Methodological meaning, synonyms, antonyms, examples

Egbert Haynes
Methodological meaning, synonyms, antonyms, examples

The word "methodological”Means the path that is traced when carrying out a methodology, which is the science of the method. It is used in different fields of science, but also to call a person who is very cautious, who does things by following several steps.

It is important not to confuse the term "method" with "methodology", since the first is the plan chosen to achieve an end, while the second is the branch that studies the method..


Article index

  • 1 Meaning
    • 1.1 Definition and etymology
    • 1.2 Usefulness in research
    • 1.3 Methodological person
  • 2 Synonyms
  • 3 Antonyms
  • 4 Examples of use
  • 5 References


Definition and etymology

The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (DLE) indicates that methodological is an adjective belonging to or related to methodology. In turn, he defines this as the science of method and as the group of methods that are followed in a scientific investigation or in a doctrinal exposition..

The word "methodology" comes from three Greek words: "metà", which means "beyond"; "Odòs", which means "way"; and "logos", "study".

Usefulness in research

The job of a "methodologist" is to track and adopt acceptable strategies to increase knowledge gained. On the other hand, a subject who follows a "methodological" path uses the theory and epistemology of a topic to select specific research techniques..

The research needs a “methodological” framework, that is, the plan or structure to follow in order to have the answers to the questions that an investigation raises. In this process, it is necessary to indicate how the data will be obtained, how many of them there will be, which records will be obtained and how the analysis of the information obtained will be..

Some authors point out that the "methodological" framework is one of the crucial steps for the elaboration of a project, since it will depend on this that it has valid and reliable results..

This "methodological" design then depends on a number of varied factors, since some will be associated with the empirical referent of which it is wanted to problematize and others, with the conceptualizations that concern the research questions..

It is always necessary to know and remember what you want to analyze in order to contrast it in relation to the part of a reality to be observed and its environment or nature..

A clear example of a "methodological" framework is when university students, prior to graduation, must prepare a thesis. In this case, it is essential to put one together, since it explains the mechanisms followed to prepare the analysis of the problem to be investigated..

This "methodological" framework in general is located in the third chapter of a thesis and is the result of the inclusion of the concepts and foundations explained in the theoretical framework. It should mention all the proposed objectives of the thesis and report the fulfillment or not of the hypothesis on which the research task was based..

Methodological person

A "methodological" process is characterized by being disciplined, systematic and flexible for an approach that enables the analysis of a problem in its entirety. Hence, the reference to a "methodological" person also comes out, who is pointed out as a prudent, meticulous person who follows certain precepts when seeking a specific purpose..


It can be said that the words with meanings similar to "methodological" are "meticulous", "cautious", "prudent", "thinking", "structured", "meticulous", "detailed", "methodical", "conscientious", "Regulated", "organized", "jealous", "modal", "coordinated", "precise" or "regulated".


Meanwhile, the words that mean the opposite of "methodological" are "uncontracted", "disorganized", "disturbed", "disturbed", "upset", "bewildered", "subverted", "out of place", "disrupted" or "Unkempt".

Examples of use

-"Your research lacks support and I know that just by observing the methodological framework it presents".

-“I am quite behind with my thesis. I did not even begin to elaborate the methodological framework ".


  1. Methodological. Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from:
  2. Methodological framework. Agrarian University Foundation of Colombia. Recovered from:
  3. Fernando Patazzolo. (2013). "Keys to approach the methodological design". Recovered from:
  4. “The methodological mardo of the thesis. How to make it? ". Recovered from:

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