A discipline is characterized by having a corpus of research and scientific supports based on evidence. Psychology is the discipline that studies the emotions, thoughts and behaviors of people. Psychologists are qualified professionals, each in their field of action (clinical, sports, organizational, educational, legal, etc.) to intervene with people and work with their emotions, thoughts and behaviors.
Coaching is a method or strategy of intervention with people aimed at helping them achieve objectives, although for this it is difficult not to take into account and work with the emotional, cognitive and behavioral processes that favor these achievements.
Due to its plasticity and ease of application, Coaching spread outside the professional fields of psychology. There are coaches who are not psychologists and are capable of applying this method with great efficiency and solvency, although it is not entirely defined whether for these results they can do without intervening in emotions, beliefs and behaviors, that is, the field of action of discipline of psychology.
Coaching, although it can be adequately applied by anyone and allow satisfactory results, does not exempt the professional who exercises it from having to enter with great danger and risks, in the emotions, thoughts and behaviors of your clients. And that is why it is possible to understand the great risk of drastically reducing its effectiveness when the professionals who exercise it lack the necessary knowledge to know how to move between these variables.
Coaching not exercised by a psychologist can more likely turn the professional who performs it into a mere dispenser of methods and tools. A non-psychologist coach can be considered for all purposes an applicator of techniques since his professional qualification allows him to work with a method, but not with people, that is, with your emotional, cognitive and behavioral levels: doing so would be liable to commit a crime of professional intrusion.
Psychologists, on the contrary, do not work with methods, but with people, since their scope of action is precisely emotions, beliefs and behaviors: This does not mean that satisfactory results are achieved for the client when working with a non-psychologist coach, but it leaves those results under very unstable factors and variables, such as the greater or lesser knowledge of psychology on the part of the professional (which will be voluntary and under his interest or concern for improvement), his greater or lesser intuition, since he could move blindly between the emotional, cognitive and personality mechanisms of the client for whom he would not have the necessary preparation, and the luck that he has with "hitting the key", due to the partiality of that knowledge.
Psychologist Coaches encourage all professionals who practice coaching to enroll in psychology degrees and complete their undergraduate studies, since this will allow them to be better professionals, more prepared and effective in their Coaching interventions, in addition to guaranteeing their clients belong to a legally cataloged and regulated profession, with all the coverage and legal rights granted to them.
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