Evidence-based medicine stories, methodology, advantages

Abraham McLaughlin

The evidence-based medicine It is one that includes within medical practice the information extracted from scientific trials and studies in order to provide patients with the best care.

In order to make better use of the large amount of information that comes from constant research in the health area, different computer tools are used.

Evidence-based or evidence-based medicine relies on the knowledge obtained through research in order to improve the quality of medical care provided to patients. Source: pixabay.com

The incursion of technological tools in medicine has led to great advances in various areas, including the massification of information, which can be obtained in a very short time.

The concept appeared in the 90s, being also known as evidence-based medicine. It arose at the renowned McMaster University located in Canada, in whose medical school transformations were carried out in the curriculum in order to give importance to scientific evidence and its inclusion in daily medical practice.

The main objective of this discipline is based on the aid directed towards the reduction of the health losses of the people, as well as in the increase of the quality of the medical attention.

Given the unmanageable amount of information available and the need of the professional to take effective actions for the health of patients, evidence-based medicine arises.

The methodology used revolves around training, as well as the acquisition of skills aimed at obtaining the maximum benefit from the knowledge to effectively solve the cases..

In evidence-based medicine, a combination of knowledge, the experience of the doctor and the information acquired from the evidence is made..

Article index

  • 1 History
  • 2 steps
    • 2.1 Step 1
    • 2.2 Step 2
    • 2.3 Step 3
    • 2.4 Step 4
  • 3 Methodology
  • 4 Advantages
  • 5 Disadvantages
  • 6 References


Before the emergence of the concept of evidence-based medicine, there were several attempts aimed at improving the practices of science to increase the well-being of patients.

During the 19th century, the French physician Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis stressed the importance of taking into account the results obtained on a large scale.

That is, he highlighted the error that medicine focused only on the knowledge obtained through the evaluation of a single individual for scientific construction.

Likewise, in the middle of the 20th century (between the 50s and 60s) Archibald Cochrane dedicated himself to defending the relevance of clinical trials with regard to the contribution to medical knowledge.

While at the McMaster University School of Medicine in Canada, in the decade between 1970 and 1980, the term evidence-based medicine was first coined.

A transformation was carried out in the study plan in which priority is given to keeping doctors up-to-date through bibliographic review and the use of new technologies..

This proposal was formally presented by the university to the scientific community in 1992.


Evidence-based medicine relies on a series of steps in order to achieve the proposed objectives.

Step 1

The first action is aimed at establishing an order in what is intended to be investigated.

One of the relevant factors when solving a problem, so to speak, is knowing exactly what you are looking for.

If the doctor has a patient with a disease, whose symptoms it is not easy to determine exactly what it is or perhaps there are doubts about the appropriate treatment, the first thing to establish is what you want to know.

In this case, step 1 is associated with the formulation of a question that encompasses what is desired to investigate to make an accurate diagnosis and help the patient with the most effective treatment..

Step 2

The second step is related to the factors that the health professional must take into account to carry out the investigation.

One of the most important aspects is related to the way in which you will look for the information you need to deal with the case and what are the tools that you will use.

The tools that you will use to inquire about the subject you want to know may be the printed bibliographies to which you have access or consult the web.

Step 3

For the clinician, conducting research despite the high availability of technology is not always an easy task.

There are many difficulties that can arise for the professional to find the right search.

The first requirement that you must meet is to possess the required skills that allow you to optimally handle technology and take full advantage.

Also, you should be up-to-date about the specific pages where you can get reliable and quality information in a short period of time.

Step 4

It is the last action that will lead to the completion of the task and the fulfillment of the objectives proposed by evidence-based medicine.

It is about the application of the information obtained through the investigation, as well as the consultations made by various means.

This step is related to the application of the knowledge obtained through the investigation for the resolution of the case presented by the patient..

At this time, the doctor will inform the person about the latest treatments or trials successfully applied in other patients and, based on this, they will choose the best option to achieve well-being.


The method used by evidence-based medicine to provide optimal responses to the patient's discomfort is based on the combination of knowledge or skills.

In the first instance, the clinical experience of the doctor is taken into consideration, which refers specifically to the accumulated knowledge plus the skills acquired after practicing with the patients..

source: pixabay.com

The knowledge accumulated by the health professional is made up of the learnings acquired during their years of study added to those that come from continuous work.

On the other hand, in order to issue a satisfactory response and provide quality care to patients, which achieves the proposed objectives, you must resort to a bibliographic review.

This investigation must be thorough and rigorous. For this, the doctor must be prepared and have solid knowledge about computer tools.

Since the appearance of new technologies, medicine is one of the sciences that has benefited because professionals have a large volume of information in a very short time.

However, one of the skills required for the review to be fruitful and serve so that the professional can make the best decision is that they have extensive management and know how to find the information.


The advantages of evidence-based or evidence-based medicine are manifold. Among them, the main one is related to the improvement of methods to treat various diseases.

This is achieved by doctors through exhaustive research of quality information that will lead them to solve the health problems of their patients..

The methodology used allows the health professional to stay updated and in constant learning.

Likewise, the decisions will be well founded, since it will include the knowledge acquired by the doctor during the years of study, those that come from his experience and to which he can access through research..

The use of technology allows the professional to have at their disposal all the new information that comes from tests and studies that have been carried out recently..


One of the first disadvantages with respect to the establishment of evidence-based medicine resides in the non-acceptance of a part of the medical profession due to various circumstances.

One of the causes that make doctors doubt is based on disbelief about some clinical trials, as well as a resistance to transforming the methods with which they have traditionally been working.

In addition, it requires training aimed at health professionals in which they will be able to acquire the skills and abilities to find the required information with little time and effort..

This requirement can generate difficulties because there is not always a training available or perhaps some doctors are not interested in doing it or cannot for multiple reasons..

Another limitation of this model is associated with the possible lack of the required technology in some health centers with low budgets.

On many occasions, the information available on a certain topic does not exist or does not have the required scientific evidence and in that case, evidence-based medicine could not be used..


  1. Unfounded assertions. What is Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)? Taken from unfounded assertions.com
  2. Castellanos, O. A, Vásquez, M. P, I, (2016). What is evidence-based medicine? Taken from Medigraphic.org
  3. McGee, D, (2015). Evidence-based medicine and clinical guidelines. MANUAL MSD. Taken from msdmanuals.com
  4. Ortiz, Z. García, D. M, Laffaire, E. Evidence-based medicine. Taken from uns.academia.edu
  5. Rivera, W. C, (2004). Evidence-based medicine. Medicine of the 21st century. Med Hond Magazine.
  6. Sanchez, M. M, (2001). Evidence-based medicine in Mexico: Luxury or necessity? Medical Annals Magazine.

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