfort despite the bad things we have in it, because it is what we are used to and it is easier to stay where we are than to change our lifestyle. The unknown scares. A lot of. So we prefer to settle for what we have rather than go looking for what we want..

Is the comfort zone bad?

It is not like this. The comfort zone is something that allows us to adapt to our environment without feeling at all times in continuous tension, which we would have if we spent the whole day facing new challenges. It is not about spending the day outside of our comfort zone, but the ideal would be to expand it.

What happens if we don't expand our comfort zone?

The comfort zone can be a double-edged sword. Why? Because our comfort zone can greatly limit our existence. It is possible that we have been enduring a job that we do not like for years, we maintain ties with people that do not allow us to develop fully, and ultimately, that this leads us in a way to waste our talent due to the fear that “change” entails. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with those limitations? If your answer is "no", here are some keys to start working on those dreams:

What can I do to expand my comfort zone?

1º.- The first step is to observe what you have done to achieve your dreams

If your answer is "nothing", think about what you would like to achieve and reflect on the following questions:

What do you want to achieve?

Where do you have to start?

What are your main limitations?

Once you have the answer to these questions, be aware that it is normal for you to feel some fear or anxiety when you think about the possibility of making these changes in your life. When we leave our comfort zone, we can feel helpless and look for excuses to return to it again, to feel comfortable and comfortable. Do not do it. That may be your main limitation.

2º.- Make a plan

Once you have analyzed how you are acting, direct your behavior to expand your comfort zone. Before we talked about what difference a person who has achieved his dreams from another who has not..

The people who have achieved their dreams, at a certain moment drew a action plan, some were marked guidelines and one deadline to achieve their purposes. This last point is very important, why a deadline? Because changes scare us. Launching ourselves on an adventure can cause us some anxiety. We think that we are not "entirely" prepared.

We look forward to a better time that will never come because we will always have something to perfect or something more important at that time. Therein lies the importance of setting a date for ourselves. That date makes us keep our "plan" in our mind and do little things day by day. If not, we fall into the trap of postponing our projects and seeing how the days and years end up without having done anything to achieve those dreams..

3rd.- Start with small and short-term goals

It is easier and more satisfying to start with small goals that we can achieve in a short period of time. Our motivation increases as we overcome obstacles and that helps us not to abandon.

Start by changing small things in your life and gradually increase the importance of your changes. For example, you can consider studying a new language, an opposition, starting a business or expanding your circle of friends ... and make small changes in your daily routines that will guide you to achieve it..

To do this, the ideal is that you plan what will be what you are going to face and what your responses will be, both those that will slow you down and those with which you will push yourself forward. Talking to people who are different from you can help you to see other perspectives on life, or simply to see that there is more life outside of what you are used to living. Try to learn everything you can.

4th.-Do not fear failure

Failure is necessary to learn from our mistakes and improve them. We are not born knowing everything and everything, but in many cases learning is necessary before achieving the desired objectives. Falling and getting back up is part of the game of achieving your dreams. Think of failure as part of success and that success that will be yours. Good luck on your trip.

Bibliographic references:

Cajina Heinzkill, G. (2013). Break out of your comfort zone: 52 proposals to take control of your life. Oniro editions.

Hemmi, M. (2013). ¿Do you dare to dream ?: Put an expiration date on your dream and get out of your comfort zone. Paidós editions.

Regent, P. (2011). Comfort zone. IEEM Alumni Magazine, 14 (1), 14-15.

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