Atomic model of Democritus background, characteristics, postulates

Sherman Hoover
Atomic model of Democritus background, characteristics, postulates

The atomic model of Democritus He was the first to introduce the idea that matter is made up of indivisible basic elements, called “atoms”. In fact, the word atom means indivisible.

Democritus was a Greek thinker who lived between 460 BC and 370 BC. He was the father of atomism and a disciple of other Greek philosophers such as Leucippus and Anaxagoras. Democritus reaches his idea of ​​the atom after deep reflections.

It is said that while on the beach he thought that the sand grains were the result of the fragmentation of rocks and that despite their small size, they still had rock characteristics.

Then he questioned himself this way: “If I divide the grain of sand, I will have two grains of sand. If I divide it again, I will have finer grains of sand. But… what if I divide it even more? ". 

He then asked: "Can I continue the subdivision process indefinitely?" Then he concluded that a point would be reached such that the grains cannot be further fragmented and the basic indivisible constituent is reached: the atom.

Article index

  • 1 Characteristics of the atomic model of Democritus
  • 2 Postulates of the Democritus model
  • 3 Atomism
    • 3.1 Other atomistic philosophers of antiquity
  • 4 Democritus's atom: a long-forgotten model
  • 5 Articles of interest
  • 6 References

Characteristics of the atomic model of Democritus

Bust of Democritus of Abdera. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Democritus failed to realize that combinations of a few types of atoms were enough to explain all the diversity of matter. On the contrary, the philosopher thought that the atom of the grains of sand was exclusive of the sand. 

The same was true for wood and for any other substance. Each had its own type of atom. In conclusion, for Democritus the atom was the smallest possible fraction of each substance.

Furthermore, the atom was solid and without internal structure. The atoms of the different materials could differ in size, shape, mass, giving the characteristics of that material..

Among the conglomerate of atoms that make up any material, there is nothing but emptiness.

According to Democritus, each material has its characteristic type of atoms and the space between them is empty. Source: Prepared by: F. Zapata.

Democritus, of course, lacked the experimental means to verify these assertions. Neither did two of the most prestigious Greek philosophers: Aristotle and Plato, who did not share these ideas about the atom..

On the contrary, Aristotle and Plato supported the theory of Empedocles, which establishes four basic elements: earth, air, water and fire as fundamental components of matter..

It was the different combinations of these basic elements that gave rise to all the diversity of matter. And in this theory, the concept of the atom had no place.

Postulates of the Democritus model

The way Democritus conceived his model of the atom is far from the current scientific method. One of the philosophical currents of Ancient Greece, rationalism, does not hesitate to affirm the existence of things that, although not observable, are thus, forced by the force of logical reasoning.

Moreover, the Greek rationalists distrusted the senses, since they believed them to be deceptive and instead, they fully trusted the logic of their reasoning..

For the radical and rationalist Democritus, everything was atoms and emptiness. The philosopher believed that even the soul was made up of atoms and a lot of emptiness. Therefore its postulates can be summarized as follows:

-Atoms are indivisible, indestructible, invisible and eternal. 

-They can have movement and collide with each other, but never divide.

-The atom is the basis and justification of everything, there is no greater power, there is no greater purpose than the atom, according to Democritus. 

-The world and the universe only follow the laws of atoms, there is nothing else.


The philosophical school of atomism stated that matter by its elemental constituents is eternal and indestructible, the changes observed by the senses are only superficial, fundamentally everything is immutable and eternal..

So why is there cold or hot, sweet or sour, hard or soft? The answer is in the atoms, but in each state there are different movements or configurations. 

Water is soft because its atoms are rounded solids that roll over each other and have no chance of catching. On the other hand, the iron atoms are rough, toothed and can stick together and compact.

According to the atomism of Democritus, they are the same eternal solid and indivisible particles that due to their movement can collide with each other and form conglomerates or separate, liquefy and evaporate. They change the shape in appearance but they are always the same and indivisible atoms.

Other Atomist Philosophers of Antiquity

Post-Democritus, the philosopher Epicurus of Samos (341-270 BC) also held the belief in the atom in his own school of thought..

In India, a philosopher and physicist named Kanada (a nickname that translates to "eater of atoms") believed to have lived around the 2nd century BC. or earlier, also formulated ideas about the atom. 

Among these he spoke of the concept of indivisibility and eternity. He also affirmed that the atom had at least twenty qualities and four basic types, enough to describe the entire universe..

Democritus's atom: a long-forgotten model

For Aristotle the atomism of Democritus contradicted the concept of substance, in which the proportion of the elements (earth, air, water and fire) had to be maintained at all costs, no matter how small the fraction of it was. The substance for Aristotle is intrinsically continuous.

The great influence and prestige of Aristotle caused that the ideas of Democritus were dismissed and forgotten for a long time. Almost two thousand years have passed since then, when the English chemist John Dalton rediscovered the atom of Democritus and reformulated the theory.

In 1803, the English chemist John Dalton (1766-1844) took up the ideas of the atom and the elements. For Dalton there were some pure substances that were made up of elemental atoms.

Representation of Dalton's atomic model: the atoms would be indivisible, indestructible and homogeneous tiny spheres.

The different combinations of these atoms, in different proportions, is the explanation for all the diversity of matter.

For this scientist, a non-elemental substance is composed of particles that in turn are a union of two or more elemental atoms. And these substances can be separated into the elemental substances that constitute it.

The combinations of elemental atoms is unique for each substance, and is what we know today as molecules. For example the molecules of water or those of ethyl alcohol.

Articles of interest

Schrödinger's atomic model.

Atomic de Broglie model.

Atomic model of Chadwick.

Heisenberg atomic model.

Atomic model of Perrin.

Thomson's atomic model.

Dalton's atomic model.

Dirac Jordan atomic model.

Atomic model of Leucippus.

Bohr atomic model.

Sommerfeld atomic model.

Current atomic model.


  1. Atomism. Recovered from
  2. Berryman, S. Ancient Atomism. Recovered from
  3. Garrett, J. The Atomism of Democritus. Recovered from
  4. Wikispaces. The history of the atom: Democritus. Recovered from:
  5. Williams, M. Who Was Democritus? Recovered from:

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