Historical research framework

Abraham McLaughlin
Historical research framework
In the historical framework of an investigation, the historical antecedents related to the topic to be discussed are explained

What is the historical research framework?

The historical setting in an investigation It is the section of a research work or project that is intended to describe the moment in history in which the object of study or topic to be discussed is immersed. Establishing this framework is essential to understand the origin of this object of study, its evolution and its influence..

When defining the historical framework, aspects such as society, the economy, politics or the religious beliefs that were practiced must be taken into account. For this, reliable sources are used that provide the necessary information, both contemporary with the time in question and other investigations that have been carried out..

With all these data, the researcher will be able to interpret and analyze the fact that is being studied in a more objective way. According to some authors, the historical research framework also includes a retrospective analysis of the subject under investigation. Therefore, it is important to precisely establish the time limit under study..

For example, if a Leonardo da Vinci research project is to be carried out, it would be necessary to investigate what life was like in the Italian Renaissance, who held the power or the economy of the time. With this, the researcher will be able to judge the artist's work within a context and not according to current thinking..

Characteristics of the historical research framework

Retrospective analysis

Establishing the historical framework of an investigation implies carrying out a retrospective analysis of the matter to be studied. This analysis must include the past events related to the topic that will be discussed and that have determined that it has reached the point where it is at the time that interests the researcher..

Global study

Within the historical framework, various aspects appear that, all together, give a global vision of the time..

Thus, the conditions in which society lived, its religious beliefs, the economy and the political organization of the time should be studied..

The sources

The most important sources when establishing this type of framework are those that come from the period under study. These can range from books to personal journals, through official documents, memoirs or even objects such as clothes or tools..

Veracity of sources

Another of the fundamental characteristics when developing the historical framework for any type of investigation is to ensure the veracity of the sources used. Among other aspects, it is necessary to verify that the texts used are authentic and to investigate their authors..

In addition, researchers often use other disciplines when establishing the historical setting. Depending on the type of study, it is common to go to archeology or paleography. In other cases, it is even possible to analyze the way of writing or the dating of the paper to ensure its dating..

How do you make a historical research framework?


The first thing a researcher must do is define the time period that interests him for his study. Establishing a time frame is not about doing a long-term study, but rather about relating the different stages that brought the object studied to the state in which it is in that given period..

If you are trying to establish the historical framework of the Renaissance, the researcher should mark its beginning. In this way, it will place it from the 15th century, although it should be emphasized that some historians affirm that its earliest antecedents occurred in the 14th or even the 13th century..

That delimitation, in the case of the Renaissance, should not be only temporary. The researcher will have to indicate its geographical origin, specifically in Venice, Florence, Milan and Rome, today in Italian territory.


Once the period is defined, the researcher will have to consult previous studies on the Renaissance, its causes and consequences..

In this case, the historical setting could indicate that its origin took place in a context in which the power of the Church was being weakened, both by the Protestant Reformation and other causes. To this must be added the serious economic crisis that heralded the end of the feudal model.

This decline led to many power centers in Europe evolving towards a different state model, with more power for the monarchs. The arts, for their part, began to recover the styles from classical antiquity.

Gather information

The next step in establishing the historical framework of the investigation is to collect all the information that is needed using reliable sources..

Following the example of the Renaissance, some of the questions that the researcher should consider are: What historical moments were most important during that stage? Who occupied the centers of power? What changes occurred in the way of thinking? Etc..

The answers obtained should be used in relation to the object of the study. For example, in the case of changes in trade during this stage, it will be essential to know how the bourgeoisie appeared, analyze the decline of the feudal model or who benefited and harmed the changes.

Comprehensive review

It is also important to thoroughly review the information obtained. Sometimes, despite the fact that the source is authentic, it may be subjective as it has been prepared by one of the parties interested in the matter..

For example, in commerce there may be conflicting information depending on whether it has been produced by Venice or Genoa, two commercial powers with conflicting interests..

Examples of historical research frameworks

In a research project on gender violence

In a project that investigates gender violence, the historical framework would have to begin by explaining the origin of this type of violence. In addition, it could develop the first laws and movements that have emerged to prevent it.

In a research project on COVID-19

In this case, it would be convenient to explain what was the first contagion detected, the country in which the first prevention measures were taken and how it was spreading.

Economy during the Porfiriato in Mexico

In this case, the researcher must begin by delimiting the time to study: from the coming to power of Porfirio Díaz until the Mexican Revolution. You will also need to analyze what the economy was like before this period began..

Then he will have to study what Mexican society was like at the time and the changes that took place during the decades of the Porfiriato. Relations with the Church and with economic power groups will be other aspects to take into account.

Storming of the Bastille

If you are researching the storming of the Bastille, at the beginning of the French Revolution, the researcher should begin by studying how French society had reached the point that caused the insurrection against the monarchy.

Likewise, it is important that you study some of the main characters of the time, as well as the influence of the Enlightenment on the events studied..

Study for Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley

The work Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley in 1818, cannot be separated from the historical framework in which it was written. Thus, the researcher must study what I mean and the characteristics of the romantic movement of the early nineteenth century.

In addition, you will have to analyze the changes that were taking place in Europe due to the Industrial Revolution.


  1. Summarize. Historical Setting. Retrieved from resumenea.com
  2. Moreno Galindo, Eliseo. Definition of historical framework. Obtained from thesis-investigacion-cientifica.blogspot.com
  3. Fleming, Grace. The Importance of Historic Context in Analysis and Interpretation. Retrieved from thoughtco.com
  4. Mometrix. Historical Context Definition. Retrieved from mometrix.com
  5. Definition of. Historic context. Obtained from definicion.de

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